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GAME OF THRONES - FILMS I-X // & HOTD [Community Thread] — Page 2


CMMAP said:

Anjohan said:

I might end the series with the White Walkers winning, as the final episodes (4-6) of the last season are, to my eyes at least, garbage.

Absolutley signed, it ruined - at least for me so much, if not the whole series. Would love to start over again with a friend, who magically didn´t see any GoT epsiode till now, but knowing what will happen in the last season is just heartbreaking and keeps me away from a rewatch.
But this is not a disucssion thread about GoT, so glad to see someone (you) to craft such a project.
Did i get this right, that you used not the original soundtrack for your first three edits?

This is unfortunately the sad truth, that the last three episodes are horrendous. I MIGHT create two different versions/endings to my GoT film saga. But my main narrative will be that The White Walkers win.

The Ancient Lore
Kenobi: A Star Wars Story
Harry Potter Revisited
Game of Thrones Film Edits
Titanic Restructured
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caliarrass23 said:

I have to wonder if there are any deleted scenes for season 8 other than the ones on the home video release. The last season felt so uneven, I’d guess there were lots of scenes just chopped entirely. The problem is that most of what’s in season 8 isn’t effective, so I doubt the parts that got the axe are a revelation.

Unfortunately there are like four deleted scenes released, and they’re all shit. Just like the three last episodes.

The Ancient Lore
Kenobi: A Star Wars Story
Harry Potter Revisited
Game of Thrones Film Edits
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Film I-III are released.

The Ancient Lore
Kenobi: A Star Wars Story
Harry Potter Revisited
Game of Thrones Film Edits
Titanic Restructured
… and more.


Anjohan said:

MoviesGamesMusic said:

Hi Andreas

How are the edits for movie 4 & 5 going? Any eta on them yet? Also…

I saw you mention in a previous post that you would consider uploading your edits with the original GOT soundtrack intact. Did you ever manage to do that in the end?

Just interested to see the difference in how it would compare to your original concept for the movie cuts with LOTR music. Maybe they could be added as an alternative music track. Not sure how difficult that would be for you.

Look forward to the next release in any regard.

Many thanks

Film IV is so near completion you can smell it. Tiny nitpicks being cleaned up, and then I will render the final product.

Film V should not take as long as Film IV, as it’s been worked on at the same time, but it’s further behind.

I did try to create the first film with the original GoT soundtrack, but the problem was then and is now that the Game of Thrones OST does not contain enough cinematic scope to create - what i envisioned - to be film epic’s of the TV series. The Lord of the Rings and The Hobbit soundtrack does cover this, as well as the fact that it contains some of the most engaging, beautiful and magical music ever put to film.

Thank you for your reply and for your explanation about the soundtracks. I look forward to watching your next edit.


Film IV being rendered tonight.

The Ancient Lore
Kenobi: A Star Wars Story
Harry Potter Revisited
Game of Thrones Film Edits
Titanic Restructured
… and more.


I’m a fan of your film edits and think they’re really well-made. But I don’t really think having the White Walkers win will be an effective ending. If all the characters just die without accomplishing much of anything, that may make the whole series seem kind of pointless.

It’s an unpopular opinion, but I personally like the ending and think “Mad Queen” Daenerys was heavily hinted at throughout the series. But I know a lot of people dislike the ending, and I know it’s not for everyone.

If you want to change the story without ending with the White Walkers killing everyone, you could have the Night King die at Winterfell (either by Arya, or if you feel that doesn’t work, you could just have him die when Daenerys burns him, since that’s actually set up with the “Will dragon fire kill him?” “no one’s ever tried” exchange from the previous episode).
After the funeral scene, you could have Daenerys fly south and immediately attack King’s Landing. Instead of Daenerys burning innocents, you could just have her fly to the Red Keep and burn Cersei. After the battle, you could then show Daenerys entering the Throne Room and claiming the throne. Jon enters, they have a short exchange where Daenerys tells Jon she wants to rule with him and build a new world. They kiss, and we fade to black before the stab. That way, Daenerys lives and gets the throne, Jon’s heritage matters more because he becomes a Targaryen King and rules alongside Daenerys. Of course, you would have to cut the tension between Daenerys and Sansa (plus other characters) for this to work. There are also other details you would have to work out as well.

Of course, these are just suggestions. This is your project, so you can do whatever you think works best. : )


ExpandedUniverses said:
It’s an unpopular opinion, but I personally like the ending and think “Mad Queen” Daenerys was heavily hinted at throughout the series. But I know a lot of people dislike the ending, and I know it’s not for everyone.

Me personally, don´t think this is a necessarily bad ending (except bran as king), it is how it´s done (storytelling, plotarmor, pace and of course things like “daeny kind of forgot about the iron fleet”).

Your suggestion could work, but what to do about major side characters like varys or littlefinger? It is tough to integrate them without beeing killed, they would become just background characters.
The night king could be killed by bran, also. @almightycutie did a fairly good approach on this in his “GoT Redeemed” edit by simulating the nk breaks aryas neck and bran pass into her to let the dagger drop and to stab him.
Also removing plotarmor for jamie, sam, brienne. He edited these faces and aryas into the funeral.


