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How could Vader not see Luke there???!!! — Page 4


There is no lingerie in space…

C3PX said: Gaffer is like that hot girl in high school that you think you have a chance with even though she is way out of your league because she is sweet and not a stuck up bitch who pretends you don’t exist… then one day you spot her making out with some skinny twerp, only on second glance you realize it is the goth girl who always sits in the back of class; at that moment it dawns on you why she is never seen hanging off the arm of any of the jocks… and you realize, damn, she really is unobtainable after all. Not that that is going to stop you from dreaming… Only in this case, Gaffer is actually a guy.

Janskeet said:

I like it that red was determined as the offical color that represents the Republican Party and blue represents the Democratic Party. Just like in Star Wars, good fighting against evil.

You're way too politically minded for someone so clueless.

What about the fact that the Rebel Alliance uses a red insignia, while the Empire is blue or gray one. Might want to rethink your excitement regarding the lightsaber colors.

"Every time Warb sighs, an angel falls into a vat of mapel syrup." - Gaffer Tape


This whole thread has turned into one big facepalm. My only hope is that this stupidity epidemic lately doesn't cause an OT.com exodus.

"Fuck you. All the star wars movies were excellent. none of them sucked. Also, revenge of the sith is the best."

- DarthZorgon (YouTube)


I hope not.

Anyways, the whole political (republican/democrat) implications of SW was not there until Lucas started writing the script for ROTS in 2004; that's why Palpatine appears to be a shrewder version of Bush in space. Yeah, I cant even understand why the lightsabers turn from red to pink in the transition from ROTS to SW, unless you factor in technical errors.

C3PX said:
Janskeet said:

I like it that red was determined as the offical color that represents the Republican Party and blue represents the Democratic Party. Just like in Star Wars, good fighting against evil.

You're way too politically minded for someone so clueless.

What about the fact that the Rebel Alliance uses a red insignia, while the Empire is blue or gray one. Might want to rethink your excitement regarding the lightsaber colors.


Yeah, but the good jedi use "blue" lightsabers, and the Sith use "red".

skyjedi2005 said:

He grabs onto the railing to prevent himself from falling.  What more do you need explained?

He is noticeably weak here and holding off Luke with his other hand with the saber in it.   He looks like he is trying to rise to his feet but is too weak to do so under the fury of lukes angry attack.

Any way Luke is using the darkside here to over power vader.  

If it was luke versus Anakin in Episode III luke would still win.  I have no idea how vader won in empire strikes back if you think the anakin of the prequels is in the suit.

I mean starting with Jedi Vader became a pussy.  He also gets owned by Dooku in Episode II when he was anakin and when he is vader in episode III by kenobi. He cuts obi wan down in episode IV only because ben lets him to create a distraction so our heroes can escape.  He even gets owned in the force unleashed by Starkiller.

Nice pink bubblegum screen caps there by the way,lol.  His saber is red in the gout. The 2004 deserves to be thrown in the trash bin.  Pink Lightsaber.  Hayden in the ghost scene.  Jar Jar, and Jedi Rocks.

I would like to get the GOUT's, but I just can't stand the fact of wasting more money on Lucas's half-assed crap.


skyjedi2005 said:

He grabs onto the railing to prevent himself from falling.  What more do you need explained?

He is noticeably weak here and holding off Luke with his other hand with the saber in it.   He looks like he is trying to rise to his feet but is too weak to do so under the fury of lukes angry attack.

Any way Luke is using the darkside here to over power vader.  

If it was luke versus Anakin in Episode III luke would still win.  I have no idea how vader won in empire strikes back if you think the anakin of the prequels is in the suit.

I mean starting with Jedi Vader became a pussy.  He also gets owned by Dooku in Episode II when he was anakin and when he is vader in episode III by kenobi. He cuts obi wan down in episode IV only because ben lets him to create a distraction so our heroes can escape.  He even gets owned in the force unleashed by Starkiller.

