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Han - Solo Movie ** Spoilers ** — Page 43


What’s funny is Disney is milking the Original Trilogy cow with Vader, Tarkin, young Leia, Yavin IV, etc. Now, they are using a young Han Solo, Chewbacca, Vader again, Lando, Jabba, Boba Fett, and the Falcon. Then, once they confirm it, they will be milking the Prequels with an older Obi-wan “Ben” Kenobi film, using Qui-gon Jinn, Yoda, Mace Windu and what ever characters they decide to use from the prequels or original trilogy, like Mos Eisley, the cantina, or a young Luke Skywalker.

Yes, Mace Windu will be in the new Obi-wan spin-off. We didn’t see him die, this will give him closure and to see him meet Obi-wan in the cantina in Mos Eisley talking about Anakin/Vader/Palpatine. They also go an adventure with the two of them as he sacrifices his life for Obi-wan at the end, so he can be there for young Luke.

Think about it, in The Force Awakens you have Finn, in the Han Solo film you have Donald Glover’s Lando. It makes sense to have Master Windu return with a bionic arm and bad ass attitude, he’s mad about what happened to him and the Jedi. He went into hiding, but Vader or The Empire never got him.

That’s how I would do it.


CarboniteSolo said:

Yes, Mace Windu will be in the new Obi-wan spin-off. We didn’t see him die, this will give him closure and to see him meet Obi-wan in the cantina in Mos Eisley talking about Anakin/Vader/Palpatine. They also go an adventure with the two of them as he sacrifices his life for Obi-wan at the end, so he can be there for young Luke.

Get Tarantino to direct, and this’ll be my favouritist SW ever.


darthrush said:

yhwx said:

But I must feel outraged for whatever reason!

Nope. I’m not outraged. Myself and others, like Density, are worried

It’s a movie. Not to mention it’s a spin-off. There’s literally no reason to be worried because if it sucks, so what?


TV’s Frink said:

darthrush said:

yhwx said:

But I must feel outraged for whatever reason!

Nope. I’m not outraged. Myself and others, like Density, are worried

It’s a movie. Not to mention it’s a spin-off. There’s literally no reason to be worried because if it sucks, so what?

I now am very aware that we have a different level of care for the spin offs LOL

Return of the Jedi: Remastered

Lord of the Rings: The Darth Rush Definitives


darthrush said:

TV’s Frink said:

darthrush said:

yhwx said:

But I must feel outraged for whatever reason!

Nope. I’m not outraged. Myself and others, like Density, are worried

It’s a movie. Not to mention it’s a spin-off. There’s literally no reason to be worried because if it sucks, so what?

I now am very aware that we have a different level of care for the spin offs LOL

That’s my level of care for every move ever made. Like I just said earlier,

ray_afraid said:

It’s just a story some people came up with. If it’s not to your liking, you can just ignore it.

Ray’s Lounge
Biggs in ANH edit idea
ROTJ opening edit idea


SilverWook said:

Hutts are supposed to be hermaphrodites, but post Disney that might no longer be the case.

You’re right; it isn’t. Honestly that bit of Legends canon always seemed like a fig-leaf to me anyways.

“That Darth Vader, man. Sure does love eating Jedi.”


ATMachine said:

SilverWook said:

Hutts are supposed to be hermaphrodites, but post Disney that might no longer be the case.

You’re right; it isn’t. Honestly that bit of Legends canon always seemed like a fig-leaf to me anyways.

*imagines Adam & Eve wearing miniature Hutts over nether regions*




I actually meant that bit of official “canon” was a fig-leaf for how Lucas & Kasdan obviously saw Jabba as a very sexual, and very male, being. (Kasdan’s script used the phrase “fate worse than death” to describe what Jabba did to Leia.)

Inconsistency being the hobgoblin of little minds, people who need canon to understand SW would normally never put two and two together in that regard.

“That Darth Vader, man. Sure does love eating Jedi.”


Density said:

I’m afraid this movie is going to suck. I have no desire whatsoever to see anyone, anywhere, ever play Han Solo but Harrison Ford. It’s not like James Bond; Solo IS Ford. There is no Han Solo without him, only an impostor. Indiana Jones I might be a little more open to re-casting, maybe, but not this.

So the movie is DOA for me for that reason alone. Add the fact that from everything I’m hearing it seems like just another fan service mash-up like Rogue One that, again like Rogue One, tells a pointless story which over-explains the background of the original film, and it just holds no interest for me whatsoever. I don’t want to know Han’s backstory dammit! Some things are better left to the imagination.

Disney is starting to worry me. I was initially excited at the prospects of expanding Star Wars with a constant stream of new movies, but they just keep milking the same cows over and over again. The possibilities for this universe are so vast that it’s incredibly disappointing they can’t seem to do anything more original with it.

Han Solo is a character. I personally have been wanting this particular story for nearly 40 years. I’m not alone. That’s why 3 of the first 4 spin-off novels were of Han Solo. That’s why there was another 3 written later that explored his origins. So, while I think Harrison is a fine actor, for me the character is far more than his portrayal. And, just as Indiana Jones was played by 5 different actors, I have no problem with Han being played by another (he has the looks, so if he can bring the feeling to it, he works). And setting it 10 years before ANH gives them some nice leeway that he doesn’t have to be the exact same character we saw in ANH. And considering that I dislike The Force Awakens and I loved Rogue One, I am pretty excited about this one and happy with the change in directors. I happen to love Ron Howard’s work (and his brother’s) and think he is a pretty damn fine director. I don’t consider these project as fan service or mash-ups. TFA was more that than Rogue One and this movie appears to be giving life to an period in Han’s history that has not been well covered before. A.C. Crispin did not have much of Lando in her books and Daley didn’t know he existed. We might get to see Han win the Falcon, but I am not expecting that to be pivotal to the plot. None of this is any guarantee that the film will either be a success or failure (well, it is pretty certain to be a box office success but I was talking about a success with old-school fans).


This is the only Kira I will ever acknowledge:

I’m going to have to call Emilia Clark’s character something else.


If she isn’t albino, she’s not the real Kira in my books.

“That Darth Vader, man. Sure does love eating Jedi.”


I wonder if we’ll see Artoo and Threepio in a cameo.


I hope not. They have no place in this movie. They felt shoehorned into Rogue One as it is, and they actually had a decent reason for appearing in that one.

I know it’s “tradition” for Artoo and Threepio to appear in every SW film, but aren’t the standalone movies meant to break from the traditions of the franchise?


Yeah, a Threepio and Artoo cameo would be pushing it. I wouldn’t mind seeing Bollux and Blue Max though, as a nod to the Brian Daley novels.

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Where were you in '77?


Oh man, I’d love a cameo from Bullox and Blue Max.

But wait, Michael K. Williams role was supposed to be a CG character of some kind but was replaced with Bettany because of a scheduling conflict. Reportedly, the character will now just be a human. But what if that was supposed to be Bullox? Unlikely, but still something to ponder…

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Threepio and R2 can be shoe horned into an embarrassing cameo if they choose to show right up to the moment Han and Chewie enter Mos Eisley, just before they meet Obiwan.