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Info & Ideas: ESB and ROTJ Wishlist — Page 206


DuTwan said:

fishmanlee said:

something i did awhile back that was intended as a joke video but has boba escaping from the sail barge battle (if one were to go that direction): http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zUYIfUD-u04

 OMG. I really dont mean that in a nice way either, that wasnt even a constructive scene, i totally dont mind seeing you reuse scenes to show what Boba can do, but in that scene one minute he is one side then flies over shots and luke, then wraps him up, hits the deck, then back up, then hits the deck, gets up, gets hit by Han, flies across the other side, hits the deck, stays there for like 3 minutes, gets up, goes to fire at look again. Then he flies off to his Slave 1 gets on it then sail barge explodes! Three questions i must ask you, what the hell is Boba fett playing at? Why would the slave 1 be randomly near by and how old are you?.

I dont mean to be offensive but its more like constuctive critisism, if you have an idea, how you demonstate that idea is just as important as the idea (not always but most). In other words, if you have an idea i would improve the way you present that idea because I could see what you was going for but I could not take it seriously. Again sorry if i sound like im putting you down.

 do you know how old that video is? that was the fifth video i made, and my second edit i made before i knew what i know now, plus it was originally intended as a joke (alternate ending) video

John Williams score to Return of the Jedi Remastered/Remixed:



fishmanlee said:

DuTwan said:

fishmanlee said:

something i did awhile back that was intended as a joke video but has boba escaping from the sail barge battle (if one were to go that direction): http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zUYIfUD-u04

 OMG. I really dont mean that in a nice way either, that wasnt even a constructive scene, i totally dont mind seeing you reuse scenes to show what Boba can do, but in that scene one minute he is one side then flies over shots and luke, then wraps him up, hits the deck, then back up, then hits the deck, gets up, gets hit by Han, flies across the other side, hits the deck, stays there for like 3 minutes, gets up, goes to fire at look again. Then he flies off to his Slave 1 gets on it then sail barge explodes! Three questions i must ask you, what the hell is Boba fett playing at? Why would the slave 1 be randomly near by and how old are you?.

I dont mean to be offensive but its more like constuctive critisism, if you have an idea, how you demonstate that idea is just as important as the idea (not always but most). In other words, if you have an idea i would improve the way you present that idea because I could see what you was going for but I could not take it seriously. Again sorry if i sound like im putting you down.

 do you know how old that video is? that was the fifth video i made, and my second edit i made before i knew what i know now, plus it was originally intended as a joke (alternate ending) video

 well i didnt really find it funny to be perfectly honest. Im not questioning your editing skills per se. It was the structure of how you did is the mistake. If you had thought it was bad yourself since it was only ur 5th video why repost and why not post and new structured properly edited video?


TheBoost said:

Ghost said:

 I also hate how the whole thing takes place in one little area. I wish there was a way to change the story around and make it more epic.  Not just on a Sail Barge.


 It's an escape from the sail barge. What more do you want? Random starfighters, a herd of rancors, dueling sarlacs and a one armed Wampa back for revenge with its own rival sail barge?

Sshhh! Don't give anyone any ideas! :p

That post was funny as shit TheBoost


TheBoost said:

Ghost said:

 I also hate how the whole thing takes place in one little area. I wish there was a way to change the story around and make it more epic.  Not just on a Sail Barge.


 It's an escape from the sail barge. What more do you want? Random starfighters, a herd of rancors, dueling sarlacs and a one armed Wampa back for revenge with its own rival sail barge?

 And that would be the besht mosht awesomesht thing ever!


"[George Lucas] rebooted the franchise in 1997 without telling anyone." -skyjedi2005

"Yeah, well, George says a lot of things..." a young 1997 xhonzi on RASSM

"They're my movies." -George Lucas. 19 people won oscars for their work on Star Wars (1977) and George Lucas wasn't one of them.

Rewrite the Prequels!



The only funny bit is the audio glitch (unless that was a bit of audio editing on your part fish) where Luke seems to say "Forget about the droids".

Answering The Boost's question a view of Torquay would be nice ;-)


the one armed wampa teamed up with ponda baba would make an awesome comic.


And another one that doesn't work at all.

I've yet to see one of your music score replacements that actually add anything to the footage (this one is wholly inappropriate it shatters the mood entirely).

I don't want to sound defeatist maybe you will stumble on a bit of PT music that improves an OT scene one day (it seems to be an obsession of yours) but it will take eternity if just throw random tracks over scenes like this.

Look at the scene, look at what happens on screen and listen to the music, you are only wasting your time if you try to match two elements that don't fit and will never fit.


Bingowings said:

And another one that doesn't work at all.

I've yet to see one of your music score replacements that actually add anything to the footage (this one is wholly inappropriate it shatters the mood entirely).

I don't want to sound defeatist maybe you will stumble on a bit of PT music that improves an OT scene one day (it seems to be an obsession of yours) but it will take eternity if just throw random tracks over scenes like this.

Look at the scene, look at what happens on screen and listen to the music, you are only wasting your time if you try to match two elements that don't fit and will never fit.

And to further that statement:

John Williams scored the music for the scenes. I watched a documentary on it and he would sit in a room and watch the movies 100 times just to decide where music should go. He then made the music. The movies were done months before music was scored. The music has always worked in their respective scenes.

