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JasonN's PT FanEdits (Attack of the Federation, Twilight of the Republic, & The Black Knight Rises) (Released) ** Revised V3 Cuts In The Works — Page 12


I've mentioned this in the Radical Redux Thread but I thought I'd post it here too (shame I didn't think about it before you did your edit but if you do another version you might consider doing this).

There were apparently a few lines in TPM script that could be put back in an edit using your blacked out, voice masked Sidious hologram.

When the Trade Federation are fretting about the Senate ambassadors being Jedi, Sidious says "You seem to be more worried about the Jedi than you are about me" he then delivers a Force Choke to one of them and warns, "My reach is greater than any Jedi".

If you found someone who could do a near Sidious delivery and manipulated the voice in the same way you did the rest of his lines you might be able to put this in. With his face obscured you wouldn't have a problem with lip sync.

It reminded me of how Vader delivered a little Force choke to Lando when he was warning him about altering his deal with a Sith Lord.


So I'm wondering, and this is just a hypothetical question here, but how exactly does a torrent work when there are no seeders?

You know of the rebellion against the Empire?

fishmanlee said:

can i have the after effects template you used? i need it for one of my edits

Which one?

I've used quite a few for these fanedits.

Erikstormtrooper said:

So I'm wondering, and this is just a hypothetical question here, but how exactly does a torrent work when there are no seeders?

There are more than a few folks seeding now.  It just takes a while while others complete their download and they can begin seeding themselves.



EDIT: On second thought...  go find the AE files yourself.


Been thinking about it for a while now and.... I think I'm gonna go ahead and do a V2 "Color-Corrected" release of Attack of the Federation. (to remove that damn pink/red hue that present throughout the movie)


JasonN said:

Been thinking about it for a while now and.... I think I'm gonna go ahead and do a V2 "Color-Corrected" release of Attack of the Federation. (to remove that damn pink/red hue that present throughout the movie)

Do it. =)


vaderios said:

how aggressive will be the color correction? Subtle or radical?

Probably leaning more towards "subtle" - again, I'm more concerned with removing the "magenta" (and occassionally "cyan") tones that are present throughout the video and making the film look more natural (like what Adywan did with ANH).


Color-correction, test 1: "Interior of Amidala's ship"
(the left side is the original video, while the right side is the color-corrected video)



JasonN said:

Color-correction, test 1: "Interior of Amidala's ship"
(the left side is the original video, while the right side is the color-corrected video)


It's extremely subtle, to the point of not really removing the pink caste. I would take a look at Adywan's TPM color correction, maybe use that as a source.


Jason, that looked pretty good!  I think the original pink wasn't as obvious so your changes don't really stand out.  The close up on R2 makes the differences obvious.


The color-correction on AOTF is finished and I've started rendering the video file. Again, this is not any sort of "revolutionary" color-correction - just a subtle CC of the film to remove the red/magenta hue that's present on the DVD release of EP1.

Also, there will be one new, abit minor cut to the edit:
I removed the scene of Anakin explaining the C3PO is a protocol droid to help his mom.
(and a poor slave woman would need a protocol droid because.... why???)


Because some help is better than no help? *shrugs*

Forum Moderator

Rendering the video for the 2.0 DVD of AOTF right now - my CC to the film includes a Color-Corrector to remove the red/magenta hue to the DVD video and a slight Curves filter to give a bit of a boost to the brightness/contrast. Here's some previews screenshots:



Oh yeah baby!

I d like to see some saber shots and some night coruscant snapshots.

They have the most problems

I love the curves ;)





vaderios said:

I love the curves

That's what I told Padme.  Didn't get me anywhere, unfortunately.


For the V2 release of EP3 (since I'm redoing all my Prequel edits to have better video and aspect ratio), I'm giving a slight extension to the "Dooku Duel" sequence by adding back his "I sense great fear in you, Skywalker" speech (the only line that I cut is his final line).

I haven't rotoscoped his lightsaber for the extended shots yet, but it will be purple in the final version:


Today I was using The Google to browse The Internets, specifically in order to find a sexy new avatar for myself.  I searched Google Images for "Ric Olie" and on page 15 I found posters for AOTF, TOTR, and TBKR.

JasonN, you should think about adding me to TOTR and TBKR for your v2 edits.  We wouldn't want to make a liar out of The Google, now would we?