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Is there a single Lucasfilm release on blu that has not been tampered with ? — Page 2


The HS was released theatrically? Wouldn't that have caused riots or something? ;)

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Where were you in '77?


Howard the Duck?

Edit: My bad, I really should learn to read threads more thoroughly glaven...

“I love Darth Editous and I’m not ashamed to admit it.” ~ADigitalMan


SilverWook said:

The HS was released theatrically? Wouldn't that have caused riots or something? ;)

Given its notorious fame, surely there has been some occasion, an obscure festival or pot party or something, where a bootleg has managed to be shown in a theater (even a small one).

"Close the blast doors!"
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I believe last year a theater in New York showed it, as well as one in Beverly Hills. THey were just digital projections of the KCCI broadcast though.

A Goon in a Gaggle of 'em


Let me throw out a question here.  What do we mean by Tampered with?  Does this go beyond not merely releasing the Theatrical release of a movie?  Would you consider releasing a movie with a new audio mix remastered for home theaters as having been tampered?


here is skyjedi2005's OP for refrence sluggo:

"THX 1138, not real version of the movie bad cgi cut.

American Graffiti color timing changed and cgi shot added, not real version.

And of course the star wars trilogy will be the crap 2004 video edit.

Hopefully they don't add that cgi shot in Raiders on the blu ray or no sale!"

so any change that is similar to any of these constitutes a "tamper-ism"

John Williams score to Return of the Jedi Remastered/Remixed:



American Graffiti, in my opinion, is a borderline case.  Only one shot was significantly altered.  It's enough (in my opinion) to bitch about, though, as it clearly separates it from the theatrical version.

Same with the CGI replacement in Raiders (the canyon shot) - if that had been the version released on DVD (it wasn't), and if that is the version released on Blu-Ray (I bet it is), I'll refuse to buy it.

But the erasing of the reflection on the glass (on the DVD) doesn't bother me enough to say it's not original.  It's a bit troubling, but not that big of a deal, like the floor replacement on the Aliens Blu-Ray.


It seems like the line is awfully fine between mere effects clean-up (matte lines, erasing a reflection of an actor on some glass, etc), and improving the look of a shot by something as replacing something simple as a few clouds or altering a sunset.


I saw Raiders on the big screen five years ago, and I still couldn't see this glass reflection I keep hearing about. I did finally spot the Star Wars hieroglyphics in the Well of Souls though. ;)

What's this about a floor replacement in Aliens?

Forum Moderator

Where were you in '77?


Cameron have fixed continuity errors and a few effects on the blu-ray release such as covering up the hole were Lance Henriksen's body are revealed when rescuing Newt in the end of the film. Completely unnecessary, imo a change is a change no matter how minor it is, if it is so minor why bother to fix it in the first place?!

We want you to be aware that we have no plans—now or in the future—to restore the earlier versions. 

Sincerely, Lynne Hale publicity@lucasfilm.com


Was that the only thing he changed, or were there others?


I'm inclined to let Spielberg slide on the snake reflection only because he has insisted it's only really visible theatrically on a "bad print", aka one that isn't dark enough or whatever. They're already doing all kinds of electronic tinkering just to get a celluloid movie translated to a video disc, so, hey, what the hell. If he signs off on the CGI cliff for the blu-ray, that would be a different thing. It is getting into a weird area though, I know Superman III has visible wires that you would never have seen in the theater, there really is no good way to hide that without going digital.


As I understand it, they have cleaned up the hangar matte painting, fixed a continuity error:

Near the end when Ripley is on the dropship, she is seen arming herself. We see her grab a flamethrower from the weapons rack. She then lays a pulse rifle on the deck. Next she pulls a pulse rifle from the rack, and lays down a flamethrower. (The 2010 Blu-ray is slightly re-edited to remove this error.)

Who knows what else...

We want you to be aware that we have no plans—now or in the future—to restore the earlier versions. 

Sincerely, Lynne Hale publicity@lucasfilm.com


Do you know if that re-edit is present in both versions, or only the extended cut?  If it's the latter, I have no problem with it.  If it's both, that bothers me.


There was some consternation over at the Home Theater Forum over the wire working the Cowardly Lion's tail being erased on the Blu Ray of Oz. Somebody explained you probably never would have seen the wire on a 1939 release print.

Whomever thought Judy flubbed a line in the scene where Toto is handed over to Miss Gulch, and took it upon themselves to wipe it even from the mono soundtrack, is the real screw up job!

I imagine the wires on the Learjet model shots in Goldfinger that have been touched up probably couldn't be seen in 1964 either.

I'd hate to see Cameron succumbing to Roger Rabbit syndrome though. That is, changing stuff people probably didn't notice until they looked at a movie frame by frame. Think I'll hold onto my CAV Laserdisc a bit longer!

There's an opportunity for me to see American Graffiti in a few weeks. I'm tempted to go just to see if the opening shot has been "fixed". ;)

Forum Moderator

Where were you in '77?


I saw Graffiti a few years ago and it had the new digital-sunset opening shot. (and it was a print, not digital projection.)


Either there are no old prints in circulation, or Lucas made sure the new shot was tacked on.

Forum Moderator

Where were you in '77?


I find it funny (and sad) that the documentary that comes with the DVD has the original sky.  Blah.

There is no lingerie in space…

C3PX said: Gaffer is like that hot girl in high school that you think you have a chance with even though she is way out of your league because she is sweet and not a stuck up bitch who pretends you don’t exist… then one day you spot her making out with some skinny twerp, only on second glance you realize it is the goth girl who always sits in the back of class; at that moment it dawns on you why she is never seen hanging off the arm of any of the jocks… and you realize, damn, she really is unobtainable after all. Not that that is going to stop you from dreaming… Only in this case, Gaffer is actually a guy.


IIRC, the documentary was originally made for the Signature Collection Laserdisc in 1998, and may predate the changes made to the film.

Forum Moderator

Where were you in '77?


ChainsawAsh said:

Do you know if that re-edit is present in both versions, or only the extended cut?  If it's the latter, I have no problem with it.  If it's both, that bothers me.

Good question, I really don't know. If the theatrical cut is left alone it's certainly better but it's still annoying. For example, if there was a preserved '73 original theatrical cut of American Graffiti it would still bother me if I couldn't have the '78 re-release "Lucas restored Cut" untweaked. We now only have the tweaked '78 cut made for the 25th anniversary.

We want you to be aware that we have no plans—now or in the future—to restore the earlier versions. 

Sincerely, Lynne Hale publicity@lucasfilm.com


I just don't get why their first instinct is to add new CG aliens but the matte boxes are still bright as day...


msycamore said:

ChainsawAsh said:

Do you know if that re-edit is present in both versions, or only the extended cut?  If it's the latter, I have no problem with it.  If it's both, that bothers me.

Good question, I really don't know. If the theatrical cut is left alone it's certainly better but it's still annoying. For example, if there was a preserved '73 original theatrical cut of American Graffiti it would still bother me if I couldn't have the '78 re-release "Lucas restored Cut" untweaked. We now only have the tweaked '78 cut made for the 25th anniversary.

Wait - so even American Graffiti isn't the theatrical cut (CG opening shot aside)?!


I honestly don't know why I'm surprised.