"The other versions will disappear. Even the 35 million tapes of Star Wars out there won’t last more than 30 or 40 years. A hundred years from now, the only version of the movie that anyone will remember will be the DVD version [of the Special Edition], and you’ll be able to project it on a 20’ by 40’ screen with perfect quality. I think it’s the director’s prerogative, not the studio’s to go back and reinvent a movie." - George Lucas

<span> </span>


It started to look like your moment had arrived with the pyre (even if it was a little off cue) but then it became another instance of what I referred the honorable gentleman to in my answer some moments ago.


fishmanlee said:

well i tried using this but it seems too quiet (plus its PT): http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Co9wuNtnr7Y
its "Anakin Is Free"

Okay, I will say that works better during the pyre. But then, it's the same old crap again. Sinister dark music for a victory celebration. Bleh.

But, if you wanted to, you could take the part right up to the pan up from the pyre and then segue into the existing score.

But for me. I love the existing pyre music. It's classic.


Now for the Sail Barge Battle, is there a way to make alot shorter?  Think about it, if Luke was any PT jedi, the battle would be over in about a minute. Luke should be that good in this point of the trilogy. Plus, alot of the scenes look fake any way, and mabey the time loss could be made up with a longer space battle.


A battle like that shouldn't be given that much time in the movie.  The end battles should. Overall, it would the SB battle feel not as stupid and corny.


Some people are proposing taking out Fett which should shorten the Barge battle but I can't see any reason for cutting it down too much.


Ghost said:

Now for the Sail Barge Battle, is there a way to make alot shorter?  Think about it, if Luke was any PT jedi, the battle would be over in about a minute. Lukje should be that good in this point of the trilogy.

One almost-Jedi, with only a few days (weeks?) of training from Yoda, should be just as good as the Jedi in the PT? When the Jedi were numerous and had been trained their whole lives?

I disagree.


Even if the Fan-O-Matic idea was putting into play Luke has only had about a year of intensive training and about six years practice that would make him about on par with George Lucas' son in ROTS.


Still, he doesn't look like a Jedi.  It is a consistency issue.  And yes, Luke was that good because he defeated Vader later in the movie.  You guys would say that Luke in ROTJ is about the same as Anakin in AOTC.  Right?  Yoda is the best in the business, Luke should be close by then.  He was trained a little from Obi-Wan to.


It shouldn't be about how good Luke was guys, the battle is lame compared to every other battle in these movies.  We should see more in space rather than a dragged out SB battle.  It should be harder for Lando to even get in the DS.  Ani and Obi in ROTS didn't just fly into Greivous's ship.  There is more to show in space and less to see on the SB.



Yeah, the same Anakin who is almost 30 years older and burnt to a crisp and stomping around in an iron lung on robot legs.

Besides the PT acrobatics of the Jedi need to be toned down to match the OT.

If Ben can't do cartwheels fighting Vader in ANH, Dooku and Palpatine can't either.

The Jedi/Sith Hong Kong Circus has to go (at least they really do those moves and aren't fake looking CGI).

If Lucas was doing the OT now he would have Vader doing the splits in mid air like Leroy off Fame.


Ghost said:

It shouldn't be about how good Luke was guys, the battle is lame compared to every other battle in these movies

We should see more in space rather than a dragged out SB battle.  It should be harder for Lando to even get in the DS.   There is more to show in space and less to see on the SB.



What do you suggest then to cut from the SB shots? specific things. name them. suggest. contribute.





Ghost said:

Still, he doesn't look like a Jedi.  It is a consistency issue.  And yes, Luke was that good because he defeated Vader later in the movie.  You guys would say that Luke in ROTJ is about the same as Anakin in AOTC.  Right?  Yoda is the best in the business, Luke should be close by then.  He was trained a little from Obi-Wan to.


It shouldn't be about how good Luke was guys, the battle is lame compared to every other battle in these movies.  We should see more in space rather than a dragged out SB battle.  It should be harder for Lando to even get in the DS.  Ani and Obi in ROTS didn't just fly into Greivous's ship.  There is more to show in space and less to see on the SB.


Listen, these movies bring up plot and story points that need resolution. That's a key to storytelling. And this is Jabba. A baddie we've heard about in the preceding two films. So he's been set up and then you want to ditch him for what? More fx and battles in space? Sorry but the pacing of this whole battle scene is just fine.


sigh. Change for the sake of change - such irony surrounds these boards nowadays...

A Goon in a Gaggle of 'em


Bingowings said:

Yeah, the same Anakin who is almost 30 years older and burnt to a crisp and stomping around in an iron lung on robot legs.

Besides the PT acrobatics of the Jedi need to be toned down to match the OT.

If Ben can't do cartwheels fighting Vader in ANH, Dooku and Palpatine can't either.

The Jedi/Sith Hong Kong Circus has to go (at least they really do those moves and aren't fake looking CGI).

If Lucas was doing the OT now he would have Vader doing the splits in mid air like Leroy off Fame.



Ithilgore said:

That mock-up is probably a little too violent for SW, but I agree that some kind of slash mark on the mooks is essential, it just doesn't look like Luke's doing any damage as it is right now.


 Uh, if that mock up is to violent for star wars, then they need to go back and take out the burn marks from ROTS