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Well, once again, he brought this upon himself.  He wanted people to join and that's what he got.


Han Solo @ NNRRPB! said:

Soo Just you two RP on this thread for a bit and I'll watch...

Um...no, that can't mean what I think it means.  But let's just see...

Ric Olie @ NNRRPB! said:

Ric Olie sauntered over to Moff Panaka. Although Ric never liked Panaka, his recent promotion to Moff somehow changed things. For example, Ric always thought Panaka's pointy hat was rather silly, and the leather was just ridiculous. But now something was different, and Ric was struggling to contain the new things he was feeling.

Should he tell Panaka what was on his mind?

Han Solo @ NNRRPB! said:




Haha.  We've abandoned "RP-ing" and gone straight for "obscure character slash fic!"  And it's "nice."

There is no lingerie in space…

C3PX said: Gaffer is like that hot girl in high school that you think you have a chance with even though she is way out of your league because she is sweet and not a stuck up bitch who pretends you don’t exist… then one day you spot her making out with some skinny twerp, only on second glance you realize it is the goth girl who always sits in the back of class; at that moment it dawns on you why she is never seen hanging off the arm of any of the jocks… and you realize, damn, she really is unobtainable after all. Not that that is going to stop you from dreaming… Only in this case, Gaffer is actually a guy.


Just posted my first...post. ;)

Hi all,

I wanted in on the fun, so here it goes...

It was then that a lone figure quietly made her way into the room. Jedi Erica said not a word, but simply approached hansom Ric, and bloody Panaka...silently. they continued talking for a moment before hearing Erica's super sexy voice...

"Hello boys...having fun?", Erica asked Ric and Panaka.

Ric, being the cool hansom guy he is, knew it was Erica, and only made an astute observation, while keeping an eye on his bloody prize. Panaka, however, looked up with his bloody puppy-dog eyes, and stared at Erica's stunning beautiful face, and thought he saw an odd glint in Erica's eye...as if she was there for him...but not sure why. Erica simply smiled, knowing that each of them thought she was there for them, one way or the other.

Star Wars Episode XXX: Erica Strikes Back

         Davnes007 LogoCanadian Flag

          If you want Nice, go to France


Yeah, especially when he tries to wrap his head around what a "cool, hansom guy" is:

There is no lingerie in space…

C3PX said: Gaffer is like that hot girl in high school that you think you have a chance with even though she is way out of your league because she is sweet and not a stuck up bitch who pretends you don’t exist… then one day you spot her making out with some skinny twerp, only on second glance you realize it is the goth girl who always sits in the back of class; at that moment it dawns on you why she is never seen hanging off the arm of any of the jocks… and you realize, damn, she really is unobtainable after all. Not that that is going to stop you from dreaming… Only in this case, Gaffer is actually a guy.


If I was drinking blue milk right now, it would have shot out of my nose.

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Gaffer Tape said:

Wow... just wow.  I'm honestly not sure how I feel about this whole thing.  On the one hand, I can't help but feel sorry for this dude trying to run his little game with you nozzles running around screwing with his life's ambitions.  On the other hand, I can't deny that I've been laughing... hard.

This is my problem too, Gaff. I hate upsetting people, so I won't be getting involved, but that doesn't mean I can't watch the rest of you screw with him.

xhonzi said:

doubleofive said:

And is he actually going to try to RP as Han Solo? Because that's a tall order. At least you've created your own version of Ric that you have a full grasp on. If "Han" does anything out of character, you can jump all over him saying "Han wouldn't do that".

It's just weird to me.

The best part: If he shoots first: call him on it. If he doesn't shoot first: call him on it.


Star Wars Revisited Wordpress

Star Wars Visual Comparisons WordPress


doubleofive said:


Gaffer Tape said:

Wow... just wow.  I'm honestly not sure how I feel about this whole thing.  On the one hand, I can't help but feel sorry for this dude trying to run his little game with you nozzles running around screwing with his life's ambitions.  On the other hand, I can't deny that I've been laughing... hard.

This is my problem too, Gaff. I hate upsetting people, so I won't be getting involved, but that doesn't mean I can't watch the rest of you screw with him.


While I respect you two for not getting involved, let me just say...