Nice pink bubblegum screen caps there by the way,lol.  His saber is red in the gout. The 2004 deserves to be thrown in the trash bin.  Pink Lightsaber.  Hayden in the ghost scene.  Jar Jar, and Jedi Rocks.

What did you do with your copy of the '04 DVDs?



I never understood why the change from Sebastian Shaw to Hayden was such an offensive change, it seems fine to me:


Another thing I would like Adywan to address is the window in the Emperor's throne room. We never see Endore in his window, but based on my observation of its location of the Death Star viewed from the aerial shots, it appears that Endore should be visible in the window sometimes depending on how fast the Death Star orbits the moon. I assume that the Throne room is located right on the top of the north pole of the Death Star. I think in some scenes of the Emperor's throne room, we should see Endore in the Windows. It will make it feel more real and less like a set.

Based on this image, it looks like you should be able to see Endore in the Emperor's throne room window:

I just BS'ed some color in the window to give you an idea of what I think the perspective of what Endore in the window should look like. Hopefully you guys can do much better ;-):

A continuity error in the movie is in this scene here:

At this point in the movie, the Star Destroyes were seperated from the rebel fleet and just being used to block them in. But in this picture it appears the rebel fleet is mixed in with the Star Destroyers. This doesn't happen until after this scene.


How about that Return of the Jedi came out in 1983, there is a good enough reason why Hayden does not belong in the movie.  For the record imdb lists him as being born in 1981.

I want my favorite movie trilogy the way i always watched them only in modern anamorphic quality.  The 1977/1980/1983 releases or nothing.  No frickin cartoon added cgi to try and make the movies jive with todays audiences or to fit in with current movies.  Destroying Classics is an abomination and it must stop.  A line has to be drawn somewhere.

The only thing i would support are matte line removal and garbage matte removal, fixed lightsabers in one or two shots in star wars 77 and thats it.  The most grievous garbage matte that ruins the film entirely on dvd is during the death star escape millenium falcon gunport sequence.  The Falcon Versus the Tie Fighters.  There are these ugly square blemishes around the ties.  Had they had more time on star wars they probably would have recomposited that shot but they were in a rush to finish. 

Today there is no such excuses for why that remains in the film even in the 2004 and Lucas spends lots of money on Jabba and Rontos and whatever else he put into the film in since 1997.

I am against fine detail removal and grain removal.  That destroys the character of a film on dvd or blu ray.

Generally i find heavy Use of DVNR or digital video noise reduction to be as bad as destroying the movie its used on.

“Always loved Vader’s wordless self sacrifice. Another shitty, clueless, revision like Greedo and young Anakin’s ghost. What a fucking shame.” -Simon Pegg.

skyjedi2005 said:

How about that Return of the Jedi came out in 1983, there is a good enough reason why Hayden does not belong in the movie.  For the record imdb lists him as being born in 1981.



I was just being sarcastic, of course I hate Hayden in ROTJ.

C3PX said:

The organic web was the one complaint I had about the movies. It was kind of weird the webs would come out of his wrists.

Oh I agree. A real spider doesn't shoot web from the ends of its limbs, it comes out of its arse.

Now that would have made for some interesting CGI.

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generalfrevious said:

I hope not.

Anyways, the whole political (republican/democrat) implications of SW was not there until Lucas started writing the script for ROTS in 2004; that's why Palpatine appears to be a shrewder version of Bush in space. Yeah, I cant even understand why the lightsabers turn from red to pink in the transition from ROTS to SW, unless you factor in technical errors.


 I disagree. The Empire's rise was clearly very political from the start (I think Lucas said he was partly inspired by the Watergate era). And even when TPM came out, Palpatine was already doing the same shtick he would do in ROTS. Even back to the 1970's drafts, Lucas listed as one of the downfalls of the Republic to be the rising power of Robber Barons (The Trade Federation?). The Star Wars saga was always very political, it was just in the background in the OT, and in the PT was a  bit clunky in the execution.

I disagree with the idea of Palpy or the Empire as a Bush analogue, but he was always the shrewd politician.