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General Star Wars Random Thoughts Thread — Page 130


Well, ask yourself this: Are you currently participating in an internet discussion about Star Wars? :-D


I'm not.  I'm currently drinking another juice box.


Here's a random thought: this might seem crazy but for whatever reason when I'm trying to remember something or when I'm trying to think of something to think about, the first thing that always pops up in my mind is "Star Wars." 

So, in a way, Star Wars is always my own personal random thought.


DominicCobb said:

Here's a random thought: this might seem crazy but for whatever reason when I'm trying to remember something or when I'm trying to think of something to think about, the first thing that always pops up in my mind is "Star Wars." 

So, in a way, Star Wars is always my own personal random thought.

 I like the sound of that!

"Where did I park my car, again...? erm... Docking Bay 94?" ;-)

VIZ TOP TIPS! - PARENTS. Impress your children by showing them a floppy disk and telling them it’s a 3D model of a save icon.


It's funny how many times I hear snippets of a Star Wars conversation at a local restaurant, (usually between employees) but can barely make it out over the background noise beyond key phrases.

Forum Moderator

Where were you in '77?


ray_afraid said:

I only like the original film and Empire. No SE, PT, EU books or comics, cartoon shows, ect. I don't collect toys or cards or any merchandise. I actually don't own a single official product except for the original OT boxset on VHS and I loaned that to my sister to show my nephews over 10 years ago*. I have no intentions of asking for it back.

So... can/should I still call myself a Star Wars fan?

Sure, why the hell not? You're needlessly limiting your horizons, but that's your prerogative and it doesn't make you any less a fan. ;-)


Harmy said:

Well, ask yourself this: Are you currently participating in an internet discussion about Star Wars? :-D

 Haha, yeah. It's just a strange situation when you realize you dislike more than you like about a franchise you're supposedly a fan of.

DuracellEnergizer said:

You're needlessly limiting your horizons, but that's your prerogative and it doesn't make you any less a fan. ;-)

Well, I'm not really limiting myself. I've checked out the EU, I just haven't found any of it that I like. Except the flight simulator type games like X-Wing, TIE Fighter & Rouge Squadron. Those were great.

Ray’s Lounge
Biggs in ANH edit idea
ROTJ opening edit idea


ray_afraid said:

Well, I'm not really limiting myself. I've checked out the EU, I just haven't found any of it that I like. Except the flight simulator type games like X-Wing, TIE Fighter & Rouge Squadron. Those were great.

Copy Rouge Leader


^ I see what you did there.

"Ladies pinch, whores use rouge."


There's something unwholesome about seeing a fat man in a X-wing wearing a bloody Glasgow smile ...


That my dear, is lipstick, a Glasgow smile (or Chelsea smile to our friends down south) is more permanent.


Yes guys, if a Glaswegian offers to give you a 'Glasgow Smile', a 'Glasgow Handshake' or a 'Glasgow Kiss', decline politely (They're not as friendly gestures as you might imagine) ;-)

VIZ TOP TIPS! - PARENTS. Impress your children by showing them a floppy disk and telling them it’s a 3D model of a save icon.


People from Glasgow are actually very friendly on the whole.

Just as people from Edinburgh are probably more generous than you would suppose and people from Aberdeen aren't that friendly with sheep.


I hate that many people seem to misunderstand Leia's character in Star Wars. It seems many think of her character as a captured princess and a innocent victim of the galactic civil war. Even Carrie Fisher doesn't understand her "floating accent" that comes and goes throughout the film.
The fact is, when we meet her she's only using her "Princess" title to disguise her real position as a member of the Rebel Alliance on a mission to deliver the stolen Death Star plans to the Rebel base. Her accent is only used in front of Darth Vader and Moff Tarkin in an attempt to fool them into thinking she's no more than the innocent princess of a peaceful world and therefore no threat to the Empire at all.
I've also heard her delivering the mission briefing in TESB criticized by people who obviously don't understand her character. She's not just a princess who got caught up in the war, she's a major leader of the Rebel military. That's why we see her doing such things in TESB and why she's leading such missions in SW.

It might be a nice touch if a fan editor altered General Dodonna's dialog to something like "General Organa, you're safe!"
I'd dig that.

Ray’s Lounge
Biggs in ANH edit idea
ROTJ opening edit idea


ray_afraid said:

I hate that many people seem to misunderstand Leia's character in Star Wars. It seems many think of her character as a captured princess and a innocent victim of the galactic civil war. Even Carrie Fisher doesn't understand her "floating accent" that comes and goes throughout the film.
The fact is, when we meet her she's only using her "Princess" title to disguise her real position as a member of the Rebel Alliance on a mission to deliver the stolen Death Star plans to the Rebel base. Her accent is only used in front of Darth Vader and Moff Tarkin in an attempt to fool them into thinking she's no more than the innocent princess of a peaceful world and therefore no threat to the Empire at all.
I've also heard her delivering the mission briefing in TESB criticized by people who obviously don't understand her character. She's not just a princess who got caught up in the war, she's a major leader of the Rebel military. That's why we see her doing such things in TESB and why she's leading such missions in SW.

It might be a nice touch if a fan editor altered General Dodonna's dialog to something like "General Organa, you're safe!"
I'd dig that.

 Agreed. I always thought of her accent as a role she was playing


How could anyone think she was "innocent" of acting against the Empire, when we saw her put the plans in Artoo? That was no ATM card! A little early in the film to be running off to the bathroom and miss that detail. ;)

I've understood for a long time her "accent" was her senate/diplomatic tone of voice. It's her position in the senate that allowed her to travel to many places without attracting undue attention, hence Vader's line, "You weren't on any mercy mission this time."

In the real world, when royals serve in the military, how are they addressed, by title or rank?

Forum Moderator

Where were you in '77?


SilverWook said:

In the real world, when royals serve in the military, how are they addressed, by title or rank?

 That's a good question. But, I think in a situation like this, her "Princess" title would mean very little compared to her rank. Both to the other members of the Rebellion and to herself as well. But, I don't really know.

Also, by addressing her by rank, it would help to flesh out her character even more. I think it would be a nice alteration in a fan edit or a REVISIT-ation of some kind ; )

Ray’s Lounge
Biggs in ANH edit idea
ROTJ opening edit idea


The rebels don't seem to go in for too much formality though. Han becomes a General, Luke is a Commander, and they never salute each other.

IIRC, Leia is addressed as princess and your highness in ESB by personnel in the command center on Hoth.

Forum Moderator

Where were you in '77?


Luke is probably looked at as a knight martial by then... no wonder they need droids to figure this stuff out.


Princess Leia was a major inspirational figure for the Alliance. When she's addressed as Princess it's a reminder that she's the last royalty of world destroyed by the Empire.

Forum Moderator

Good point!

Forum Moderator

Where were you in '77?


The SW Universe needs it's own version of the Mirror Universe*.


*And no, the PT doesn't count. =P