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If you need to B*tch about something... this is the place — Page 288


I assumed you were in the throes of a most potent rage, so I did not take your statements as a 100% accurate reflection of your actual sentiments. I don’t know why others did not figure likewise.


TV’s Frink said:

Jetrell Fo said:

it could have come sooner to lessen the impact it had here.

This was the first I’ve heard of ferris taking personal offense, and otherwise I felt it should have been obvious I was exaggerating.

I could not tell and I know I took it to offense as well due to the lack of clarity when you posted it. Exaggeration for effect doesn’t always read well on the net. It’s all good though, you cleared it up, it helps immensely.

DuracellEnergizer said:

I assumed you were in the throes of a most potent rage, so I did not take your statements as a 100% accurate reflection of your actual sentiments. I don’t know why others did not figure likewise.

It is only my opinion that it might have something to do with the way different people interact here. Since my experiences with Frink were mostly negative it would seem natural that I would take it differently than you would.

I’ve had some potent rage and the only thing most here seemed to figure was that I was just being a knob and an ass-wipe. And I’m no less human than any of you are, LOL.

The new rules might just help give folks a chance to know each other better (those of us that don’t anyways) and I am all for better and clearer interaction with fellow members.


Took my apple pie out of the oven a bit ago and decided it needed to go back in for just a bit. Took it out just now and cooked the filling down too far.

So instead of having some toothier Granny Smith slices to contrast with the mushier Macintosh slices, it’s all more of a cooked-down mush than I wanted it to be. And the top crust of course molded to the height it was when I first took it out of the oven and now the pie is lying about how much filling is in it now.

I’m so incredibly disappointed in myself right now. Nobody else will care but god damn it.

Keep Circulating the Tapes.


(It hasn’t happened yet)


Tyrphanax said:

Took my apple pie out of the oven a bit ago and decided it needed to go back in for just a bit. Took it out just now and cooked the filling down too far.

So instead of having some toothier Granny Smith slices to contrast with the mushier Macintosh slices, it’s all more of a cooked-down mush than I wanted it to be. And the top crust of course molded to the height it was when I first took it out of the oven and now the pie is lying about how much filling is in it now.

I’m so incredibly disappointed in myself right now. Nobody else will care but god damn it.

I feel your pain. The bitter taste of missing out on what could have been. Better luck next time!


You should get Tyr to make you one. Or someone who has an oven timer 😋


I’ve never cared for desserts in general so never thought to try it.


dahmage said:

You should get Tyr to make you one. Or someone who has an oven timer 😋


Keep Circulating the Tapes.


(It hasn’t happened yet)


It’d be even better if he followed the new rules and removed that asinine political/religious garbage from his signature like he’s supposed to.


LuckyGungan2001 said:

thejediknighthusezni said:

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Best post you’ve written yet.


DuracellEnergizer said:

It’d be even better if he followed the new rules and removed that asinine political/religious garbage from his signature like he’s supposed to.



darthrush said:

I just got Audio Technica ATH-M50X Headphones for Christmas and was very excited. The sound quality is wonderful. They have solid range and represent a very neutral take on all sound, giving a clear and soothing listening experience.

But God damn it, do they clamp like a son of a bitch! The clamp force is crazy! I currently have a headache because of how tight these headphones are. I don’t know if stretching them or getting some BrainWavz memory foam pads might help, but I really hope I can resolve this comfort issue.

Seems to be a years old issue.



I don’t know, I just felt the obligation to make the obvious joke before someone else did.