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Info & Ideas: ESB and ROTJ Wishlist — Page 215


If someone could make a mockup of Vader's changed line then that would give all of us a better idea on it. 


brash_stryker said:

DuTwan said:

 I would like to see the barges outside somewhere, just so it reminded me of from tusk till dawn. Anyone seen that?

Is that some kind of sleep study of elephants? :p

 i think u mean "From Dusk Til Dawn" DuTwan. yea i've seen it. only george clooney movie i ever really liked.


For those of us bothered by the Endor Holocaust Theory, are there any suggestions for averting this? Showing that the Death Star debris remains in orbit rather than crashing down to the moon would be sufficient and probably the best way of doing it; if someone's extending the finalé over several months, the formation of a ring system around the forest moon from the debris would be enough to signify this and would make for some interesting eye candy to boot.

The Hobbit: Roadshow Edition


I did suggest that rather than blow the shield up Han redirected it to deflect the debris but what would a film like this be without BANG!


*Angel Flies towards to Australia and pick up RoccondilRinon up to Heaven*

Now we can talk since you summoned me :)

What rings/debris you want me to make? explain more :P

*Angel throws RoccondilRinon from Heaven to Earth again...without parachute*





RoccondilRinon said:

For those of us bothered by the Endor Holocaust Theory, are there any suggestions for averting this? Showing that the Death Star debris remains in orbit rather than crashing down to the moon would be sufficient and probably the best way of doing it; if someone's extending the finalé over several months, the formation of a ring system around the forest moon from the debris would be enough to signify this and would make for some interesting eye candy to boot.

 from what i understand is that the rebels intercepted most of the debris before they hit the moon. that's EU however.

still, most of the debri i would think would burn up in the atmostphere.


The only way you would get around the "Endor holocaust" bit is if you left out the final explosion of the death star 2; showing flames/explosions coming out of it as well as pieces being thrown out (which would then form the ring), it would allow the majority of the DS2 husk to remain in the atmosphere.  If the whole thing blows up via ANH, the shockwave alone would wipe away Endor's atmosphere, being so close to Endor and all.

It would still be interesting to see an edit depicting an EA happening at the end.


 “You people must realize that the public owns you for life, and when you’re dead, you’ll all be in commercials dancing with vacuum cleaners.”

– Homer Simpson


rcb said:

RoccondilRinon said:

For those of us bothered by the Endor Holocaust Theory, are there any suggestions for averting this?

 from what i understand is that the rebels intercepted most of the debris before they hit the moon. that's EU however.

still, most of the debri i would think would burn up in the atmostphere.

 It's an EU solution for an EU problem.

In the OT, the solution is simple: there is no Endor Holocuast. Plainly, the following evening everything is fine on Endor. The DSII's explosion had no serious effect on Endor.

If you're bothered by a problem that's not in te moive, there are a number of excellent (re: silly) explanations offered for it not in the movie. My favorite is the wormhole that takes away Vader's super glove.


DF Shadow said:

I think the "your mother once thought as you do" change would be an appropriate edit. At that point in the saga everything is coming full circle and Luke brings up his mother anyway earlier with Leia.

The line is in reference to there still being good in Vader - which are Padme's dying words.


 It just occured to me. How the hell would Vader know that Padme thought that?

As far as he knows, her last words are "You're breaking my heart" or something, then he choked her to death. He wasn't there,and probably never read the facebook update about Padme's actual last words.


TheBoost said:

rcb said:

RoccondilRinon said:

For those of us bothered by the Endor Holocaust Theory, are there any suggestions for averting this?

 from what i understand is that the rebels intercepted most of the debris before they hit the moon. that's EU however.

still, most of the debri i would think would burn up in the atmostphere.

 It's an EU solution for an EU problem.

In the OT, the solution is simple: there is no Endor Holocuast. Plainly, the following evening everything is fine on Endor. The DSII's explosion had no serious effect on Endor.

If you're bothered by a problem that's not in te moive, there are a number of excellent (re: silly) explanations offered for it not in the movie. My favorite is the wormhole that takes away Vader's super glove.

I still can't believe the EU acknowledges that series.  Ugh.

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TheBoost said:

He wasn't there,and probably never read the facebook update about Padme's actual last words.

TV's Frink's status: Lol.


doubleofive said:

TheBoost said:


If you're bothered by a problem that's not in te moive, there are a number of excellent (re: silly) explanations offered for it not in the movie. My favorite is the wormhole that takes away Vader's super glove.

I still can't believe the EU acknowledges that series.  Ugh.

 It wasn't completely without it's charms. Admittedly the "Save the Whaladons" theme was laid on a little thick, but I'd take Emperor Trioculus over Emperor Jagged Fel any day of the week.


I don't follow the EU.  Please tell me there are some stories about me.


TheBoost said:...but I'd take Emperor Trioculus over Emperor Jagged Fel any day of the week.

Wow.  That's all just pops and buzzers to my ears.  I have no clue as to what goes on in the EU....

O.T. or No T., baby!

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ESB:R Cover Art


Ric Olie said:

I don't follow the EU.  Please tell me there are some stories about me.

