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Harmy's STAR WARS Despecialized Edition HD - V2.7 - MKV (Released) — Page 300


TK-423 said:

DoomBot said:

Direct download links removed. Please read the FAQ regarding such matters. Thanks.


Ahh should've assume that, sorry!

The current version of Star Wars Despecialized Edition Remastered on Usenet is named Fixed_DeEdv2.0. Does anyone know if this applies to the audio issues listed above or does this release need the updated audio tracks swapped in?

Thank you!


I was told some pages back that this is already fixed. I went ahead and re-fixed anyway, with tracks available elsewhere (tehparadox), as I wasn't sure...

99% sure what you have is already fine, unless you notice some issue(s).


All the replacement track links at tehparadox show up as online in JDownloader.

Oh, BTW. I heartily recommend JDownloader 2. It's still a beta but it works great and is much better than the old one.


So Harmy any updates on 2.1 and Empire?


Just checked the 'shake' sample. Quite impressive!
Pretty wild to see the amount that was added. Even more impressive is the removal. Looks like it's right on track with the original frames from what I could tell. Every time I see the color comparisons in motion like that, it also always makes me smile. From washed out (GOUT), to WAAAAY too dark (SE/BD), to "just about perfect" (HARMY's!).

Regarding the 720p, I don't mind one bit. It looks excellent. Got to see it on a tube based HD rear projector TV once. Magic. Maybe something a little "nicer" about the colors on those compared to most LCD sets. I'd say that seeing this on any TV, however, is nothing short of excellent.




Well, I recently had a chance to compare it to the BD sitting close to my 27" LCD 1080p monitor and to be quite honest, in movement there is quite a noticeable difference in resolution. But I guess if you weren't sitting with your nose on the screen, the difference would be quite minimal.


Harmy said:

Well, I recently had a chance to compare it to the BD sitting close to my 27" LCD 1080p monitor and to be quite honest, in movement there is quite a noticeable difference in resolution. But I guess if you weren't sitting with your nose on the screen, the difference would be quite minimal.


Indeed...and unless you're sitting the optimal viewing distance for 1080p (and most people don't), you wouldn't notice any difference at all.


Watched 2.0 of Harmy's star wars IV despescialized recently and I have to say it looks great, it's great to finally have the original version in pristine hd-quality. Great work! Thanks alot, Harmy!

The only mistake that I saw was when Obi Wan Kenobi and Darth Vader were duelling with their lightsabers. Some green flashes popped up between the swords that don't seem to belong there.


NewSpock said:

The only mistake that I saw was when Obi Wan Kenobi and Darth Vader were duelling with their lightsabers. Some green flashes popped up between the swords that don't seem to belong there.

Are you sure that they were green flashes?

The OOT has yellow flashes the pop up between the lightsabers.

A picture is worth a thousand words. Post 102 is worth more.

I’m late to the party, but I think this is the best song. Enjoy!

—Teams Jetrell Fo 1, Jetrell Fo 2, and Jetrell Fo 3


Just to help, I analyzed the saber duel scene and the only green things I can find are these:

Some dust or something flying from the sabers when they hit each other at one point, is kinda green here:

Then there's this cyan-colored flash happening one time, but it looks the same in the GOUT. It's frame 127297 in the GOUT. Could anybody check all the other releases and see if it looks the same?

Then there was also this thing that could probably be fixed pretty easily. It's something that probably got copied from the GOUT when Harmy re-did the sabers:



Here's how that flash frame looks in 97 SE TB version and the 2011 BD:


In 1977, the flashes were a pale amber/yellow.  At the outermost edges of the flashes, where the yellowish flash combines with the blue-ish walls, it creates a pale sort of green, but it's subtle.


So let it be written.



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mverta said:

In 1977, the flashes were a pale amber/yellow.  At the outermost edges of the flashes, where the yellowish flash combines with the blue-ish walls, it creates a pale sort of green, but it's subtle.

Interesting. But what about that cyan flash frame I posted?


You_Too said:

mverta said:

In 1977, the flashes were a pale amber/yellow.  At the outermost edges of the flashes, where the yellowish flash combines with the blue-ish walls, it creates a pale sort of green, but it's subtle.

Interesting. But what about that cyan flash frame I posted?

Well, first of all, the saber colors themselves have been grossly up-saturated.  The original saber colors were no where near that colorful.  They were more photographic; tinted glows.  Vader's in particular was always a sort of pink with a slightly-more-reddish-outer edge.  

Since you can't globally push the blues and reds that high to get that look without corrupting the rest of the scene, these elements were treated separately, and the impact flashes were, as well.  That particular flash is easily the "whitest" of the flashes, which again highlights the blueish tint to the walls at its edges, but again the whole thing has been super-saturated way beyond what's on the negative.

This is all part of the cartoon-i-fication of Star Wars which began with Empire, where suddenly we see the droids are all shiny and repainted, and Vader's all clean and showroom new instead of interesting, historied, and weathered. It's just been a steady downhill trend of "bigger, brighter, shinier, more colorful," since then.  Gritty realism more or less ended with the first film.



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Thanks for that explanation Mike.


That frame on the '77 telecine:

All other flashes I checked in the duel are amber/yellow.

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Moth3r said:

That frame on the '77 telecine:

All other flashes I checked in the duel are amber/yellow.


Exactly; this.  I mean, more or less... :)



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Has that "dust" always been there? I watched that on Harmy 2.0 and wondered if it wasn't an SE addition...

What’s the internal temperature of a TaunTaun? Luke warm.


Yeah, the dust was there originally.


Huh, the wonders of HD!

What’s the internal temperature of a TaunTaun? Luke warm.


This has probably been asked before, but I couldn't find anything about it...

Where is the best place to download a copy of Star Wars: The Despecialised Edition?


Hmm... I think something's wrong. I used Vuze to download and burn the movie. The only menu on the disc that there is is the Vuze menu and the movie plays, but there is only one soundtrack, no subtitles, and no chapters.

What did I do wrong?