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J. Williams & LSO, The EMPIRE STRIKES BACK AUDIOPHILE EDITION - Restored & Remastered Score (Released) — Page 13


It has been a while since I posted here, but reading through this thread really make me want to ask one thing; how do I get links for this glorious set?


It must be a closed release. That's no problem, this gives me time to listen to his OPTIMUM release.


Well i finally had chance to sit down and listen to CD's 1 & 2 today (sorry it's taken me so long ABC but it's a bit of a madhouse here at the moment).

  What an amazing piece of work you have done here ABC. I've never heard this soundtrack sound so good. The whole sound feels so rich and alive. instruments that had been almost buried for years with the latest CD releases are back where they should be.

Now i will admit that i just had to listen to it again but this time i enabled the crystalizer function on my soundblaster X-Fi Fatality soundcard and my god it was like listening to it again for the first time. if anyone has this feature on their pc then just try it with this enabled and you can see just how clear ABC has made this soundtrack. Many times this function, while making everything sound amazing, also has the downside of showing up mastering problems and other problems within the recording. But no. Not with this one. yes you could hear the odd crackle now and then but only as a distant sound and i almost didn't notice this

there was a slight flaw (noticed without the crystalizer enabled) on "main title"  at about 2:42 that i mentioned to ABC about where the stereo field seems to shift but loses some of the left channel for a second or so then it kicks back in. I don't know if this is on the original source or not because i haven't heard that in a long time. But really this is nothing.


Thank you ABC for all your hard work in giving us this amazing piece of work.

p.s. is CD 3 finished because i would love to be able to listen to this

p.p.s i did try replying to you a while back but it wouldn't let me because it said i wasn't on your friends list. i hope you don't think i was ignoring your messages

thanks :)




adywan said:


p.s. is CD 3 finished because i would love to be able to listen to this

If we got the same download links, then CD 3 is part of the Part 2 rar.

Echoing Adywan's thought, it has been a madhouse around here, too, so I haven't been able to sit down and properly listen yet. But things are retuning to normal (meaning boring), so I should be able to sit down and enjoy them soon. :)

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adywan said:

there was a slight flaw (noticed without the crystalizer enabled) on "main title"  at about 2:42 that i mentioned to ABC about where the stereo field seems to shift but loses some of the left channel for a second or so then it kicks back in. I don't know if this is on the original source or not because i haven't heard that in a long time. But really this is nothing.

This was something I wanted to bring up as well quite some time ago, but it seems every time it occurred to me on was checking the forum on an iPad which for some reason won't allow any text to be typed into the reply fields.  Odd.

The same shift is present on CD 3 as well and even on v3 of ABC's Optimum edition.  My guess is it's something unfixable.  Any insight on this one ABC?

This was the only time I heard this on any of the tracks. Again, an amazing release!

O.T. or No T., baby!

ANH:R Cover Art

ESB:R Cover Art


Just checked the RSO LP rip I have, the SE, and the Anthology release.  The shift does not seem to be there.  Maybe this is an artifact from splicing a couple sources together?

O.T. or No T., baby!

ANH:R Cover Art

ESB:R Cover Art


If you guys mean around the 2:40 mark on the Main Title, it's simply the badly remixed SE part that's been spliced in between the better quality sources, maybe that is what you hear. Unfortunately that piece of music is only available on the SE album but I think he did a very good job to blend it as the stereo image especially on that cue is horrible.

We want you to be aware that we have no plans—now or in the future—to restore the earlier versions. 

Sincerely, Lynne Hale publicity@lucasfilm.com


I think I've noticed that, it sounded like something didn't quite fit for a brief moment.  Figures it was just the SE soundtrack being rubbishy, so I guess there's little point worrying about it too much if it can't be fixed.  It didn't seem like the kind of thing ABC would have let slide if he could help it, anyway.

