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How will you be watching the saga in preparation for Force Awakens? — Page 3


Wazzles said:

TV’s Frink said:

It’s always fun when someone comes to originaltrilogy.com to try and convince us the prequels were good.

Well popular consensus (and by that I mean Rotten Tomatoes) says that Revenge of the Sith is better than Jedi, so it’s not that surprising that some actually like the film as well as the OT.



StarChewyWar said:

Jeez, it’s not that bad! Even if you don’t like it, it still improves Return of the Jedi a bit.

What? If he thinks this about the worst prequel, imagine what he thinks about the better ones…

Project Threepio (Star Wars OOT subtitles)


I think I might hate Sith the most. Every time I think I have it nailed down, though, I change my mind. Those three movies are all paradoxically worse than each other.


ROTS is my definitely my least favourite prequel. The atrocious execution of Anakin’s fall and the Jedi Purge, Padme’s death, Palpatine with a lightsaber, “younglings”, the CG overkill – it’s all too damn much for me to stomach.

TPM is clearly the best of the prequels for me. The story/acting/characterization still suck, but there’re more physical sets/locations to balance out the CGI, Anakin’s not a hateful asshole, and there’s less violation of the OT mythos.


DuracellEnergizer said:

TPM is clearly the best of the prequels for me. The story/acting/characterization still suck, but there’re more physical sets/locations to balance out the CGI, Anakin’s not a hateful asshole, and there’s less violation of the OT mythos.

This. TPM had some irritating characters and a lousy script, but apart from the midichlorian exchange (which would be easy enough to retcon away), it doesn’t do any real damage to anything that already existed. The other two really mess up a lot of stuff that was previously established in a way TPM doesn’t.


TPM had CPY. Therefore best of prequels. End of thread.


Me and my father and little brother have decided to watch all 6 in prep. When I visit on Friday, we’ll be on ROTS. During Ep. I, my dad spoke up during some Binks antics and just said, “George Lucas must’ve lost his goddamn mind…” During the podrace, he was like, “Did Lucas think he was making Ben-Hur? Like, was this supposed to be his big chariot race scene? This… this is just awful.” And then he passed out. We woke him up after the race.
He was actually interested to rewatch Clones, on account of he couldn’t remember anything from it. When me and my brother reminded him that it’s “the romance one” he quickly replied, “Oh yeah! …oh…” He fell asleep rather early on during it.


EvanRevan322 said:

Me and my father and little brother have decided to watch all 6 in prep. When I visit on Friday, we’ll be on ROTS. During Ep. I, my dad spoke up during some Binks antics and just said, “George Lucas must’ve lost his goddamn mind…” During the podrace, he was like, “Did Lucas think he was making Ben-Hur? Like, was this supposed to be his big chariot race scene? This… this is just awful.” And then he passed out. We woke him up after the race.
He was actually interested to rewatch Clones, on account of he couldn’t remember anything from it. When me and my brother reminded him that it’s “the romance one” he quickly replied, “Oh yeah! …oh…” He fell asleep rather early on during it.

Your dad sounds smart.

And in the time of greatest despair, there shall come a savior, and he shall be known as the Son of the Suns.


My answer to this question has changed a bit. Doing Schorman’s prequels. Watching the ‘Clone Wars’ cartoon in between II and III (and finishing ‘The Clone Wars’, as I hadn’t seen the final four episodes of S5, or any of S6). Currently finishing up S6.

For ANH, I made a Frankenstein’s monster encode of the best of Team Negative’s previews. This covers the first half of the film almost entirely. The rest of it is just DJ’s V3. For ESB, I’m doing TN1’s grindhouse with the improved previews of Reels 1 and 5. DJ’s V3 for RoTJ.

Edited: Team Blu != Dark_jedi v3.


By “Blu V3”, do you mean dark_jedi’s 480p discs, or are there 720p upscales of ESB and ROTJ to go with Team Blu’s high def SW that I don’t know about?


I mean his V3. I guess I didn’t realize they weren’t under the team banner for the pre-HD versions. Which is stupid, because the Blu surely means blu-ray. But I thought YouToo was involved then, too. 😃


TPM theatrical. I just relaized my old DVDs of II and III disappeared somewhere, so for those i have no idea.

Mainly the Puggo Grande and PSB and hopefully ROTP if it gets finished before. Otherwise the US SWE CLV ports of the JSC for ESB/ROTJ, and either the JSC or the Technidisc for the original.

VADER!? WHERE THE HELL IS MY MOCHA LATTE? -Palpy on a very bad day.
“George didn’t think there was any future in dead Han toys.”-Harrison Ford
YT channel:


I just found a cheap blu ray copy of Star Trek (2009) in a bargain bin, and I believe Into Darkness is still on Amazon Prime, so I’m considering adding Abrams’s Treks to my itinerary. I haven’t seen Into Darkness since the theater, and though I remember being disappointed, I don’t recall having the viscerally negative response most people seem to have had, so I’d kind of like to revisit that now and see what it’s like with some distance. So now I’m thinking:

  1. Official blu rays over the span of the next few days (unpopular choice, I know, but I do it for the sake of canonicity when the prequels are in play), likely on my own for some of it, but my sister will probably jump in.

  2. Star Trek double feature this weekend with a couple friends.

  3. Despecialized marathon with a larger group of friends the weekend before TFA.


My family will watch the OT on laser disc then go and waste £38, I’m sure the kids will enjoy it.


I’m headin’ over to a buddy’s house this afternoon to start a Star Wars marathon with about 6 friends. I’ll be bringin’ the Despecialized trilogy. Three of these folks haven’t seen the films SE free since 1997.
There will be plenty of beer and some snacks and no PT in sight.

Ray’s Lounge
Biggs in ANH edit idea
ROTJ opening edit idea


ray_afraid said:

I’m headin’ over to a buddy’s house this afternoon to start a Star Wars marathon with about 6 friends. I’ll be bringin’ the Despecialized trilogy. Three of these folks haven’t seen the films SE free since 1997.
There will be plenty of beer and some snacks and no PT in sight.

OK, please do in all seriousness write a detailed post of their reaction?


I’ve been invited to a marathon with some friends I went to college with tonight and tomorrow. I believe we’ll be doing the Rister order, but that could be downgraded to Machete depending on people’s energy level once we actually get going. I’m going to bring my Despecialized discs and lobby for them, but I’m not going to get too zealous about it if the others aren’t interested because I’m in too good a mood about TFA to get worked up about the SE again.


joefavs said:

I’ve been invited to a marathon with some friends I went to college with tonight and tomorrow.

Why are you going to college with them only tonight and tomorrow? 😉


GlastoEls said:

ray_afraid said:

I’m headin’ over to a buddy’s house this afternoon to start a Star Wars marathon with about 6 friends. I’ll be bringin’ the Despecialized trilogy. Three of these folks haven’t seen the films SE free since 1997.
There will be plenty of beer and some snacks and no PT in sight.

OK, please do in all seriousness write a detailed post of their reaction?

Everyone really liked it.

Ray’s Lounge
Biggs in ANH edit idea
ROTJ opening edit idea


The DE is an enormous hit here as well. We just finished Empire, I think we’re going to put a pin in this and do the rest tomorrow because it’s almost 1:00.