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Dear Anjohan,
Thank you very much for all youefforts for this to make it wonderful. I deleted GOT seasons from my PC and your versions are my got ones.
Can you please PM me links of Film 5,6 an 7.
Thank you.
Since I’m drunk as a barrel celebrating a birthday and answering on my iPhone I do apologizing for anything stupid. You have been warned.
The only caution I would add is none other than please pretend this to be the original content released and review it thereafter. Since you - as I flatter myself to have too - have a keen eye for storytelling and editing, I would be most curious to see how you feel upon watching several of these entries and how the story of game of thrones unfold (in this film format).
Please feel free to enjoy it as is and leave any feedback as you please. Nothing excites me more than people going blindly into my edits (as I know they do for you).
Hopefully you’ll enjoy GoT with the limited time you have for tv shows and media. I know the feeling. Enjoy.
PM sent.
The Ancient Lore
Kenobi: A Star Wars Story
Harry Potter Revisited
Game of Thrones Film Edits
Titanic Restructured
… and more.
Dear Anjohan,
Thank you very much for all youefforts for this to make it wonderful. I deleted GOT seasons from my PC and your versions are my got ones.
Can you please PM me links of Film 5,6 an 7.
Thank you.
How are the remaining films coming along? Christmas release for the last two or is that somewhat optimistic?
I watched the whole deal over a few days…and man am I astounded…
While I miss some sections, I maintain that this is a project masterfully done. No jarring audio shifts, no messy cuts, everything is good. The narrative doesn’t drag or lag. Good stuff.
But then, as a non native speaker, I really miss subtitles :,-)
Also, what is gonna pain me the most is that I’ll have to wait for the remaining films…that’s gonna be a real pain in the arse.
Thank you for the films, A.
Thank you for that very kind review, rext. Greatly appreciated, and honored. ❤️
@MoviesGamesMusic: I hope, but I’m doubtful. Film X is a editing nightmare, especially the Bran resolution for the “Dark Ending”.
The Ancient Lore
Kenobi: A Star Wars Story
Harry Potter Revisited
Game of Thrones Film Edits
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All my encouragement for the latest movies.
I’m rediscovering the series through your edits,
and I can’t wait to see the endings.
This is probably the hardest part because of season 8… We take our patience.
Thank you Anjohan !
Game of Thrones - A Tale of King & Honor is now updated, with way sharper image quality, better sound mix and expanded screen time for characters and upcoming moments of importance later down the road.
As always I like to keep my changes rather quiet, but I find Film I to now be a vast improvement from what came before, mostly in terms of quality as well as important moments and fleshed out characters and foreshadowing for what is to come.
The Ancient Lore
Kenobi: A Star Wars Story
Harry Potter Revisited
Game of Thrones Film Edits
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Finally checked out film VIII. Loved it! How are the rest coming along? Any ideas on when IX will be up?
Subtitles are now done for Film I and Film II, with rest to follow suit.
@applecore88; IX and X are on a laptop that is being repaired right now, so I’m waiting for it to return so I can transfer everything over to my new computer. Thereafter I think IX will be a few days from release (as I was very close before the laptop issue arose).
The Ancient Lore
Kenobi: A Star Wars Story
Harry Potter Revisited
Game of Thrones Film Edits
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Hey! Would it be possible for you to provide smaller encodes as well? Like 1.5-2 GB 720p x265 OR 3-4GB 1080p x265? It will be much more manageable to store without noticing any significant quality loss. 12GB per movie adds up pretty quickly.
Also Kudos for providing subtitles. They are of great help.
Hello Andreas,
What is the equivalence between your movies and seasons?
For example it looks like Movie VI is a mix of season 5 and 6.
Im asking since I’ve watched your (excellent) movies and stopped at movie VI. Now I’m watching the GOT Redeemed edit (which is a cut of seasons 7 and 8). However it appears I’m missing a lot of content from season 6 (battle of the bastards, Daenerys deciding to move on westeros).
Many thanks!
Found your quote!
Mate, what did you do with the beginning of your fifth movie? How you chose to tell the story where Sansa was in such a brief time is damn brilliant!
5th movie also flawless in my book.Will be looking forward to what‘ll you do with light of the seven when everything is blown up with wildfire.
Do you already have in mind how to tackle the last two seasons?Thank you once again, my friend! I am happy my opening caught you by a happy surprise! I wanted the film to begin with a sort of murder mystery vibe.
There will (most likely) be ten films. The sixth one will tackle parts of Season 5 and Season 6, and the seventh one the latter part of Season 6.
Film 8, 9 and 10 will cover the remaining material left over from Season 6 and of course the contents of Season 7 and 8. There are reasons for this.
To give more “meat” to the last two films (/seasons), so as to remove as much fast travel, uninteresting side plots and stupid dialogue as possible.
To create an epic finale worth of three film’s content.
Subtitles are now done for Film I and Film II, with rest to follow suit.
