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Please read the whole post before you dive in. You may report bugs here and request upcoming features here.
In order to maximize community participation, it was decided early in the development process to make fanedits.com a wiki-style site. All information on the site related to fan projects, sources, contributors, and films can be edited directly by fanedits.com members.
As this is a beta release, full functionality is not yet enabled. However, the core functionality of the site--uploading fan project information--is ready to go. By creating an account, anyone can create new projects whether they're the creator or simply a fan.
The process of adding a project consists of:
1. Providing a title for the project
2. Selecting the appropriate categories (or creating a new category if it doesn't exist)
3. Selecting the project's current status
4. Providing a summary of the project
5. Providing an in-depth description of the project
6. Entering the project release date (if known)
7. Selecting and/or adding the names of project contributors--could be just one person or a team of contributors
8. Selecting and/or adding the titles of related films
9. Entering keywords/tags for linking related projects and other items together
Once you've created a project, you're presented with the results on the project details page. Need to change something? Click the "edit" link to the right of the project title and any info on the page can be changed. Clicking the "edit" link also reveals the powerful specifications creation box on the right-hand side of the page. Select values for all specs, hit save, and the specs table is populated. Don't see the specification you need? Create it and add the values yourself. When you're done editing, click "browse" to return to the normal view.
Those of you worried about all your hard work getting ruined by malicious users shouldn't worry. Every time someone clicks the "edit" link on a project page, a snapshot is taken of the entire project--all associated information, including specifications, is saved as a backup. We'll keep the backups on file for at least a month, so if something goes wrong, an administrator can roll back any changes and restore the project to what it was.
While you're busy uploading projects, we have the following features planned in the coming weeks:
Image gallery
Upload custom DVD covers and labels as well as other fan artwork and link them to one or more projects. Anyone viewing a project details page will see thumbnail previews and links to any artwork linked to the project.
Project subscriptions
Subscribe to specific projects and get an e-mail notification when someone makes edits. Great for monitoring the status of projects in-progress.
Source material details and specifications
The same powerful editor used to add info and specifications to fan projects will be applied to source materials as well. An awesome resource for fan editors looking for materials to create their edits.
Contributor profiles and blogs
Fan editors with a fanedits.com user account can start their own blog for posting their progress on projects. Users can subscribe to blogs and be notified via e-mail when a new post or reply is made.
User reviews and ratings system
Fanedits.com users will be able to post reviews of any fan project and rate the project. Top-rated projects and the latest user reviews appear on the fanedits.com home page.
Yes, the much maligned and almost comical development of the new forum software is in alpha testing now, and fanedits.com will be the testing ground when the beta is approved for release. For now, our own fan editing forum will be the hub of fanedits.com discussions.
Even with all this planned, we naturally want your opinions, feedback, and feature suggestions. What do you feel we should tackle first? What features haven't been mentioned that need to be added? We need to know so fanedits.com can become what YOU want it to be.
So how do you get started? Visit fanedits.com, create an account, and start submitting projects.
Again, please report bugs here and feature requests here.