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In Defense of Death Star II — Page 4


I read a working draft of Jedi that said the Imperial Capital Planet (it wasn't named Coruscant) had several under construction Death Stars in orbit. Not sure if this script was genuine or a fan creation. Probably the latter.

Has anyone ever unearthed the Kurtz Jedi script? Or at least a more in depth treatment that just one sentence (Han rescued, dies in attack on Imperial base, Leia becomes Queen, Luke wonders off)?


Chicken Boo said:


Has anyone ever unearthed the Kurtz Jedi script? Or at least a more in depth treatment that just one sentence (Han rescued, dies in attack on Imperial base, Leia becomes Queen, Luke wonders off)?

Queen of what? In the first film she was the princess of a planet that was destroyed and was mostly using the "princess" thing as a ruse to cover the fact that she was a leader of the Rebel military on a secret mission. it's not like she was princess of the galaxy..

Ray’s Lounge
Biggs in ANH edit idea
ROTJ opening edit idea


This is a really cool site, and I believe our own Sluggo is associated with it. Not sure about anyone else here, but I wouldn't be surprised.


It includes scripts from all the films including one from ROTJ. Coruscant was called Had Abbadon and there were two Death Stars, an idea which intrigues me and has really caught the fancy of Bingowings. I'm not sure how one could successfully edit ROTJ to have two, but it's an interesting idea.


ray_afraid said:

Chicken Boo said:

Has anyone ever unearthed the Kurtz Jedi script? Or at least a more in depth treatment that just one sentence (Han rescued, dies in attack on Imperial base, Leia becomes Queen, Luke wonders off)?

Queen of what? In the first film she was the princess of a planet that was destroyed and was mostly using the "princess" thing as a ruse to cover the fact that she was a leader of the Rebel military on a secret mission. it's not like she was princess of the galaxy..

Queen of the surviving Alderaanians.


DuracellEnergizer said:

Eh, I still don't like it. It smacks of outright unoriginality. A better idea would have been to have gone with a souped-up Star Destroyer or something along those lines.

Sounds gimmicky too. Isn't the Executor already a souped up star dstroyer? How much more souped up can it get?

I'd much rather see more on the lines of... well... sabotaging the Empire. Or maybe all about rescuing Han and stuff like that.

Or if we're sticking entirely with the ROTJ structure you can easily replace "Death Star but bigger zomg!" with "Imperial capital", have the bothan spy info be that the imperial fleet is spread thin looking for the rebels or some other hold up that would allow a decisive strike against the emperor himself. Complete with trap, it all being a ruse to try and get luke and everything.

All the while being 800% less silly.


darth_ender said:

This is a really cool site, and I believe our own Sluggo is associated with it. Not sure about anyone else here, but I wouldn't be surprised.


It includes scripts from all the films including one from ROTJ. Coruscant was called Had Abbadon and there were two Death Stars, an idea which intrigues me and has really caught the fancy of Bingowings. I'm not sure how one could successfully edit ROTJ to have two, but it's an interesting idea.

If Emperor Palpatine/darth sidious had somehow survived and escaped fromm his doomed second space station, would he have had more death stars or not????


He'd probably go on with his younger, handsome, godlike clones making more humane projects, like raising money for Habitat for Humanity.