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Name Something You Unreservedly Love About The Rise Of Skywalker


I don’t think it’s a secret that I found TROS to largely be a disappointment, but that doesn’t mean there aren’t things I liked about it. Because far too often this site becomes a hive of negativity, let’s try to be positive?

I’ll start. Something I love are the visuals. I think the film looks just great. I never had a problem with how TFA looked, but I wouldn’t try to argue it was anything but the least visually interesting of the Disney films. After TLJ specifically, I think Abrams and Mindel felt they needed to step their game up. And I feel like they truly did, and made one of the most visually interesting films of the saga in many regards.

What are some things you guys love?


The force Skype lightsaber fight

After being beaten and battered by prequel hate, I promise not to be that to the next generation.


Everything Threepio
What little we got of the Bollywood movie that seemed like it was just about to break out on Pasaana (but didn’t).
Everything Babu Frik
The soundtrack, especially the version of the main title that plays when Lando arrives to the final battle
The little shrug Ben gives when he pulls the saber from behind his back


I love how it felt like an EU novel. They may not have been the greatest books, but I had a blast reading them in the 90’s and I had a blast watching this now.

I also really love the fact that we finally got an extended adventure with the Poe/Finn/Rey crew, something that none of the other films ever did.

You probably don’t recognize me because of the red arm.
Episode 9 Rewrite, The Starlight Project (Released!) and ANH Technicolor Project (Released!)


That it’s the second SW film after Solo I haven’t watched a single second of.


Love that it feels like a Indiana Jones film during for the first half. Love that it focuses on the trio. Love every scene with Palpatine. Love that Rey actually has a strong motivation and a hidden desire to join the dark side. Love the pacing. Love the visuals. Love that Kylo’s attack in the desert feels like that scene from Lawrence of Arabia. Love the Jedi talking from space scene. Love the acting from all actors.


I might as well just quote what I was going to say since its already been said:

NeverarGreat said:

I also really love the fact that we finally got an extended adventure with the Poe/Finn/Rey crew, something that none of the other films ever did.

Broom Kid said:

Everything Threepio

The little shrug Ben gives when he pulls the saber from behind his back

There’s more too, such as Poe’s arc’s fulfillment. Character-wise, probably what I loved the most in this film. Also the Ben - Han scene. Really liked it, and I still think it was Leia that triggered the vision.


All of it. This was/is my favourite SW film since TESB. I just had an innocently joyful immersive time watching it.


NeverarGreat said:

I love how it felt like an EU novel. They may not have been the greatest books, but I had a blast reading them in the 90’s and I had a blast watching this now.

Say what you will about 90s EU novels, they were mostly competently structured stories that strived to expand on what was set up in the OT. I definitely didn’t get that same feeling from TROS, but to each their own.


Wexter said:

NeverarGreat said:

I love how it felt like an EU novel. They may not have been the greatest books, but I had a blast reading them in the 90’s and I had a blast watching this now.

Say what you will about 90s EU novels, they were mostly competently structured stories that strived to expand on what was set up in the OT. I definitely didn’t get that same feeling from TROS, but to each their own.

There was good EU and not-so-good EU, and this definitely felt like the latter. But even at its worst, the EU had an energy which I felt like this captured.

You probably don’t recognize me because of the red arm.
Episode 9 Rewrite, The Starlight Project (Released!) and ANH Technicolor Project (Released!)


I loved Babu Frik, seeing Lando again, and the visuals in the ruins of the death star (e.g. the throne room from ROTJ). While I enjoyed C3PO’s banter as always, his voice seemed different in TROS: so much so that I assumed it wasn’t Anthony Daniels until I saw his name in the credits.


I love that Chewie got his medal. Adywan should remove Chewie’s medal from ANH:R HD as it feels more earned in this film.


OutboundFlight said:

All the ridiculous stuff that I broke out laughing at in the theater.
8. The ancient dagger lines up to a recent crash.

You did get that the dagger was inscribed with the site of the crash, right? So the edge lining up to the specific spot does makes sense. So the dagger isn’t ancient.


CourtlyHades296 said:

I love that Chewie got his medal. Adywan should remove Chewie’s medal from ANH:R HD as it feels more earned in this film.

Why should Revisited fans who don’t like the ST suffer?


dgraham414 said:

The force Skype lightsaber fight

Broom Kid said:

Everything Threepio
Everything Babu Frik
The soundtrack, especially the version of the main title that plays when Lando arrives to the final battle
The little shrug Ben gives when he pulls the saber from behind his back

JawsTDS said:

The moment between Ben and Han was absolutely perfect.

Definitely agree with these.


The humor was much more on point and not just non sequiturs, I really enjoyed the character exchange between the trio when they reacted to Poe as an ex spice runner “you were a stormtrooper/scavenger!”. Playful motivated lines in moments like that really should have happened more in the beginning with TFA.

“The ability to destroy a planet is insignificant next to the power of the Force.” - DV

  • Babu Frik
  • Exogal looked cool (although I don’t like Palp returning)
  • Kylo’s arc was pretty satisfying. I loved him running around holding his blaster in a similar fashion to Han on Exogal, and him receiving Anakins saber with forcetime was awesome.
  • Rey’s yellow lightsaber looked cool I guess
  • Action was solid

I started doing bullet points because I thought I would have more to say. But I guess there really aren’t too many things I really like about the movie, at least not without having 3 asterisks after each point lol. Oh well.


I like the “force Skype”, as it was called above, especially with various objects jumping between Rey’s and Kylo’s surroundings. The best moment of that is for me the lightsaber being passed to Ben. It felt really epic and helped to restore the more mystical and mysterious aspects of the Force, rather than it being mostly about jumping high and moving stuff with your mind.

The Han scene was very good too.


Yavoth said:

I like the “force Skype”, as it was called above, especially with various objects jumping between Rey’s and Kylo’s surroundings.

Wait…are you saying The Force can now instantaneously teleport objects?

“It is only through interaction, through decision and choice, through confrontation, physical or mental, that the Force can grow within you.”
-Kreia, Jedi Master and Sith Lord


theprequelsrule said:

Yavoth said:

I like the “force Skype”, as it was called above, especially with various objects jumping between Rey’s and Kylo’s surroundings.

Wait…are you saying The Force can now instantaneously teleport objects?

It did in TLJ as well.


I miss that brief period of time pre-TESB when Force powers consisted solely of hightened senses/reflexes and subtle psychic abilities.


DuracellEnergizer said:

I miss that brief period of time pre-TESB when Force powers consisted solely of hightened senses/reflexes and subtle psychic abilities.


“It is only through interaction, through decision and choice, through confrontation, physical or mental, that the Force can grow within you.”
-Kreia, Jedi Master and Sith Lord


Mocata said:

theprequelsrule said:

Yavoth said:

I like the “force Skype”, as it was called above, especially with various objects jumping between Rey’s and Kylo’s surroundings.

Wait…are you saying The Force can now instantaneously teleport objects?

It did in TLJ as well.

Just some drops of water on Kylo’s hand. Bue were they real or just a feeling?

The Force Skype in TLJ is pure cinema, the movie use a basic editing principle to convey an idea, a concept. That’s the beauty of it: the movie show Rey & Kylo communicating, but doesn’t explain how it happens, what is real and what is not, and thus preserve the mystery of the Force. Are they present in both spaces simultaneously, or is it just all in their minds? For me, how it plays, it’s obviously all in their minds.

TROS on the other hand has the literal interpretation of the Force Skype, as a physical manifestation, both Rey & Kylo being physically present in each other space. I didn’t like it at all, and find it so mundane, like a magician trick, where in TLJ it was a truly poetic idea.