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General Star Wars Random Thoughts Thread — Page 334


Kylo could have a bastard kicking around somewhere.


When the Star Wars land finally opens at Disneyland, I hope they do cool stuff like Johnny Depp in costume lurking on the Pirates Of The Caribbean ride.

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Where were you in '77?


SilverWook said:


GOLD is a popular color among movie villains 😉


Rogue One is redundant. Just play the first mission of DARK FORCES.
The hallmark of a corrupt leader: Being surrounded by yes men.
‘The best visual effects in the world will not compensate for a story told badly.’ - V.E.S.
‘Star Wars is a buffet, enjoy the stuff you want, and leave the rest.’ - SilverWook


I’d be amazed if someone doesn’t try to steal that mask.

And Frank Langella would make for an awesome Star Wars villain.

Forum Moderator

Where were you in '77?


SilverWook said:

When the Star Wars land finally opens at Disneyland, I hope they do cool stuff like Johnny Depp in costume lurking on the Pirates Of The Caribbean ride.

Wait did he actually do that or are you just referring to the very eerily lifelike animatronic of him they added to the ride?

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TV’s Frink said:

CHEWBAKAspelledwrong said:

I wonder how a battle between two death stars would play out.

A gif search for “Death Star vs. Death Star” didn’t get me there but did bring me this:

It looks like the Soccer player, Zinadin headbutting the Death Star. Italy was mad when Zinadin headbutted one of their players.


Tobar said:

SilverWook said:

When the Star Wars land finally opens at Disneyland, I hope they do cool stuff like Johnny Depp in costume lurking on the Pirates Of The Caribbean ride.

Wait did he actually do that or are you just referring to the very eerily lifelike animatronic of him they added to the ride?

He actually did it yesterday. It was all over twitter.

Forum Moderator

Where were you in '77?


I despise the Jabba’s place sequence.


Jeebus said:

I despise the Jabba’s place sequence.

You don’t like Luke slaughtering Jabba’s whole guard staff and then destroying the sail barge… .which not only had all Jabba’s buddies on it… but bartenders, waitresses and other staff.

Man - that’s kind of messed up really 😃


Disco_Lobot said:

Jeebus said:

I despise the Jabba’s place sequence.

You don’t like Luke slaughtering Jabba’s whole guard staff and then destroying the sail barge… .which not only had all Jabba’s buddies on it… but bartenders, waitresses and other staff.

Man - that’s kind of messed up really 😃

There’s a couple of good things in that sequence, I like Luke force-choking the guards, and I like the barge sequence, but there’s just too much that I don’t like surrounding the good things.


The fact this exists fills me with joy.

It seems like people are really embracing the new characters. In fact, the big question people ask me now about Star Wars is, “Are Finn and Poe gay lovers?” And really how the f*ck would I know? My second husband left me for a man, so my gaydar isn’t exactly what you’d call Death Star level quality. ----Carrie Fisher


I wonder if we’ll ever get another Star Wars movie that ends with the cast doing a goofy pose, a la ANH, ROTJ, and TPM. TLJ seems like an unlikely candidate, but maybe it will work in the Han Solo movie. I kind of hope they do go that route again at some point. I remember thinking of that as one of the little signatures of Star Wars before they made four movies in a row that didn’t have it.


Jeebus said:

Disco_Lobot said:

Jeebus said:

I despise the Jabba’s place sequence.

You don’t like Luke slaughtering Jabba’s whole guard staff and then destroying the sail barge… .which not only had all Jabba’s buddies on it… but bartenders, waitresses and other staff.

Man - that’s kind of messed up really 😃

There’s a couple of good things in that sequence, I like Luke force-choking the guards, and I like the barge sequence, but there’s just too much that I don’t like surrounding the good things.

That sequence takes up a sizable amount of the film and it could have been trimmed in order to give Han and Leia’s roles some more weight along with the possibility of bolstering the final conflict with The Empire and The Rebels. This would also give them an opportunity to focus on Luke’s current disposition as he was Dark Side abilities and it would it would have made the part where he gives into his anger more substantial in nature. This would also be a perfect way to tie in how he felt about being the offspring of Vader. We as the audience already have a clue what he feels because it would still have been nice if they gone to the root cause of that emotional unrest he was feeling and explored it thoroughly. The sad thing with ROTJ is that when I think of it I mostly think of how good it is once you trim the fat but there are some pretty deep fat reserves in this movie.


I wonder if we’ll ever get another Star Wars movie that ends with the cast doing a goofy pose

Well the originals all end with some pose or another plus the droids getting the Brasso treatment. I guess TFA sorta shoved it in there but didn’t go with it for reasons. Oh well. Do we need another Ewok dance party? Maybe…


Nice to see someone giving actual constructive criticism on these films. I have come to find that my main problem thus far is that neither film is particularly risky. Sure Rogue One showed us hints of moral ambiguity and a Rebellion that wasn’t fucking around but that is a pill that can be easily swallowed. I’m hoping The Last Jedi either expands the lore exponentially or changes some aspect of the story indefinitely. Part of the reason I came around to idea of Disney making these films is the prospect of seeing new things that expand the universe exponentially, seeing weird and interesting concepts they can introduce in these new stories that are still in the spirit of the OT and above all else, new and innovative ways of storytelling. I haven’t really gotten that thus far.


Disco_Lobot said:

darthrush said:

Best video I have ever seen when it comes to the dissection of the new disney films.


By his standard Ripley and Sarah Connor are passive protagonists

Both of those protagonists’ first films were on the horror side of Sci-fi, which is all about having things happen to them until they take action to defeat the threat.

It’s notable that their second films (Terminator 2 and Aliens) are much more conventional action films, allowing the protagonists to be very active.

You probably don’t recognize me because of the red arm.
Episode 9 Rewrite, The Starlight Project (Released!) and ANH Technicolor Project (Released!)


Ripley in Alien was a flight officer or whatever, she gave orders and took charge where it was appropriate. Kyle Reese was the protagonist in Terminator until Sarah became the fighting mother figure he heard about in the finale.


NeverarGreat said:

Disco_Lobot said:

darthrush said:

Best video I have ever seen when it comes to the dissection of the new disney films.


By his standard Ripley and Sarah Connor are passive protagonists

Both of those protagonists’ first films were on the horror side of Sci-fi, which is all about having things happen to them until they take action to defeat the threat.

It’s notable that their second films (Terminator 2 and Aliens) are much more conventional action films, allowing the protagonists to be very active.

Come on, that’s just special pleading. There are countless movies where things happen to the protagonist that they have no control over. All that matters is whether it’s well done or not. I mean think mow many origin stories involve something happening to the protagonist that serves as an inspiration for later action. Heck, Luke Skywalker was pretty damn passive until his EDIT: Aunt and Uncle got incinerated.

I don’t think the guy was trying to hate on anything, but some of his points were just silly.


Aunt and uncle you mean. Technically his parents did get incinerated, but he wouldn’t know about that. 😉

Forum Moderator

Where were you in '77?


SilverWook said:

Aunt and uncle you mean. Technically his parents did get incinerated, but he wouldn’t know about that. 😉

HA!.. yes definitely typed that one out too fast 😃