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General Star Wars Random Thoughts Thread — Page 205


I'm tempted to play Lego Star Wars II again - but then again I'd end up shutting it off before I finished it, because all the slapstick and the lack of actual speech makes it idiotic and annoying. Not to mention the murky look it inherits from the DVDs! Lego Jurassic Park has slapstick too, but at least the speech balances it out. Tell me there's a mod that adds dialogue somewhere!

Ol’ George has the GOUT, I see.


Bleh, I hate the new trend of all Lego games having dialog. The silent pantomime was charming, now they just rip dialog straight out of the film and it's boring. Not to mention weird when you have silly stuff going on and then SUPER SERIOUS DIALOG.

Forum Moderator

Tobar said:

Bleh, I hate the new trend of all Lego games having dialog. The silent pantomime was charming, now they just rip dialog straight out of the film and it's boring. Not to mention weird when you have silly stuff going on and then SUPER SERIOUS DIALOG.

 I see what you're saying but I'll stick to my words.

Ol’ George has the GOUT, I see.


“First feel fear, then get angry. Then go with your life into the fight.” - Bill Mollison


The resemblance is uncanny.

Ol’ George has the GOUT, I see.


Not too surprising. Back in the day, there were observations that Alec Guinness looked Christlike in the OT. (Or Obi Wan was an analogy.) And he does come back from the dead...

Forum Moderator

Where were you in '77?


SilverWook said:

And he does come back from the dead...

Force Ghost != Resurrection.

Nobody sang The Bunny Song in years…


Well, the resemblance to the traditional portrayal of Jesus as a white guy, which the real life version of him certainly was not.


Here's a cool fan project about finding out the true story of David Prowse's exclusion from Star Wars and making a short mini-movie of putting him back into the final reveal  scene of Darth Vader in Return of the Jedi.



“First feel fear, then get angry. Then go with your life into the fight.” - Bill Mollison


Hal 9000 said:

kaarma33 said:


 Wow. That's... 

 Yeah... All due respect to the increasingly mutilated memory of Seb Shaw's performance and the until recently unsung contribution of Bob Anderson, Prowse has earned his face on the screen (his charity work alone is proportion of income wise up their with Lucas). So much of Vader is the body language just watch the last reel of ROTS for further evidence.

His natural voice would be wrong but he is an actor as well as a body.


Bingowings said:

So much of Vader is the body language just watch the last reel of ROTS for further evidence.

I agree: I always thought ROTS's Vader lacked of... "presence" on the set. Not sure if it was Hayden's performance or his armor (which looks pretty slim compared to the OT ones). Funny that Prowse doesn't need to speak (much) to make a good performance, which is true for his work in the OT, but also for A Clockwork Orange :D

The Original Trilogy’s Timeline Reconstruction: http://originaltrilogy.com/forum/topic.cfm/Implied-starting-date-of-the-Empire-from-OT-dialogue/post/786201/#TopicPost786201