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Harmy's STAR WARS Despecialized Edition HD - V2.7 - MKV (Released) — Page 520


Well, the color reference for v1.0 was the GOUT with boosted saturation.


Any ETA on the  ROTJ V2 Harmy? Putting all three on one Blu Ray it's all done but would love to have the new version muxed in :)


A month ago, I would have said it might be done in a month, since then I've finished like three shots all-in-all out of about 150, which is the exact reason I never give ETAs any more.


StarThoughts said:

Versions 2.1 and above are color-timed to a low-fade Technicolor IB print, and the colors are therefore accurate to the 1977 theatrical release.

I believe that the body of 1.0 was from an HD broadcast of the '97 Special Editions.

 Probably the 2004 special edition. I don't think we have an HD broadcast of 97.

I forget, did the switch to blu-ray rather than HDTV as the main source occur for 2.0 or 2.1?


I think v2.0 made the switch to Blu-Ray, v2.1 was the first to incorporate 35mm footage, and v2.5 was essentially a color fix of v2.1 with a few other tweaks on top of it.


towne32 said:


Probably the 2004 special edition. I don't think we have an HD broadcast of 97.

You  may be right about the source for DE 1.0, but I thought that there has been an HD broadcast of the '97 SE, which Team Blu is using as the basis for their '97 SE trilogy project.

“That’s impossible, even for a computer!”

“You don't do ‘Star Wars’ in Dobly.”


No, that is a standard def PAL (720x576) digital broadcast (there were actually several different ones). I've used them in a few scenes instead of GOUT.


StarThoughts said:

towne32 said:


Probably the 2004 special edition. I don't think we have an HD broadcast of 97.

You  may be right about the source for DE 1.0, but I thought that there has been an HD broadcast of the '97 SE, which Team Blu is using as the basis for their '97 SE trilogy project.

 They're DVB digital TV recordings, but not HD.

There are the TB (Scandanavian) and G'KAR (german) releases. And a couple others, I think. But this is getting off topic, because I'm pretty sure he used the 2004-SE HDTV copies.

edit: oops, too slow.


After downloading all three episodes of the Original Trilogy and watching them I could not help but notice that the actor portraying The Emporer, Darth Sidious in Episode 5 is not the same one who is in Episode 6 AND, in my opinion, the actor in 6 (as well as subsequent episodes 1-3) is a much better choice than the image we see in 5 where Darth Vader is communicating with him remotely on the Starship chasing after Luke.  Sorry, but that kind of spoils the mood in my opinion.


I'm sorry, is this the "discuss what you don't like about the original trilogy" thread?


There is no such person as 'Darth Sidious' in the original trilogy.


Harmy said:

I'm sorry, is this the "discuss what you don't like about the original trilogy" thread?

I call it the "TESB:R Effect". Many people visit this forum for N (N is usually < 3) threads and then think that those N threads represent the entire forum.

TV's Frink loves reminding people that there are threads outside of the popular ones when the TESB:R Effect starts rearing its ugly head.

A picture is worth a thousand words. Post 102 is worth more.

I’m late to the party, but I think this is the best song. Enjoy!

—Teams Jetrell Fo 1, Jetrell Fo 2, and Jetrell Fo 3


I hereby nominate Harmy for sainthood. I finally got around to downloading and burning all three "despecialized" movies. Incredible.

Yes, I bought the blu-rays because I support copyright law, but I don't even have a blu-ray player, just a nice DVD player and a modest 27 inch TV. Prior to now I had been watching the OT via the old TR47 laserdisc rips. So needless to say, Harmy's versions are a gigantic leap in terms of visual quality. The colors alone are a joy to behold. And this is probably the first time I've heard the original theatrical mix. And of course the "de-specilalization" is seamless.

I really, really hope that Lucasfilm does the right thing in the near future, but it's fantastic to know that I, and the rest of the world, have such a quality restoration to rely on no matter what.

"For Star Wars to return to its roots it must be based more on emotion than explanation."  -- J.J. Abrams


AntcuFaalb said:

Harmy said:

I'm sorry, is this the "discuss what you don't like about the original trilogy" thread?

I call it the "TESB:R Effect". Many people visit this forum for N (N is usually < 3) threads and then think that those N threads represent the entire forum.

TV's Frink loves reminding people that there are threads outside of the popular ones when the TESB:R Effect starts rearing its ugly head.

 And then people love pretending that the post had some tenuous connection to the topic at hand.


Wonderful work! I felt nostalgic watching Star Wars like I remembered as a kid! I will work my way through the others in short order!

All men dream, but not equally. Those who dream by night in the dusty recesses of their minds, wake in the day to find that it was vanity: but the dreamers of the day are dangerous men, for they may act on their dreams with open eyes, to make them possible.

T. E. Lawrence (Lawrence of Arabia)


Congratulations Harmy!

Does this mean you're moving to San Jose?

Forum Moderator

Where were you in '77?


No, at least for now. I'll be working from home - I have a very fast internet connection (around 90Mb/s both down and up) and they will set me up with some really powerful hardware.

If anyone was wondering, for my SW work, this is only positive - I will be quite busy I'm sure but I've been quite busy in my current job and now I should also be more a master of my own time and I will learn some new skills.


Wow,  congratulations, I hope it doesn't mean anything bad to the despecialized editions


Wow, congratulations! This is well deserved, good luck in your new career! =D

Forum Moderator

No more training do you require. Already know you that which you need.

Congratulations Harmy!

“That’s impossible, even for a computer!”

“You don't do ‘Star Wars’ in Dobly.”