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As a fan of your first Film Adaptation, A Tale of Kings and Honor, I’m very excited about this project! When do you think this fanedit will be completed and available to watch?
is the second film entry in my Game of Thrones film series, a high-paced and intensely structured 3 hour epic of the second season, featuring the musical and stylistic structure of the Lord of the Rings movies to create a wholly epic experience. After the immensely positive feedback and encouraging words from fellow faneditors and viewers from both Fanedit.org and OriginalTrilogy.com upon the release of the first entry; A Tale of Kings and Honor, I have now settled on seeing this project through, and it is my wish to create something really unique, inspiring and fresh to the world of fanediting. I hope this future saga can bring just that to the table!
The project is meant to have the same structural pace and tone as the Lord of the Rings, while maintaining the story and characters of Game of Thrones, to create a suspenseful, truthful-to-material, one-time adventure in which - instead of watching 10 hours of episodes, you watch one condensed 3-hour long movie with the story fundament of Game of Thrones and the pure adventure and tone of the Lord of the Rings. It will be much easier to watch this with a nay-sayer friend than to ask him to watch 10 hours of episodes with you, as well as to do a Game of Thrones-marathon.
The series’ soundtrack is completely removed and replaced with that of Lord of the Rings, using different themes for the different houses (Rohan for the Starks, Gondor for King’s Landing, Arwen theme (and later when dragons; DoS Dragon theme) for Daenerys), as well as the entirety of the score of the Lord of the Rings and The Hobbit movies where suited.
Unlike A Tale of Kings and Honor, which settled on a flattering 2 hours and 38 minutes, I soon realized well through the heavy and struggeling parts of editing the first rough cut that this endavour would be well towards a proper, long epic. The amount of traveling and growth for each of the key players is immense, not to mention the inclusion of new characters that has to get a small, but growing voice of their own, and an end-battle that very much resembles Helm’s Deep - all earning their spot in the spotlight.
CHARACTERS WE FOLLOW: Robb Stark, Catelyn Stark, Arya Stark, Jamie Lannister, Theon Greyjoy, Tyrion Lannister, Lannisters, Stannis Baratheon and Jon Snow.
Other main or side characters in season 2 are visited through the presence of our key players that we follow for Film II, such as Sansa Stark, Joffrey Baratheon/Lannister, Cersei Lannister, Renley Baratheon, Gendry, Littlefinger, Varys, Brianne of Tarth etcetc.
The story for Film II does revolve around escaping the claws that the characters found themselfs in at the end of the last film, often failing to do so, and trying to get to a better and more just place. It’s also about the war of the five kings, and how the kingdom is slowly growing more and more violent and shredded. The film ends with all the characters finding themselfs in even worse places than when they first started, leaving a small victory - once again - to the family of the Lannisters, and a growing tension among all the key players.
I would LOVE for ideas, suggestions and constructive criticism from my fellow friends here at the fanediting community. This edit is not completely finished, and there is still some room for exploration and/or major alterations or additions. I am thrilled to hear from you guys, be it what i just mentioned or just well-wishes. Thank you!
The Ancient Lore
Kenobi: A Star Wars Story
Harry Potter Revisited
Game of Thrones Film Edits
Titanic Restructured
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As a fan of your first Film Adaptation, A Tale of Kings and Honor, I’m very excited about this project! When do you think this fanedit will be completed and available to watch?
Cheers, brother!
I hope for a release during early February ❤️
The Ancient Lore
Kenobi: A Star Wars Story
Harry Potter Revisited
Game of Thrones Film Edits
Titanic Restructured
… and more.
Aaaaaw, I’m glad to see that you have the second edit in progress(even nearly finished), Andreas!
Very excited when I see that you have an upcoming project!
I can’t think of any ideas to give you right now, except the one I once told you - try to add score from another source, different than LOTR. But If your mind is set for Howard Shore’s score only - so be it!
Keep it up, my friend!
Thank you, my friend! Appreciated!
I won’t do soundtracks from other places as of right now (for film II at least), but I might consider it in the future. But It would of course have to match the same musical structure as Howard Shore’s.
But I have re-incorporated a couple of GoT soundtracks in there, for good meassure. It was highly requested.
The Ancient Lore
Kenobi: A Star Wars Story
Harry Potter Revisited
Game of Thrones Film Edits
Titanic Restructured
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Hey, Anjohan!
How is the fanedit going?
Link can be obtained through PM.
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Kenobi: A Star Wars Story
Harry Potter Revisited
Game of Thrones Film Edits
Titanic Restructured
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Ι just finished watching both “A Tale of Kings And Honor” and “A Storm of Swords”.
You’ve done something really special here, my friend.
I loved both films and I admire your work, because they both felt like actual films and not just a bunch of scenes from a TV show sewn together. Your editing skills are top-notch and the addition of the LOTR music was genius. You managed to keep the absolute essential to the story parts, while maintaining a very nice flow.
