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Favorite Star Wars Book? — Page 2


I like the "Tales From..." books, especially the later ones (Empire, New Republic) that were just short stories from the Adventure Journal or wherever. I think you'd like them, Anchorhead. Just a couple stories that tie into other EU, the rest of it is random citizens of the galaxy and the trials they go through. Very awesome.

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Anchorhead said:

My favorite(s) are The Han Solo Adventures by Brian Daley. They're well written, very interesting, have that depth of character & atmosphere, that attention to scene detail that Daley was so good at - and - they're free of the burden of all the stuff that is just so fucking tired to me about Star Wars, i.e. The Empire, The Sith, Vader, R2, 3PO, etc.  There is just so much more that can be done with the vast, dark, unknown universe we were introduced to in 1977.  Brian Daley did it with these three novels.


**Its been so long since i had seen the ads for the Han Solo books and with so much focus on the Jedi since I had completely forgotten the possibilities until a couple of months ago i saw a painting by a comic artist (Adam Hughes I believe) showing Han Solo and Chewbacca circa 77 that made me think they could have just as easily spun off the movies into something about Han Solo or something entirely different.

It was a unique position since Star Trek and most film science fiction was grounded by Earth links while SW was completely free of such restraints to the imagination.






Darth Id said:

Very interesting title for that "Splinter."  What is the phrase's significance in the book?


There's some speculation that the Vader that Luke & Leia battle near the end of the novel wasn't meant to be the real Darth Vader but some sort of supernatural manifestation created by the Kaiburr crystal, and that the title is meant to touch upon an impaired ability to perceive reality.


DuracellEnergizer said:


... an impaired ability to perceive reality.

I think I had this for about all of last week.  

If I could find my copy of Splinter, I'd look it up.


Darth Id said:

Very interesting title for that "Splinter."  What is the phrase's significance in the book?


Without spoiling any of the story for anyone who hasn't read it, it's a reference to a tiny shard of the Kaiburr Crystal that Luke comes into possession of.  As small as the splinter actually is, it plays a huge part in their adventure.

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Ah, nostalgia...

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It's a scan from the book I mentioned in Post 24.

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Oh, got it.  In my defense, that was like what, 10 posts ago? :p