CMMAP said:

ExpandedUniverses said:
It’s an unpopular opinion, but I personally like the ending and think “Mad Queen” Daenerys was heavily hinted at throughout the series. But I know a lot of people dislike the ending, and I know it’s not for everyone.

Me personally, don´t think this is a necessarily bad ending (except bran as king), it is how it´s done (storytelling, plotarmor, pace and of course things like “daeny kind of forgot about the iron fleet”).

Your suggestion could work, but what to do about major side characters like varys or littlefinger? It is tough to integrate them without beeing killed, they would become just background characters.
The night king could be killed by bran, also. @almightycutie did a fairly good approach on this in his “GoT Redeemed” edit by simulating the nk breaks aryas neck and bran pass into her to let the dagger drop and to stab him.
Also removing plotarmor for jamie, sam, brienne. He edited these faces and aryas into the funeral.

All things ive thought about for a long time, but it still dosent satisfy me.

I might have Dany fly straight to the Red Keep after The Loot Train to settle the Cersei arc BEFORE the battle at winterfell. That way, the night king gets to be the deserved final foe of the story, and we can focus on what really matters.

I will for sure release the last two seasons/edits with two alternate tracks, one with the LOTR score and one with the original GOT, for others to enjoy my alternate ending.

I will come back to this matter when I’ve finished season 6. Then we will have some good discussions.

The Ancient Lore
Kenobi: A Star Wars Story
Harry Potter Revisited
Game of Thrones Film Edits
Titanic Restructured
… and more.


CMMAP said:
Your suggestion could work, but what to do about major side characters like varys or littlefinger? It is tough to integrate them without beeing killed, they would become just background characters.

Well, if Season 7’s Story is left mostly unaltered, then Littlefinger would already be dead. But I’m not sure about Varys. I suppose he would have served most of his plot purpose already by getting Daenerys most of her Westerosi allies. And if she is crowned as a good Queen for Westeros in the end, then his goal of “serving the realm” would be fulfilled as well. Then he could just fade into the background, still alive, without his “plotting against Dany” plot.


Anjohan said:

All things ive thought about for a long time, but it still dosent satisfy me.

I might have Dany fly straight to the Red Keep after The Loot Train to settle the Cersei arc BEFORE the battle at winterfell. That way, the night king gets to be the deserved final foe of the story, and we can focus on what really matters.

I will for sure release the last two seasons/edits with two alternate tracks, one with the LOTR score and one with the original GOT, for others to enjoy my alternate ending.

I will come back to this matter when I’ve finished season 6. Then we will have some good discussions.

That’s a pretty good idea about Daenerys killing Cersei right after the Loot Train. But then the “capture a wight” plot gets screwed up because they don’t need to show one to Cersei…
That plot was pretty silly anyway, but the Night King needs to get his dragon somehow.
Killing Cersei in earlier episodes is strangely difficult, because she plays a big role in the plot despite not actually doing much besides looking out her window.

But anyway…as you said, we can have some great discussions about this in the future. : )


Film IV, A Roar for Vengeance, is completed.

This was a tricky edit. A very tricky edit. On one hand, the Stark heritage line has gotten very complicated with the death of our two main characters - first Ned Stark, and then Robb Stark. In a cinematic sense, you always need one or more main characters to lead you through the story’s emotions and feel what they feel, by of course having empathy with them and an understanding of what drives that certain character that you root for. Having killed of the two main characters that lead us through the grand picture of the story has left the fourth film in a difficult position. But luckily, I love a challenge - and I am very proud of this fourth entry.

The natural progression for me was to now set up the new puzzle pieces and make it clear very early who are now the new main characters and why. Jon Snow, and Tyrion and Jamie (from their respective representative sides of the story; The Starks and the Lannisters) was undoubtebly the way to go, to maintain a red thread all throughout from Film I and onwards. To suddenly keep focusing on a lot of the different plots and main characters throughout Westeros would of course be enjoyable - as the world is so rich, but in my opinion it would worsen this as a film franchise and undermine the main story and main conflict. Having Tyrion and Jamie - two characters that we now LIKE and empathize with drive the Lannister side of the story, and Jon Snow drive the Stark Side of the story, is in my opinion the way to go to keep the narrative strong, rich but also simple. And a world as rich as Game of Thrones, simple means “followable”.

We also keep a focus on the Arya, Daenerys, Sansa, Bran and Theon side of the story - tho’ in a strong narratively and sustainable way. We have to respect the richness of the world, and the upcoming significance and reward of certain plot points and character moments. Stannis is still very present through dialogue, but he keeps a backseat in this film as well due to the lack of forward momentum and overall importance to the story. His role is much more significant in Film V and VI.

The Ancient Lore
Kenobi: A Star Wars Story
Harry Potter Revisited
Game of Thrones Film Edits
Titanic Restructured
… and more.


Anjohan said:

All things ive thought about for a long time, but it still dosent satisfy me.

