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General Star Wars Random Thoughts Thread — Page 202


Bobocop said:

I don't trust the Naboo, because they consistently elect teenage girls dressed like clowns to lead them. Not to mention they thought it was ok to give Jar Jar a seat in the Senate.

Never really thought of it in that light before. Now that you mention it, I don't think I'll ever fail to notice how goofy the Naboobian political system really is.

I've learned that the prequels make a hell of a lot more sense when I'm not sober.

I should try that some time. I'll need more than the typical 375 mL bottle of Southern Comfort to get the job done, though.


Personally, I'd say the prequels make a lot more sense when watched alongside Jodorowsky's The Holy Mountain.

“That Darth Vader, man. Sure does love eating Jedi.”


ATMachine said:

Personally, I'd say the prequels make a lot more sense when watched alongside Jodorowsky's The Holy Mountain.

 Anything does.


Zoom out camera.

But I digress...

“That Darth Vader, man. Sure does love eating Jedi.”


Oh, so I finished the Star Wars Radio Drama, and it indeed is the best thing ever. I can see why Anchorhead swears by it. It adds bits here and there that really deepen the characters and actually end up fixing some things that I used to nitpick about the film.

Basically, if you missed that Humble Bundle I tried to tell you about, you're a dummy.

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TV's Frink said:

Me's a dummy.
Well, you need to buy them anyway. Mark plays Luke in the first two, so there's another few hours of dialog you can cut up for TRT.

Star Wars Revisited Wordpress

Star Wars Visual Comparisons WordPress


doubleofive said:

TV's Frink said:

Me's a dummy.

Well, you need to buy them anyway. Mark plays Luke in the first two, so there's another few hours of dialog you can cut up for TRT.

 I think you mean the ROT.


Watching ROTJ right now, and it's only just now occurred to me to question this: what exactly was Oola trying to do? The chain wasn't around Jabba's neck as far as I can see, so I guess she wasn't trying to kill him. Does she just want to escape? She picked a hell of a time to try.


One could say the same thing about Leia taking off her disguise in the middle of Jabba's throne room. Frankly I doubt Luke's "plan" (such as it was) accounted for such rash stupidity. (Some things run in the family, I guess.)

“That Darth Vader, man. Sure does love eating Jedi.”


joefavs said:

Watching ROTJ right now, and it's only just now occurred to me to question this: what exactly was Oola trying to do? The chain wasn't around Jabba's neck as far as I can see, so I guess she wasn't trying to kill him. Does she just want to escape? She picked a hell of a time to try.

 Two words. Hutt hickeys...

Forum Moderator

Where were you in '77?


ATMachine said:

One could say the same thing about Leia taking off her disguise in the middle of Jabba's throne room. Frankly I doubt Luke's "plan" (such as it was) accounted for such rash stupidity. (Some things run in the family, I guess.)

 1. She thought everyone was asleep.

 2. Han needed to know who was rescuing him.

Forum Moderator

Where were you in '77?


Why are we not complaining about this?


Have we lost our vitriol? A video supposedly showing the "like poetry, it rhymes" that could also just prove that "Lazy Lucas, was Lazy" is making the rounds, "proving" that the PT was "reverent" to the OT because the director only has so many ways he can shoot a medium/closeup scene.

Star Wars Revisited Wordpress

Star Wars Visual Comparisons WordPress


doubleofive said:

"Lazy Lucas, was Lazy"

 Thank you.


TV's Frink said:

doubleofive said:

"Lazy Lucas, was Lazy"

 Thank you.
It comes naturally. I used it in a text message before I posted it here, with someone who has no idea what it's a reference to.

Star Wars Revisited Wordpress

Star Wars Visual Comparisons WordPress


ATMachine said:

Personally, I'd say the prequels make a lot more sense when watched alongside Jodorowsky's The Holy Mountain.

 What are you talking about!? A completely nude man shooting milk out of his cat shaped nipples onto a bald man, while screaming laughter plays in the background makes TOTAL sense!

<span style=“font-weight: bold;”>The Most Handsomest Guy on OT.com</span>


doubleofive said:

Why are we not complaining about this?


Have we lost our vitriol? A video supposedly showing the "like poetry, it rhymes" that could also just prove that "Lazy Lucas, was Lazy" is making the rounds, "proving" that the PT was "reverent" to the OT because the director only has so many ways he can shoot a medium/closeup scene.

Why would we complain? I thought the music in the video was quite relaxing, and it did a good job of juxtaposing similar shots from the different trilogies. Is it usually lazy filmmaking? Yes. Could it ALSO be poetic? Absolutely.

As much as I like picking apart the problems of the prequels, it is not a vitriolic exercise for me, and hatred isn't going to bring anyone around to my side. Enthusiasm for what I DO enjoy just might.

You probably don’t recognize me because of the red arm.
Episode 9 Rewrite, The Starlight Project (Released!) and ANH Technicolor Project (Released!)


People are entitled to their opinions on the prequels no matter how wrong we might think they are. Going out of your way to go after someone with a different point of view, is as bad as the people who take potshots at us from afar.

Live and let live.

Forum Moderator

Where were you in '77?


greenpenguino said:

ATMachine said:

Personally, I'd say the prequels make a lot more sense when watched alongside Jodorowsky's The Holy Mountain.

 What are you talking about!? A completely nude man shooting milk out of his cat shaped nipples onto a bald man, while screaming laughter plays in the background makes TOTAL sense!

I watched The Holy Mountain only last summer -- why don't I remember any of this beautiful nonsense? 


I was thinking...

Does R2-D2 hold all the Jedi training secrets Yoda told Luke, and can that be... Oh forget it.

“First feel fear, then get angry. Then go with your life into the fight.” - Bill Mollison


DuracellEnergizer said:

greenpenguino said:

ATMachine said:

Personally, I'd say the prequels make a lot more sense when watched alongside Jodorowsky's The Holy Mountain.

 What are you talking about!? A completely nude man shooting milk out of his cat shaped nipples onto a bald man, while screaming laughter plays in the background makes TOTAL sense!

I watched The Holy Mountain only last summer -- why don't I remember any of this beautiful nonsense? 

Probably because there's all the other beautiful nonsense going on that film! It's just wonderfully bonkers.

Anyway, back on topic: Lando, lightsaber, prequels, Dr Spock .etc .etc

<span style=“font-weight: bold;”>The Most Handsomest Guy on OT.com</span>


DuracellEnergizer said:

Ugh. They really had to settle on bloated Henrietta Sidious from ROTS as their "Emperor" picture?