I feel like I'm repeating myself every time I say it (lol), but I really do love this remastered set.  The sound isn't quite so forward, so it doesn't call attention to itself--you have to listen carefully to hear improvements and so forth, but even if you just kick back and let it play without worrying about the details, it sounds right and comfortable and excellent in a way the SE soundtrack never did.  Without the harshness and scorching high frequencies, the true sound of the music comes through much more clearly.



I got your two earlier releases of this most wonderful of film scores and was truly impressed by your painstaking diligence at the restoration of so many subtle details.

This is my number one favorite film score and it's nice to know that there are still those out there that care, and are willing to put so much of there personal time into a project, for no monetary gain.  I wished that Lucas Film would care even half as much.  It's just weird.  I just can't figure Lucas out.

Anyway, thanks for all the work.  Maybe sometime I will have a chance to hear the third edition of your project.


One thing I would like to see, or do my self, if I can learn how, would be a combination into one, of all the end credit music for all three SW films.  Just let all the various themes seqway from one to another, creating a continuous arc that would go for ten or more minuets.  A super end credit track!


Well, there are many messages to reply there... Sorry for the lack of maintenance in this thread. I admit the lack of interest about such a restoration over 4 months was a bit of a disappointment, notably in such a dedicated forum ;)

Well, first... about the booklet:

Darth Wagner said:

ABC! I try to figure out a correct way to put your beautiful CD - cover together using file  "Booklet and covers". A question... how to make 3 CD cover in a right way? Could you post a pair of cover(s) - photos so one could see the end result? It would give one an idea how to cut and glue everything in place. 

For example: Sheet B - recto: "Paste separate pocket on white mark"

- Why is the white mark on a visible recto - side of that?

- Where and what is exactly "the separate pocket" here in the collection?

- Is "pocket" something I have to buy separately?

- There are only clearly shown covers for CD 1 & 2. Do I have to take CD 3-cover from another file (short booklet & covers) ?

Thank you for helping, it may help others as well. Cheers



 It's noticed in the booklet info .txt: the pockets ("inner sleeves" should I have said ?) are missing. It's easy to build for yourself. The best way if you don't have collector CD's is to go in a place where you can find low price occasional ones and check how they're built.

You also may need to find a place where they will help you build the set. I've found one where they were able to build the booklet for me, but not through the shape of the 3 folders I prepared. They could only assemble it through one big folder stuck with hot glue... You'll also have to find solid cardboard as used for books etc...

I suggest you make it simple: use the 16 pages booklet (1 folder), and find a store were they can staple it !

Edit: Anyway, you still have the guides almost everywhere if you open the stuff in Photoshop. You can imagine and build any kind of design for the set and make these arts fit. I've just shown a couples of ways... You do the rest !


Savage said:

I don't know if ABC wants to give out step-by-step instructions on the booklet; it may just be a "if you know what you're doing" kind of thing.

Good guessing !

However, I would love to see some pics of a fully assembled case/booklet from ABC or anyone brave enough to attempt it on their own.

I would love too. I don't have time to finish mine for the moment.


Ripplin said:

I see your name is wider now. Heh.

Yes, and my title smells a little stronger ! ha ! 


I spell and write it like in the original country... I'm well placed to tell ! But let's go back on topic before we attract some other cheesy guy here ! ;)


Fedra said:

I own the Anthology and Special edition and i think they are both good releases but i am curious about your version.


... and said:

I'm a big John Williams fan

 Amazing ! How can it be ?!! Isn't there a contradiction there ?

I'm not even a J. Williams "fan" ! I just could spot what a masterpiece ESB was and still is next to nowadays score industry.

I wonder if only the samples make a difference for you... (?)


A B C said:

But let's go back on topic before we attract some other cheesy guy here ! ;)



WTF? This is the second time you've banned yourself - what are you playing at?

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adywan said:


... i enabled the crystalizer function on my soundblaster X-Fi Fatality soundcard and my god it was like listening to it again for the first time. if anyone has this feature on their pc then just try it with this enabled and you can see just how clear ABC has made this soundtrack.