As far as I know, you're only in The Phantom Menace novelisation. Those at LucasBooks must try to get some Olie adventures written (novels, comic-books and graphic novels etc), we seriously need them. We have to know more about the waning days of the Old Republic and you'd be the perfect poster boy for that. :)

I’m gonna be a father! - ETA December 24th 2017


i think ur in one of the star wars tales graphic novels. u tell a story of how u train pilots.

back to the Endor halocaust, i don't think it should really be a big deal about what happens to the death star debris and explosion. we're not watching star trek, though i'm a trekkie, so we don't care about that stuff. all we want is the fighting and storyline.


TheBoost said:

DF Shadow said:

I think the "your mother once thought as you do" change would be an appropriate edit. At that point in the saga everything is coming full circle and Luke brings up his mother anyway earlier with Leia.

The line is in reference to there still being good in Vader - which are Padme's dying words.


 It just occured to me. How the hell would Vader know that Padme thought that?

As far as he knows, her last words are "You're breaking my heart" or something, then he choked her to death. He wasn't there,and probably never read the facebook update about Padme's actual last words.

 well she does say some things like "come back while you still can" "your a good person dont do this" and other "normal" dialogue

John Williams score to Return of the Jedi Remastered/Remixed:



The Endor Holocaust Theory relly isn't a bad idea, it just would be kind of distracting to the ending of the SW saga.  It would make sense that debris would fall, but it's the end of the movie, who cares.  There are alot more plot advancing ideas that would build a better ending that I would much rather see, rather than ewoks getting hit on the head with falling rocks.


I don't think you understand what a moon sized metal space station would do to a place like Endor.

A biggish chunk could wipe out every lifeform on the planet and the glitter should it vapourise would serious muck up the atmosphere.

But that's science fiction/disaster movie territory not Space Fantasy.

I think in a fantasy setting you can allow the wee fellas their victory party.

Though it would be exciting watching Rebel ships trying to intercept the debris and pull it away with their tractor beams.


did you guys get this idea from star wars tales graphic novel? because there was a short story talking about it.


rcb said:

i think ur in one of the star wars tales graphic novels. u tell a story of how u train pilots.

back to the Endor halocaust, i don't think it should really be a big deal about what happens to the death star debris and explosion. we're not watching star trek, though i'm a trekkie, so we don't care about that stuff. all we want is the fighting and storyline.

But that is what makes JEDI such a joke though; granted, nobody expects someone to stop the movie and do a PSYCHO psychoanalyzing ending explaining everything.  At the same time, when you have something tremendously obvious happening (such as a Death Star TWICE as powerful as the former one blowing up in low orbit around a planet) you still have to deal with it in a fairly realistic way IF you want people to take you seriously. 

Now there are multiple ways you can deal with this:

(1) go all out with the Holocaust theory, and as stated in a prior post, the DS2 "is" destroyed, but the bulk falls into Endor, wiping out all characters on the ground (taking elements from DEEP IMPACT and the like).  Luke and Lando survive, but everyone else doesn't.  Luke has his funeral pyre for Darth amid a blasted forest, and one could work a bittersweet ending (Empire still loses, or officers end fight and shake hands with Mon Motha or whoever; Luke still has mission to rebuild Jedi much less make sure the peace is kept, but there is a real price to pay for victory).  I know, kind of a downer ending.

(2) Show the first part of the DS2 explosion minus the huge fireball - implication that the reactor wasn't enough to vaporize the thing, so most of the DS2 is still in orbit, with said "ring" formed by DS2 debris which stays in Endor's outer orbit.  It could also help if the DS2 is shown to be farther away from Endor than what we see in the theatrical JEDI.  It could also provide for a spectacular explosion that differs greatly from the first DS explosion, much less most other mega-explosions seen in most films (showing the DS2 explode, but to the degree that the bulk remains, with pieces being blown off, etc).

(3) it blows up spectacularly and that is the last we see of it, short of again some DEEP IMPACT style shots of debris raining down in atmosphere instead of fireworks (the DS2 debris provides the fireworks).


 “You people must realize that the public owns you for life, and when you’re dead, you’ll all be in commercials dancing with vacuum cleaners.”

– Homer Simpson


It was all down to essentially an error of judgement on Lucas' part.

The first Death Star battle in ANH was far away from Yavin IV and the thing was blown to glitter.

The mistake was putting the second Death Star too close to the Endor moon.

Another way around it is that once the shield is down Jejerrod could move the Death Star out of the way to get it into position to destroy the moon (and the Rebel Fleet) so when it does explode it's so far away that the Endor moon is not touched.

Star Wars has never been Science Fiction but it did originally follow a degree of internal logic, how much you want to suspend that for a cool looking ending is up to the editor and the viewer.

I also think the Death Star positioning to destroy the fleet in one shot could make for a better sequence and a better conclusion (it only has to be close to Endor to get the benefit of the shield, once the shield is down the imperative is to destroy the Rebels and they can't do that if they are too close to the moon).

Move the station away and there is no Endor Holocaust, everybody wins.

It could be sold as a suspence hit.

The station is moving away, have they given up? Will they get away? Oh no they are going to blow our heroes to bits! Phew, they got blown to bits instead and far away enough not to kill the teddy bears, Hooray! 


This is absurd. The ships make sounds in space for God's sakes! This is a fantasy set in space. This is not a realistic portrayal of anything really. This is an portrayal of archetypes.

Sweet Lord.