Name: DirtyWookie
Race: Wookiee
Age: 99
Faction: Jedi
Occupation: Lover / Jedi
Weapons: Lightsabre / Crossbow / Handcuffs / Ryyk Blades
Weapon Proficiencys: Can do things with a sabre that no Wookiee in history could ever match. His weapon also pleased the ladies
Equipment: Large
Ship(s): Slave 69


DirtyWookie was an outcast among the Wookiees. His clumsiness and his ability to say and do the wrong things at the wrong time made him a loose cannon when it came to fighting the Galactic Empire.
DirtyWookie also has a major flaw, in that he loved the ladies, a little too much, which in turn gave him the name Dirty. But he realised in order to full fill his destiny, things had to change...

Dirty had one saving grace. Dirty was a rarity among Jedi. As Force-sensitives were even less common among Wookiees than among other species, with only one being born every century or so. This made him unique among the Jedi. For this, he had endure the pain of being the only Wookiee Jedi in a Millennia.

Since most of the people Dirty would have to interact with were not fluent in Shyriiwook, the Wookiee trade language, he used a small translator droid that he carried at his waist named Talky.

Name: Erica Spinebreaker
Race: Beta'zed
Age: Myth
Faction: I don't know anymore.
Occupation: Hunting For Things
Weapons: Saber, Dagger
Weapon Proficiencys: Saber, Blaster, Board-with-nail
Equipment: Saber, Dagger, GPS, Toy

Ship: "Jane Air" - A Vor'cha class starship,'aquired' on one of her missions, she almost destroyed it...but her shots somehow missed, but still forced her prey to eject and be killed by following shots. After checking it out, she descovered that it was a very advanced ship...which was in a sad state of repair. She towed it to Tattoine, where she was able to find the parts she needed from an odd flying creature that has his little child helper service my needs. She renamed it "Jane Air", and from then on used it to it's full potential...by reading the 10-pound manual.

History: Born on a little backwater planet some have started calling 'Earth', as Erica Jane Spinbreaker, she was discovered by a mysterious force user, known only as Mistress Campbell. She was trained from the age of 4 to used force powers (and her 'personal' powers), to get & do anything she wanted. Saber technique was the main focus, weapon wise, but also included lessons using a blaster, throwing weapons, and a strange thing that was only ever described as 'a toy'.

Unfortunately, while going through her trials on Mustafar, Mistress Campbell was slain by a Jedi Master they had recently met there. When Erica successfully finished her trial, she found her beloved Mistress' body, with a lightsaber gash across her neck. She held her Mistress, desperately trying to revive her, and was only able to bring her back long enough to learn the name of her new enemy - Master Jedi Riky.

Many years have passed since that moment, but it still haunts her nightmares, driving her just a bit closer to the darkside, and a bit closer to getting revenge. Anyone with a name close to "Riky" should stay out of her, lest you find yourself at the business end of her purple lightsaber.

RP Example: As Erica got ever closer to her prey, sadly knowing that even though she enjoyed the pursuit, it wouldn't fill the hole in her soul, the part of her that need filling by something big...something that would satisfy her need, and desire for a glorious climax to her career. Suddenly, the ship infront of her began to draw closer as they approached a gloomy planet. Erica prepared for confrontation as the two ships landed on the slimy mud-hole, having an odd feeling...like there was something strong with the force down there.

The entry was rough, but Erica soon gained control of herself, and watched as the ship she had longed to capture impacted on the mucky surface...and no body got out. 'Crap' Erica thought to herself, thinking that the crash had sadly done her work for her. As she finished her landing cycle, she could see that the other pilot was still moving, desperately trying to get out of his new prison. Not likely things to be too easy, Erica used the force to help him get out of his crippled ship, at the same time popping open her own cock-pit, and jump-twirling out...lightsaber in hand, and at the ready.

"This is where the fun begins..."



Ric Olie @ NNRRPB! said:

Wait, why were his MegaTigers approved and mine weren't?

This Panaka is getting worse all the time.

Han Solo @ NNRRPB! said:

Well because now I know you guys are NOT gonna continue that story line so your RP examples don't matter anymore!

WTF?  I worked for minutes on that RP example!


TV's Frink said:

WTF?  I worked for minutes on that RP example!

That's my problem, it would have taken me a few hours to write that. Working and reworking it to be perfect. That's why I can't get involved.

Star Wars Revisited Wordpress

Star Wars Visual Comparisons WordPress


Just do it in 5 minutes.  Write it once, whatever comes into your head.  If you are writing about your weapons and you think "cucumber," put that down.





