Jetrell Fo said:
Croweyes1121 said:
This was supposed to be going up on the spleen last night. Haven't seen it yet, but I'll post back here if it shows up.
You sure are demanding. Posting a blow by blow in a thread of your impatience isn't very good etiquette here. Please learn some patience and learn to post with better manners. It will get you a lot farther.
No disrespect meant, just saying.
You may want to have all the information before accusing someone of being either demanding or impatient. First of all, just for the record, I waited over two years for this to be put up. Not weeks. Not months. YEARS. That's not a complaint, I'm just stating a fact. Maybe you're in the habit of asking for something and hoping it shows up three or four years later, but I'd hardly consider this impatient on my part. I made one testy post, and I think I had just cause for it at the time. And we later discussed it privately and sorted things out to our mutual satisfaction. I don't believe I've shown poor manners to anyone else in this thread. If so, I apologize.
As for the post you're quoting, I was only trying to be helpful to the previous poster who also showed interest in this. I knew they were wanting it as well, so I was just letting them know the status from my end. I wasn't trying to give a blow-by-blow of how I felt about it one way or the other.
On the plus side, mitch was *awesome* and did get this dubbed for me, and I appreciate it more than he knows. If there's still interest (and with mitch's permission, of course), I may upload it to the spleen...if that's not too "blow-by-blow" of me to say. ;) j/k