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GAME OF THRONES - FILMS I-X // & HOTD [Community Thread] — Page 8


Alright, as a lover of the earlier seasons of GoT, but not wanting to reinvest my time into all 8 seasons again, due to my dissatisfaction with how it finished up, I have began the marathon of Anjohan’s cuts.

It feels familiar, but fresh. I love the way he has arranged it, the soundtrack choices. The cuts, feeling jarring are very rare, and it feels suitable for theatre release, in the way Anjohan has arranged it. HBO should be paying him for his renditions, and releasing it as a 10 film theatre release.

I look forward to film 10, and seeing what kind of magic Anjohan has pulled off, to make the series more satisfying, given it would seem to be a very hard task.

You are very skilled at what you do Anjohan, and I feel you should be employed, in this sector, and making money off your skills!

Edit: Up to film V, and I must say that your restructuring of the Night King, White Walkers and Wights are beautiful. They are being built up as they should be. We have not got too much of them, and if it was my first viewing, I would think that these things are utterly terrifying.


That was some very heartwarming feedback in the midst of my real-life career struggles. Thank you very much! That made my day ❤️

The Ancient Lore
Kenobi: A Star Wars Story
Harry Potter Revisited
Game of Thrones Film Edits
Titanic Restructured
… and more.


Anjohan said:

That was some very heartwarming feedback in the midst of my real-life career struggles. Thank you very much! That made my day ❤️

You are welcome! I finished film 9 the other day, and wow, I stand by all I said. I have no distaste for the series, with how you have restructured things. Film 10 is no doubt a taxing task, but I love that we are dealing with the main enemy, in the final film, as the series should have been. And it does not feel, at all, out of place with how you have done it thus far.

Kudos to you Anjohan. Reignited my early love for GoT!


Cheers, my friend. ❤️


Film X, although not in the nearest of nears, is finally coming slightly together (mainly the ending / The dark ending). It’s important for me to bring a feeling of closure combined with a last gutpunch in good GoT fashion to bring the series out, and after counless attempts and several months I’ve finally structured an ending I’m pleased with and that I find to hit the right, emotional beats.

Therefore I can now continue work on the structure of the rest of the film, before I revisit the ending once more and then finish the audiomix.

The Ancient Lore
Kenobi: A Star Wars Story
Harry Potter Revisited
Game of Thrones Film Edits
Titanic Restructured
… and more.


Anjohan said:

Cheers, my friend. ❤️


Film X, although not in the nearest of nears, is finally coming slightly together (mainly the ending / The dark ending). It’s important for me to bring a feeling of closure combined with a last gutpunch in good GoT fashion to bring the series out, and after counless attempts and several months I’ve finally structured an ending I’m pleased with and that I find to hit the right, emotional beats.

Therefore I can now continue work on the structure of the rest of the film, before I revisit the ending once more and then finish the audiomix.

That’s great to hear! Looking forward to how it all ends.


Just finished Film I and wanted to leave a review while it is fresh in my mind. To start, this was a fantastic, and time saving, way to revisit Game of Thrones. Thanks to the quality and budget of the show itself, it really does feel like you are watching a movie, and not a “TV movie”. The story flows very well and maintains a consistent narrative, which speaks to the quality of the editor. There are a handful of scenes in the movie that you can tell there was a cut, mainly due to the position of the characters, but they are easy to look past. Also, with the amount of footage cut, there are some scenes that feature characters that didn’t get a proper introduction. So a first time viewer might get a little lost trying to understand who is who. However, as someone who has had multiple rewatches of the series, I wasn’t bothered by it, and fully understand why it was necessary in this edit. I will note that this is my first rewatch since the series ended, as I did not like how the ending was executed, and couldn’t bring myself to rewatch. However, after watching this first film edit, I am actually looking forward to watching the rest of the series and am very eager to see how those last seasons are tightened up. Overall, I would give this edit a 9.5/10, great job!


Have now watched the first 5 films, and all I can say is I tip my cap to Anjohan. These edits are fantastic. Following up from my last post, Film II was right up there with Film I. There were a few scenes that you could tell there was an edit, but as I said earlier they were few and far between. The narrative is greatly spun together. Films 3 and 4 were fantastic in that I don’t think I noticed a single edit. Yes, I recognized that there were scenes cut due to my familiarity of the series, but the editing was top notch. I just finished Film V and I loved how much of the Dorne plotline was cut. What was retained made sense and didn’t drag down the story. Can’t wait to watch the remaining films! At this point, I can pretty confidently say that these films will be how I revisit this franchise in the future.


Hi Anjohan
I am very excited to see these movies!
I am a big fan of the books and the show and would really like a good ending and higher quality for the later half of the series to make the first half worth it! I believe I sent you a PM for a link? Am I able to get one to access these movies please? Thank You!


These days have been a little busy and I’m sorry for my short reply, but I truly appreciate your kind reviews and feedback - both here and in PMs. ❤️ I have read every single one and thank you.

The Ancient Lore
Kenobi: A Star Wars Story
Harry Potter Revisited
Game of Thrones Film Edits
Titanic Restructured
… and more.


TVL1995 said:

Hi Anjohan
I am very excited to see these movies!
I am a big fan of the books and the show and would really like a good ending and higher quality for the later half of the series…

PM sent. The “dark ending” will be the first one to be released, as it is my / will be my go-to version.

The Ancient Lore
Kenobi: A Star Wars Story
Harry Potter Revisited
Game of Thrones Film Edits
Titanic Restructured
… and more.