I'm glad to learn you're able to appreciate the sound even on your computer ! I worked mainly on an old one (for mastering) as the more recent one I used for editing was quite poor at highlighting any improvement in the sound...


there was a slight flaw (noticed without the crystalizer enabled) on "main title"  at about 2:42 that i mentioned to ABC about where the stereo field seems to shift but loses some of the left channel for a second or so then it kicks back in. I don't know if this is on the original source or not because i haven't heard that in a long time. But really this is nothing.


Oh yeah, that's simple: the SE has the famous missing bit, and goes back to that segment we know. this latter one is featured in the LP and the RSO CD, on the Anthology too, but only the SE as a neat biginning for that segment...

Then, the first 3 seconds belong to the SE and as you noticed it misses sound, mostly the violins, on the left channel. So it's a splice between the SE and the Anthology (The RSO was unusable on that 10 sec bit, because the stereo didn't fit if I remember, or perhaps because of the weird synthetizer echo wich was going on, I mean the one they added on this early release for transition with the previous bit).

Anyway, I considered the editing and the matching sonority was good enough to let it go, mostly when it's not that noticeable on HI-FI speakers (... it is totally noticeable with headphones though). I could have tried the same thing I've done on "mynock cave" however, when I borrowed a little of the opposite channels to make the stereo of the two different releases match - the stereo tracks on that SE one really needed a "bridge" ! - But I didn't felt it would turn so good on that "Ice Planet" bit... There was just too much work and things to try around with the other tracks to focus on this.

I admit I though that was funny to let it go to show both the editing and the mastering quality... A little as a "souvenir" ! :)



Thank you ABC for all your hard work in giving us this amazing piece of work.

Great ! :)

p.p.s i did try replying to you a while back but it wouldn't let me because it said i wasn't on your friends list. i hope you don't think i was ignoring your messages


Hehe !... "Not on my friend list". Note that it's Jay's software wich says that, not me !

Well, sorry again, indeed I should have warn everyone you couldn't reply to my PM's... Truth is I prefer to read feedback here, not only to advertise the work, but also to retrieve some useful inputs later if needed... Who know ?

... And for the last point: yes, I remember I thought (for a while) ;)



Moth3r said:

WTF? This is the second time you've banned yourself - what are you playing at?

 Mmmhh ? Yeah, sorry... Other mission, other profile.

Current mission: lurking around + mostly one feedback to give. Besides, gonna change my avatar as soon as I can make one.

TV's Frink said:

A B C said:

But let's go back on topic before we attract some other cheesy guy here ! ;)


 Hehehe. Caught !


Savage said:


However, my end-all, be-all version will be more or less like the anthology version with the final note fade-out of Yoda's theme into the Imperial March, with the percussion-less March to follow.  On the AE (as you very well know :) ), the album version has the fade out, with the concert version Imperial March, while the film version has a more abrupt cut between Yoda and the March, but without the percussion (as heard during the end credits).

Anyway, for my own personal edification, I'm going to make an amalgamation of the tracks for myself since it will be pretty easy with the quality they are now.  And maybe I'll get cracking on that RSO double vinyl recut with these as the source...then again, maybe not. ;)


 BTW, I think I haven't managed this film version as it deserved... I think it needs (talking about the percussion-less bit) to be re-balanced without too much hesitation on the left, just try it. It should make the stereo better, give back many instruments and in the same time lower the over-saturation. You could even try with my very first mastering of it (the OT ST "salvage") wich doesn't need pitch/speed correction besides ...

Yeah, I've been lazzy on that one for the AE, re-using the OE version only correcting the pitch/speed while I should have reconsidered the mastering...



Ripplin said:

I think I'm going to make the discs this afternoon. I'll be home for the rest of the day and have some time to myself to do...whatever. (had a CAT scan this morning, didn't get enough sleep)

 Beware, I never warned about that before but the sound temper of the AE tends to make me fall asleep whenever I'm only a bit tired ! (not a joke)

... Sorry for the multi-posts!