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General Star Wars Random Thoughts Thread — Page 149


imperialscum said:


So this guy talks about 35mm that is idealised by so many fans around here. I completely agree with him.

I just came back from a 35mm screening of Slumdog Millionaire (I know, a bit ironic considering that the film was shot digitally) and it was the best quality of projection I've seen in years - sure, there were some scratches on the ends of the reels and the sound crackled a bit sometimes but the colors were gorgeous and there was no stupid raster like there always was on all digital projections I've ever seen (last film I saw before this was a digital projection of How to Train Your Dragon 2 and the raster of the projection was so horribly distracting, it took away most of the visual impact of this otherwise pretty great flick for me). It'd been so long since I'd last seen a 35mm print, I was actually pretty surprised how little grain there was visible in the projection too.


DuracellEnergizer said:

JediZombie said:

You sound kind of silly when you complain about fans spitting venom on those that question Lucas when you're spitting venom on those that like the PT.

I don't mind if someone likes the PT -- as long as they support the preservation of the OOT. What I do mind, however, is when someone who does like the PT treats the OOT like used toilet paper and decrees that Lucas is a perfect god who can never be questioned and personally attacks and insults anyone who says otherwise.

 I agree. I also run into this type of fan on both sides, though. PT fans that will shit all over you and SW purists that will shit all over you. I''m in the middle of the isle, so I sometimes find myself getting shit on twice. ;)

I am what all Jedi fear to become, and what all Sith wish to be. A GOD!


Harmy said:

imperialscum said:


So this guy talks about 35mm that is idealised by so many fans around here. I completely agree with him.

I just came back from a 35mm screening of Slumdog Millionaire (I know, a bit ironic considering that the film was shot digitally) and it was the best quality of projection I've seen in years - sure, there were some scratches on the ends of the reels and the sound crackled a bit sometimes but the colors were gorgeous and there was no stupid raster like there always was on all digital projections I've ever seen (last film I saw before this was a digital projection of How to Train Your Dragon 2 and the raster of the projection was so horribly distracting, it took away most of the visual impact of this otherwise pretty great flick for me). It'd been so long since I'd last seen a 35mm print, I was actually pretty surprised how little grain there was visible in the projection too.

Well I wasn't aiming at the screen projection aspects. I was aiming at the process of capturing and containing the colours. When you put it in RGB it will stay the same forever.

Anyway since you mentioned screen projection, I hate it. No matter how good the equipment is, the colours are bad compared to modern LED displays (at least to me). That is why I don't go to film theatres lately.



If they ever remake the OT, they should cast Tommy Wiseau to play Greedo.

"I did naht shoot first -- I did NAHT ... O hai Han!"


Thank you for getting this thread back on track.


TV's Frink said:

Thank you for getting this thread back on track.

 It's a random thoughts thread. That means there is no track. It goes wherever the next poster takes it. 

I am what all Jedi fear to become, and what all Sith wish to be. A GOD!


Don't tell me what my thread is about.

There are plenty of other places here to discuss things like the EU, PT vs OT, film vs. digital, etc.

Basically, get off my thread's lawn.


TV's Frink said:

Don't tell me what my thread is about.

There are plenty of other places here to discuss things like the EU, PT vs OT, film vs. digital, etc.

Basically, get off my thread's lawn.

 Random would indicate there are no patterns or regularity. Therefore, I shall talk about random things related to Star Wars on a thread entitled General Star Wars Random thoughts. 

Basically, I think I'll stay on this lawn and relax with a nice cool glass of blue milk.

I am what all Jedi fear to become, and what all Sith wish to be. A GOD!


JediZombie said:

I shall talk about random things related to Star Wars on a thread entitled General Star Wars Random thoughts. 

Basically, I think I'll stay on this lawn and relax with a nice cool glass of blue milk.

Nope, you can't talk about random things in this thread, only random thoughts and those thoughts must be Star Wars related and also cover a wide spectrum of topics within the subset "Star Wars".

VIZ TOP TIPS! - PARENTS. Impress your children by showing them a floppy disk and telling them it’s a 3D model of a save icon.


Ryan McAvoy said:

JediZombie said:

I shall talk about random things related to Star Wars on a thread entitled General Star Wars Random thoughts. 

Basically, I think I'll stay on this lawn and relax with a nice cool glass of blue milk.

Nope, you can't talk about random things in this thread, only random thoughts and those thoughts must be Star Wars related and also cover a wide spectrum of topics within the subset "Star Wars".

 Why would anyone talk about non Star Wars related things on a Star Wars forum?

I am what all Jedi fear to become, and what all Sith wish to be. A GOD!


JediZombie said:

Why would anyone talk about non Star Wars related things on a Star Wars forum?


VIZ TOP TIPS! - PARENTS. Impress your children by showing them a floppy disk and telling them it’s a 3D model of a save icon.


JediZombie said:

 Why would anyone talk about non Star Wars related things on a Star Wars forum?

 You should ask this guy, he's made way too many posts for them all to be about Star Wars.

But this all belongs in off-topic.


I wonder if, somewhere in the Lucasfilm Archives, there still exists the hairpiece Alec Guinness wore as Obi-Wan.

“That Darth Vader, man. Sure does love eating Jedi.”


TheBoost said:

There are a couple of Summer Star Wars promotions on young cool brands, including Vans shoes.

100% OT imagery. Usually just "Star Wars."

The future looks bright.

Just looked at those in a store the other day (might have gotten the Fett ones if Vans were my style), right after visiting a Disney store. It's all OT. The display in the Disney Store showed X-Wings over the Death Star. It's almost like being in 1984 (the year, not the book).

It feels like we're on the way to an OT victory. I know it'll all change over to the ST immediately after the release of VII, and we should enjoy the OT mania while we can, but for now it's almost like reliving my early childhood.

Keep Circulating the Tapes.


(It hasn’t happened yet)



Awesome picture of The Dominium Theatre in London. Possibly December 1977.



I was editing SW frame-by-frame and it just happened to stop on this one...

Caption Competition! (Or make a meme time, whichever)

VIZ TOP TIPS! - PARENTS. Impress your children by showing them a floppy disk and telling them it’s a 3D model of a save icon.


Ryan McAvoy said:

I was editing SW frame-by-frame and it just happened to stop on this one...

Caption Competition! (Or make a meme time, whichever)


Project Threepio (Star Wars OOT subtitles)