If I had to give you one note and start nitpicking, I would only say that at first I wasn’t so sure about the aspect ratio you chose. I get that you wanted to give a more cinematic feel to the scenes, but I think that at some parts it didn’t really work for me. But again this is just a tiny flaw and just my opinion.
Congratulations once again and thank you so much for what you’ve done. I am super looking forward for your next films.
I know how hard this effort is, but do you have in mind a release date for the next instalment?
Thank you for those kind words, brother. Thank you!
Film III is hopefully due for a release at the time of release for SEASON 8 EPISODE 3.
The Ancient Lore
Kenobi: A Star Wars Story
Harry Potter Revisited
Game of Thrones Film Edits
Titanic Restructured
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Thank you for this amazing fanedit! Great job as usual. I recently finished watching it, and loved it.
That’s awesome that Film III is possibly coming out very soon. What is the title going to be for Film III?
Thank you so, so much, kind man! Greatly appreciated! You’re all too nice!
A Feast for Crows will be the title for the third film. 😄
The Ancient Lore
Kenobi: A Star Wars Story
Harry Potter Revisited
Game of Thrones Film Edits
Titanic Restructured
… and more.
Hey Anjohan!
How is the “A Feast for Crows” edit coming along? I’m eagerly anticipating its arrival. : )
Hi, I just recently finished watching both your edit of “A Tale of Kings and Honor” and “A Storm of Swords”. All I can say is that your edit was flawless. Regarding technicalities, its 10/10 for me. If I had not known and followed the show, I would never realize the things that have omitted or changed, whatsoever. However, I have a few personal comments, but this will be in no way affect how great your edit was.
~start of my personal comments~
First and foremost, I must say that I would still prefer to watch the original, as I think that there are many scenes that was omitted in the show that for me was needed (or maybe I’m just being biased, such that, I just miss those scenes). Example is the omission of how did the Stark kids got their direwolves partners. Also, the pacing was a good thing because of the cuts, such that it is more fast-paced, but at the same time resulted in lost of character developments (especially considering that the show has so many “main characters”). But I (and honestly, others should also) understand that any TV-to-Movie fan edit, would definitely cut a large sum of runtime in order to fit the whole season into one movie. So this was inevitable. And I know that the editor have done an extensive decision-making process to decide which scenes are to be left and omitted.
Second, is the choice of music. The LOTR music is in no way bad or whatever negative attribute you can think of. On the contrary, it’s epic and really is a nicely composed piece of music, that goes well with films that have a huge worldbuilding like Game of Thrones. But I kinda miss GoT’s own theme song because it is so iconic to that show. I could never imagine GoT without it. But then again, that is what the editor’s intention from the start, to fuse GoT’s story and LOTR’s music. Also, I think there are fans who liked how you have successfully integrated LOTR’s music in the show. So I really cannot complain.
Lastly, the intro of “A Tale of Kings and Honor” is BADASS!!! It really works for me. But then again, the way the show told that “prequel” story thru bits of information scattered in different episodes also works for me. I like how you conceptualize on including that into your edit. Kudos to the you, Anjohan!
~end of my personal comments~
So like I said, my personal comments would in no way diminish the fantastic job you have done in these edits.
As a summary, personally, I would say that this edit is highly recommendable for those that have already watched the show at least once, and that do not have time for re-watching all episodes.
But then again, maybe it is also recommendable for first time viewers that have zero knowledge on the show and the books, especially those who hardly have time and interest for watching all the episodes? Who knows, I’m not really sure, but why not? I think its curious what do they think of this edit.
P.S. Thank you Anjohan for the experience!
Why is it called a storm of swords? Because its the second season, and the second film. Wouldn’t it make more sense to call it a clash of kings. Then have film 3 be the a storm of swords with the red wedding just like how the book series is organized.
I understand it just comes with the territory, but how much of the sex and nudity did you keep in the edit? I’ve been looking for an edit of GoT that removes that stuff because of my personal affinities
After being beaten and battered by prequel hate, I promise not to be that to the next generation.
There are very few cases in Anjo’s edits. I can only remember there being one sex scene in this, not sure of nudity.
Can I get the links for your GoT edits? Thanks!
Pms sent.
The Ancient Lore
Kenobi: A Star Wars Story
Harry Potter Revisited
Game of Thrones Film Edits
Titanic Restructured
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hi, can i get links to your edits sounds awesome
I would also like a link to the edit, please…
Film I and Film II will also have some narrative changes, now that Ive both evolved as an editor but also know the full story narrative of the series.
Film I soon to be (re-)released.
The Ancient Lore
Kenobi: A Star Wars Story
Harry Potter Revisited
Game of Thrones Film Edits
Titanic Restructured
… and more.
Good to know that there will be a version with original music. When I considered re-scoring something it was always as additional selectable audio option.
Film I and Film II are now in the works, with the original GoT music, as promised.
Film I and Film II will also have some narrative changes, now that Ive both evolved as an editor but also know the full story narrative of the series.
Film I soon to be (re-)released.
You’re golden Anjohan! Thank you. Excited to see narrative changes.
How can i get the GOT fanedits?
Would love a link to this, please!