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Lord of the Rings Trilogy - Extended Edition coming to Blu-Ray — Page 4


I haven't watched LOTR in ages, and never seen the Blu rays. Are colors on Extended Edition DVDs faithful to 35mm?

Fanrestore - Fan Restoration Forum: https://fanrestore.com


Well, I don't think anyone knows for sure but I think it's quite safe to assume, that they are far closer to 35mm, than the EE BD.


There's some debate over the matter of DVD (and any home format, for that matter) being able to reproduce the colors as accurately as film. Colorspace of standard ntsc, mpeg2, etc., etc. I don't know the details exactly. The DVDs are, however, supposed to have been closer to the original films, as they did not recolor them like they did on the blue ray EE set. 

IMO, at least kk got rid of the green tint. From what I saw, they aren't as "perfect " as they could be, but are less green tinted than the source he worked from. 


analog said:

IMO, at least kk for rid of the green tint.



Darn phone. Got, not for. That's what I get for using Swype in a hurry.


Well, yes but simply getting rid of the green tint is something I did in ffdshow settings every time I watched the official BD but the colr-timing has been changed far beyond just the green push - the original timing was far more stylized than the EE BD, which has a more real-life look to it once you get rid of the green tint, so what I'd like to see would be a version with the true original colors or at least close to them - I wanted to try doing this myself but I'm quite busy with real-life stuff and other projects and I know there are people who are much better at color correction than I am.


As there are several BD editions of the trilogy, I can't remember which one has EE (Edge Enhancement) and which not... IIRC the extended edition has EE, while the theatrical cut not... am I right?

Sadly my projects are lost due to an HDD crash… 😦 | [Fundamental Collection] thread | blog.spoRv.com | fan preservation forum: fanres.com


I don't think there's a big edge enhancement problem in either release but if there is some edge enhancement, it's likely in the theatrical version, which also sufferes from extensive DVNR.


So, the extended edition has no (or low?) EE and DVNR, while the color grading is different from the extended DVD, right?

Sadly my projects are lost due to an HDD crash… 😦 | [Fundamental Collection] thread | blog.spoRv.com | fan preservation forum: fanres.com


Yes, the EE of FOTR is a far superior transfer but with screwed up colors.


Mmmhh... what if... you know... (-^,)

Sadly my projects are lost due to an HDD crash… 😦 | [Fundamental Collection] thread | blog.spoRv.com | fan preservation forum: fanres.com


Well... color regrading the EE using the TC as color reference...

Sadly my projects are lost due to an HDD crash… 😦 | [Fundamental Collection] thread | blog.spoRv.com | fan preservation forum: fanres.com


Well, that's obvious but are you going to do it?  It's not going to be easy due to both the length of the movie and the fact that the colors of the EE are so destroyed, that certain levels are completely gone.


As I stated in the list of my future project, LOTR trilogy is one I'd like to do, even because the Italian audio track on BD has the wrong pitch, where the DVD got the right one.

I have a very good idea to recover almost all the image quality, at least in the scenes present in both EE and TC, but frankly I'd like to make further testing to be sure I could make a good job - because it will take so many time, and I'm still stuck with this tiny monitor...

kk650 made a very good job with it, but my project will be a bit different: the mission will be to replicate as close as possible the DVD color grading, using the BD as source (and also HDTV, if necessary).

Sadly my projects are lost due to an HDD crash… 😦 | [Fundamental Collection] thread | blog.spoRv.com | fan preservation forum: fanres.com


Well, it seems like you may have had the same idea as I did a while ago - I thought about layering the theatrical BD over the Extended one for the Theatrical scenes and then setting the blending mode of the theatrical BD video to color but I did some tests and it wasn't quite so easy, because the cropping is very different, where the OT BD is more cropped on the right and less on the left than the EE BD (or the other way round, I don't temeber exactly), so you have to crop the EE footage quite a bit for this approach to work, plus the cropping difference isn't consistent troughout, so you'd have to readjust the overlay shot by shot and even the warping is slightly different, so this approach is problematic at best.