I might have Dany fly straight to the Red Keep after The Loot Train to settle the Cersei arc BEFORE the battle at winterfell. That way, the night king gets to be the deserved final foe of the story, and we can focus on what really matters.

I will for sure release the last two seasons/edits with two alternate tracks, one with the LOTR score and one with the original GOT, for others to enjoy my alternate ending.

I will come back to this matter when I’ve finished season 6. Then we will have some good discussions.

The idea of daeny flying to the red keep after looting, is a very good idea. Had seen an edit with that approach and it works realy really great, killing cersei as she´s standing at her balcony and looking in agony above kings landing.

Your approach with the alternate tracks is great, there are really great orchester pieces in the last two seasons.


Anjohan said:

Film IV, A Roar for Vengeance, is completed.

This was a tricky edit. A very tricky edit. On one hand, the Stark heritage line has gotten very complicated with the death of our two main characters - first Ned Stark, and then Robb Stark. In a cinematic sense, you always need one or more main characters to lead you through the story’s emotions and feel what they feel, by of course having empathy with them and an understanding of what drives that certain character that you root for. Having killed of the two main characters that lead us through the grand picture of the story has left the fourth film in a difficult position. But luckily, I love a challenge - and I am very proud of this fourth entry.

The natural progression for me was to now set up the new puzzle pieces and make it clear very early who are now the new main characters and why. Jon Snow, and Tyrion and Jamie (from their respective representative sides of the story; The Starks and the Lannisters) was undoubtebly the way to go, to maintain a red thread all throughout from Film I and onwards. To suddenly keep focusing on a lot of the different plots and main characters throughout Westeros would of course be enjoyable - as the world is so rich, but in my opinion it would worsen this as a film franchise and undermine the main story and main conflict. Having Tyrion and Jamie - two characters that we now LIKE and empathize with drive the Lannister side of the story, and Jon Snow drive the Stark Side of the story, is in my opinion the way to go to keep the narrative strong, rich but also simple. And a world as rich as Game of Thrones, simple means “followable”.

We also keep a focus on the Arya, Daenerys, Sansa, Bran and Theon side of the story - tho’ in a strong narratively and sustainable way. We have to respect the richness of the world, and the upcoming significance and reward of certain plot points and character moments. Stannis is still very present through dialogue, but he keeps a backseat in this film as well due to the lack of forward momentum and overall importance to the story. His role is much more significant in Film V and VI.

Watched it last night and you did a fantastic job! The musical composition is awesome, Much better then before. Your font choice, great.
Minor thing (me personally):

  • the title of this “episode” should be displayed earlier. Now it comes in at ~7 minutes and it felt strange

What do you plan for the end of the fith/sixth film? There are great scenes in season 8 (like theons death, tyrion freeing jamie), could be hard to integrate them if you want the NK to win.


Finally got to watch your cut. And I loved it as much as loved the previous.
The musical composition, the editing style, the dialogue trim, everything was at the high level I was expecting.

I have to say that this film may have been the least exciting for me, but that had nothing to do with your choises. It sort of felt like a Part 1 of a two parts story, since you’ve said you had been working on Film 5 parallelly, which makes me more excited for the next instalment.

Some minor notes:
I liked how you presented the events in Kings Landing with the wedding and Prince Oberyn’s arrival as well as Daenerys’ regime in Meereen. The only issue I may had was about Jaime’s and Bronn’s relationship. It seemed short and not fully-developed, which I guess progress further in the next film.
The events on the Wall and beyond the Wall were also well presented, but I wish we had seen more bits with Ygritte before the tragic event on the battle.

Again, I am a huge fan of what you are doing with these edits and I am super ecited for the next one,
Keep up the amazing work!

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Thank you CMMAP And ThanosM! You make the editing all worth it!

I think I will release two versions of the ending season.

I am working on s07 And s08, and finishing up my tweaks.

The Ancient Lore
Kenobi: A Star Wars Story
Harry Potter Revisited
Game of Thrones Film Edits
Titanic Restructured
… and more.


Dark ending alternative for season 8:


Not finished of course, but for me we gain two things:

  1. Bran is the one to end the Night King.
  2. A casualty to bring down the NK.

The Ancient Lore
Kenobi: A Star Wars Story
Harry Potter Revisited
Game of Thrones Film Edits
Titanic Restructured
… and more.


Hey, can you guys please you pm me a link to all of the Game of Thrones fan edits? this goes out to the editor or anyone that has this and can share it.



Hey guys,

Is there anybody that could pm me the links for all the completed movies. I do own the originals and am very excited to see these in movie format. Thanks in advance - Brent


Hey, i’ve never watched or readed GOT, and i have little time to watch the series, this edits sounds interesting, can i have the link of all the movies? looking forward to watch it 😄

the dark side of the force is a pathway to many abilities some consider to be unnatural


oviniboy said:

Hey, i’ve never watched or readed GOT, and i have little time to watch the series, this edits sounds interesting, can i have the link of all the movies? looking forward to watch it 😄

Woops! Check pm!

The Ancient Lore
Kenobi: A Star Wars Story
Harry Potter Revisited
Game of Thrones Film Edits
Titanic Restructured
… and more.