@applecore88; IX and X are on a laptop that is being repaired right now, so I’m waiting for it to return so I can transfer everything over to my new computer. Thereafter I think IX will be a few days from release (as I was very close before the laptop issue arose).
Any update on this?
where can we get the links for the films?
Thank you so much for your work. It is amazing.
All the films now have subtitles - in English, including Film IX. This has been requested for years and now I’ve powered through it. I hope it’s worth it.
Is now released. I can’t put down in words how… complicated, these last two films are (IX and X), so I won’t even attempt a changelist. But the goal here is to conclude the series/films with a dark, satisfying, non-cringey big bang, and Film IX is the beginning of the end for just that.
The characters of Tyrion and Jon, as well as the flow of dialogue and removal of “teleportation”, has been of fundamental importance. So has the White Walker and Bran storylines.
The Ancient Lore
Kenobi: A Star Wars Story
Harry Potter Revisited
Game of Thrones Film Edits
Titanic Restructured
… and more.
Film IX
Is now released. I can’t put down in words how… complicated, these last two films are (IX and X), so I won’t even attempt a changelist. But the goal here is to conclude the series/films with a dark, satisfying, non-cringey big bang, and Film IX is the beginning of the end for just that.
The characters of Tyrion and Jon, as well as the flow of dialogue and removal of “teleportation”, has been of fundamental importance. So has the White Walker and Bran storylines.
Wow. I just watched it. Just wow. The last 30 minutes were INSANE.
I have so many thoughts and questions, but I cannot express them at the moment. I definitely need to give it a second viewing.
Congratulations once more, I think you’ve outdone yourself with this one. The anticipation was justified and the hype for the final film has skyrocketed.
PS: Congratulations also on completing the subtitles for each film. I know how hard and time-consuming this task can be.
Thank you so much, ThanosM. Very thrilled to hear that! ❤️
I hope Film X will continue to be a fitting finale.
The Ancient Lore
Kenobi: A Star Wars Story
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Game of Thrones Film Edits
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Film IX is excellent! The way you managed to avoid the nonsensical fast travel while maintaining the best parts of season 7. Considering how you’ve reorganized what happens in season 8, I’m very exciting for Film X!
Now that I’ve watched it a second time, I think I’m ready to share some of my thoughts.
As promised, you moved up the Attack on King’s Landing, making the Battle with the Army of the Dead the final big action piece of the series. Which, in my eyes at least, makes a lot more sense and provides a darker tone for the finale.
However, altering the original timeline affected several characters and events. The most prominent and positive being Cersei’s death, which is now a much more satisfying outcome. Also, Missandei and Rhaegal remain alive in your final film, which is also a good thing. That said, despite the divisive nature of the original finale, I did miss a few things. Firstly, the Hound fighting the Mountain during the destruction of the Red Keep which, narratively speaking, could work pretty well as part of your edit, and secondly, Daenerys’ speech to her troops, particularly the iconic scene where she walks towards the stairs with Drogon’s wings behind her.
I do not know how your last film will unfold or if you plan to revisit this one in the future, but my enthusiasm remains high.
Keep up the great work!
Thank you, lads. Greatly appreciated. It’s a vitamin boost.
@ThanosM: I didn’t include the firstly-mentioned scene because I felt it detracted from the intense climax between the Starks and the Lannisters in that moment. I felt that the focus should be solely on the intimate main characters in that very moment, and since I couldn’t move the battle earlier (since the castle is collapsing in the scene) it all felt like it detracted from the story rather than added to it. I might come back to this upon a revisit down the line if it is missed. I was never a big fan of what I felt was a forced climax between the two, but it might grow on me.
As for the other mention, well… who knows! 😮
The Ancient Lore
Kenobi: A Star Wars Story
Harry Potter Revisited
Game of Thrones Film Edits
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My thoughts on movie 9 -
While there were some editing choices, mainly the inclusion/exclusion and reordering of certain scenes/shots which I felt could have been better, this was as good as it could be from a narrative point of view.
It is an unenviable task to finish this series off in a satisfactory way by tying up all loose ends but felt you have done an admirable job with the source material.
I can’t recall but did you ever address the death of Daenerys’ other Dragon which was killed by Euron Greyjoy?
Whatever movie 10 will look like, can you please try and brighten the image where possible as the army of the dead battle was a mess to watch because of how low the contrast was.
Yes, the Night scenes are brightened.
As for the Dragon, that was purposeful. And remember, it is also alive in the original episode (The Long Night). It also serves a new purpose in my final film.
Thank you for the kind words, brother.
The Ancient Lore
Kenobi: A Star Wars Story
Harry Potter Revisited
Game of Thrones Film Edits
Titanic Restructured
… and more.
News came out that the Jon Snow show isn’t in development anymore. Is this affecting your development of the final film?
Huge fan of your edits so far! Since the Snow show is no longer in development will you be resuming your original plans for the ending? Personally I’d love to see your preferred ending to the series, continuity be damned