...I thought it to be too good to be true! (xx/)

Sadly my projects are lost due to an HDD crash… 😦 | [Fundamental Collection] thread | blog.spoRv.com | fan preservation forum: fanres.com


analog said:

Darn phone. Got, not for. That's what I get for using Swype in a hurry.

 Ok fine, but what the hell is kk?


         This has flashing back to my own rudimentary attempts at color adjustment.

         You can never get exactly what appeared in the original theatrical presentations. It's just a matter of playing around until you can produce something about as good or maybe even improved (for a different format.)

         I never had the equipment or could go very far.

        Contrast and brightness was always a big question mark. "Do we really need the darkest 5 or 6 degrees, or the brightest 5 or 6?" "Does it get too muddy?" "Could they be left in the mid-range to avoid constant readjustment?"

        Edge adjustments and drops  might not be as useful as picking middle range and getting simple and clear edges.

        I simplified down to five degrees of adjustment for each and then tried a sort of color reversed OTTO (or OTOT) to get 10. I didn't know whether I wanted to play with that many different parameters and I was afraid that 10 could increase my difficulties exponentially.

       In short, I didn't really know what I was doing.

       I'll leave it to the pros.


TV's Frink said:

analog said:

Darn phone. Got, not for. That's what I get for using Swype in a hurry.

 Ok fine, but what the hell is kk?


Fanrestore - Fan Restoration Forum: https://fanrestore.com


To think even a digital freak like Peter Jackson shot 35mm once upon a time :(!I remember hearing that the EE Blu-rays were taken right of the DI as opposed to how the DVD transfers were done (Telecine?), but there was controversy aboutover-saturated  greens on FOTR BR. I doubt WB want to fix it,especially with the market for physical media about to die. Flaws and all (and there are many, particularly in the new trilogy which could've and should've been one three-hour film at most), I love the hell out of these movies anyway, and continue to pay for The Lord of Excess' extended cuts ;). I'm waiting on the inevitable mega-Middle Earth boxed set (Which God willing, will have ALL of the extras, UV copies, the works), but given that the EE of DOS won't be of until December, the EE of BOFA will probably be NEXT December, and the boxed set some time after that. And man alive, is that a long ass wait :(. And try renting the EE's right when they come out just to see what's new, it's a bitch. Managed to get the last one at a library by carefully watching when it was returned and driving out. 

“What Orwell feared were those who would ban books. What Huxley feared was that there would be no reason to ban a book, for there would be no one who wanted to read one.”

Neil Postman, Amusing Ourselves to Death


Harmy said:

Well, it seems like you may have had the same idea as I did a while ago - I thought about layering the theatrical BD over the Extended one for the Theatrical scenes and then setting the blending mode of the theatrical BD video to color but I did some tests and it wasn't quite so easy, because the cropping is very different, where the OT BD is more cropped on the right and less on the left than the EE BD (or the other way round, I don't temeber exactly), so you have to crop the EE footage quite a bit for this approach to work, plus the cropping difference isn't consistent troughout, so you'd have to readjust the overlay shot by shot and even the warping is slightly different, so this approach is problematic at best.

What if you just replaced as much EE as possible with the theatrical BD? Restoring the original color to the extended/deleted scenes would probably require good image registration software, but is there a quality difference between the two Blu-rays which would make this unfeasible?

You probably don’t recognize me because of the red arm.
Episode 9 Rewrite, The Starlight Project (Released!) and ANH Technicolor Project (Released!)


Well, as was mentioned before, the theatrical BD looks like ass because of DVNR.


TV's Frink said:

analog said:

Darn phone. Got, not for. That's what I get for using Swype in a hurry.

 Ok fine, but what the hell is kk?

 It's a shorter version of KKK. That should be obvious when he's talking about getting rid of colours.