Update - House of the Dragon

House of the Dragon - The Heir of Despair - Film I

is released and inside the GoT folder.

This has been in the works for over eight months and streamlines the almost 11 hours of HotD into 3 and a half hours with a strong, focused narrative that also removes the weaker part of the series as well as balance the timelines into something cohesive and more understandable.

Please enjoy, and thank you to my girlfriend who has had to endure four different cuts of the film. We settled on this one because it best told the story of Act I without sacrificing one timeline for the other.

The Ancient Lore
Kenobi: A Star Wars Story
Harry Potter Revisited
Game of Thrones Film Edits
Titanic Restructured
… and more.


Anjohan said:

Update - House of the Dragon

House of the Dragon - The Heir of Despair - Film I

is released and inside the GoT folder.

This has been in the works for over eight months and streamlines the almost 11 hours of HotD into 3 and a half hours with a strong, focused narrative that also removes the weaker part of the series as well as balance the timelines into something cohesive and more understandable.

Please enjoy, and thank you to my girlfriend who has had to endure four different cuts of the film. We settled on this one because it best told the story of Act I without sacrificing one timeline for the other.

Oh heck yes! I did not know you were working on HOTD Season 1!

This is a bonus for sure, while waiting for GoTs final film! Shall watch tonight!

Thank you Anjohan!


Anjohan said:

Update - House of the Dragon

House of the Dragon - The Heir of Despair - Film I

is released and inside the GoT folder.

This has been in the works for over eight months and streamlines the almost 11 hours of HotD into 3 and a half hours with a strong, focused narrative that also removes the weaker part of the series as well as balance the timelines into something cohesive and more understandable.

Please enjoy, and thank you to my girlfriend who has had to endure four different cuts of the film. We settled on this one because it best told the story of Act I without sacrificing one timeline for the other.

I’ll give it a watch tonight after work. Looking forward to this while waiting for the finale!


Anjohan said:

Update - House of the Dragon

House of the Dragon - The Heir of Despair - Film I

is released and inside the GoT folder.

This has been in the works for over eight months and streamlines the almost 11 hours of HotD into 3 and a half hours with a strong, focused narrative that also removes the weaker part of the series as well as balance the timelines into something cohesive and more understandable.

Please enjoy, and thank you to my girlfriend who has had to endure four different cuts of the film. We settled on this one because it best told the story of Act I without sacrificing one timeline for the other.

Awesome news!
I was wondering if you were ever going to make a film cut out of HotD and I am glad you did!

Stranger Things Film Collection

Foundation Film Collection

His Dark Materials Film Collection


Thank you so much for you work. It is amazing. I really enjoyed the 9 films and looking forward for the last one.

Tonight I will watch the house of dragon film. Is there a possibility to have English subtitles?

Thanks again.


I’ve watched the Game of Thrones Films 1-9. All very good and very enjoyable!
The only thing was in film 3 (I think) we see Gendry taken from the brotherhood by Melisandre and we never see him again until this final movie. I’ve seen the show so I do know what happens to him in between, but narratively there is some information lost there.
Otherwise a very good adaptation!

Looking forward to seeing the final two versions of the ending and also the House of the Dragon movie!


Thank you so much, kind souls.

I also added the subtitles for HotD - Film I now.

Enjoy ❤️

The Ancient Lore
Kenobi: A Star Wars Story
Harry Potter Revisited
Game of Thrones Film Edits
Titanic Restructured
… and more.


TVL1995 said:

The only thing was in film 3 (I think) we see Gendry taken from the brotherhood by Melisandre and we never see him again until this final movie.

Thank you for the kind review. As for Gendry it was one of the few “important” plot lines I had to sideline and postpone to give a short resolution in film 10.

It just wasn’t important enough for the overall narrative of Films III and IV to even consider giving about 20 minutes of screen time. However, I will re-do a new audio mix (5.1 surround) for film 3 down the line and might take a second look at a montage I have in my head that could resolve this “issue”.

The Ancient Lore
Kenobi: A Star Wars Story
Harry Potter Revisited
Game of Thrones Film Edits
Titanic Restructured
… and more.


Anjohan said:

TVL1995 said:

The only thing was in film 3 (I think) we see Gendry taken from the brotherhood by Melisandre and we never see him again until this final movie.

Thank you for the kind review. As for Gendry it was one of the few “important” plot lines I had to sideline and postpone to give a short resolution in film 10.

It just wasn’t important enough for the overall narrative of Films III and IV to even consider giving about 20 minutes of screen time. However, I will re-do a new audio mix (5.1 surround) for film 3 down the line and might take a second look at a montage I have in my head that could resolve this “issue”.

Hey! I understand the need to cut it out! No problem. I just thought it was slightly jarring but no worries at all!

Really liking the House of the Dragon movie so far and really looking forward to the two alternate GoT movie endings! Can’t wait!
Thanks for doing this!


Is there a possibility of doing an edit of The Boys?
Season 1 is fine as it is but season 2 and 3, I feel, could do without the nazism and racism commentaries/ plots. I feel that would be more enjoyable for from my perspective!

I understand You already have a lot going and understand if it’s not on the table!


Hi Anjohan,

I’d love to get a the link of your GoT edits. I’m really interested in revisiting the series and I feel that doing that with your adaptation is the way to go.

Thank you for your work!


Finally caught up and watched IX tonight. Fantastic work as always! Can’t wait for the finale!