"[George Lucas] rebooted the franchise in 1997 without telling anyone." -skyjedi2005

"Yeah, well, George says a lot of things..." a young 1997 xhonzi on RASSM

"They're my movies." -George Lucas. 19 people won oscars for their work on Star Wars (1977) and George Lucas wasn't one of them.

Rewrite the Prequels!



DirtyWookie I thought was 'mildly funny'... until I saw the Avatar.  Now I can't stop giggling.

Poor, poor Han Solo...

More archiving...

"Panaka didn't understand," said Panaka. What were all of these fools did' at Panaka's debriefing? Why did Ric looked so confused...? Panaka thoughted that the Traitor Olie hated Panaka. But Panaka also thoughted that the past years hadn't been so kind to Traitor Olie, not as kinded as they have had been to Panaka, more specifically to Panaka's abs, which were clearly to have been seen since they done stripped Panaka to the waist when the shackled Panaka to the chair. And now this Seductive Lady has entered the room, and yet the Traitor Olie hadn't had looked at her the whole time since! He, it had looked, only had had eyes for Panaka. This maded Panaka very uncomfortable. But he didn't wanted to say anything, because Solo still had a carefully trained eye on him. First Solo says talk in the 3rd person, so Panaka talks in the third person. Now he says Panaka doesn't talk in the third person. What does this fool thinked he knew about Panaka?!?!? At least Panaka has this past tensed thing licked by then.


The funniest thing here to me is that all he has collected are retards.  There's not a straight man on his site!  If there were more people just trying to play, I think I'd feel worse for messin' with it. 


"[George Lucas] rebooted the franchise in 1997 without telling anyone." -skyjedi2005

"Yeah, well, George says a lot of things..." a young 1997 xhonzi on RASSM

"They're my movies." -George Lucas. 19 people won oscars for their work on Star Wars (1977) and George Lucas wasn't one of them.

Rewrite the Prequels!



There is someone named mime who hasn't posted yet.  Dunno who that is.

Also, I wanted to archive this post from yesterday because it was my first ever Dirty Dancing reference.

Ric Olie @ NNRRPB! said:

Ric Olie licked his lips at the sight of Panaka getting shocked by the vibro-cuffs. Ric was pleased to see that although Panaka appeared hurt and angry, there was a slight look of excitement in his eyes as well.

Or was Ric just imagining it?

Either way, Ric was pleased to observe Han Solo in the corner, watching the whole thing go down.

"I'm pleased to see you watching the whole thing go down," Ric observed. "Perhaps you should come out of that corner. After all, nobody puts Han in the corner."

Finally, this was priceless...

Moff Panaka @ NNRRPB! said:

Wait a minute! Moff Panaka was a Moff! Panaka couldn't have had a Star Destroyer under his command? What the frink, man?

Can't wait to see what he does with the expletive "frink."


Han Solo @ NNRRPB! said:

Panaka... For the love of christ... Look, you RP in third person from YOUR perspective... But Panaka himself doesn't... Why would he talk in third person?! Ric's got it, so just copy him!



I can't wait until DirtyWookie has to take a dump.


"[George Lucas] rebooted the franchise in 1997 without telling anyone." -skyjedi2005

"Yeah, well, George says a lot of things..." a young 1997 xhonzi on RASSM

"They're my movies." -George Lucas. 19 people won oscars for their work on Star Wars (1977) and George Lucas wasn't one of them.

Rewrite the Prequels!



TV's Frink said:

There is someone named mime who hasn't posted yet.  Dunno who that is.


They might be as fun to read as a wookiee.

Here's my example Mime RP:













"[George Lucas] rebooted the franchise in 1997 without telling anyone." -skyjedi2005

"Yeah, well, George says a lot of things..." a young 1997 xhonzi on RASSM

"They're my movies." -George Lucas. 19 people won oscars for their work on Star Wars (1977) and George Lucas wasn't one of them.

Rewrite the Prequels!



Hey - you stole that joke from my "This Thread is Now About..." thread!  I challenge you to a RP duel, good sir!

EDIT: Ric Olie entered the room and saw that Panaka had stolen his work yet again. 

"You have stolen my work yet again," Ric observed.  "I challenge you to a duel, good sir!"


*walks into thread, looks around* 

what the heck is going on here????