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Help: looking for... 'far and away' - ABC Network TV Version


Anyone have this? I have been looking for this for many years.

I'd like to see this as well...
hey there
well i have this cut! BUT ,there's always a "but",it have french subs on it so i'm not sure a lot of people would be interested also it has been stored on vhs for a long time so the quality is not great but i burned it onto 3 dvds to avoid loss.
it's been years since i want to do a composite ,i have the r2dvd,but i never find courage to start it....actually i have no knowledge in editing and no tools either.
i just found out this (excellent)forum and perhaps it is the perfect occasion to do something myself!
so nobody's got good sources for this ?i dont know if it has been aired a lot (only one in France)

sorry for my english...