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Episode VIII : The Last Jedi - Discussion * SPOILER THREAD * — Page 10


I really like this shot, he looks so happy to be there.

That camera also makes me really happy. It’s hardly news by now that ep. VIII will be shot on film, but seeing that camera still makes me happy (and kinda jealous).

Also, these are different shots from the ones we saw in TFA right?
I can’t remember the specifics. Did they go back to Skelling Island, or was Johnson there with Abrams to shoot some scenes for his own movie?

Star Wars is Surrealism, not Science Fiction (essay)
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luckydube56 said:

Ep 8 is what will make or break this trilogy.

Absolutely. TFA in my opinion did a fantastic job of developing these characters (even though Poe wasn’t developed as much as Rey, Finn and Kylo Ren) and making us care about them now it is time to let these characters stand on their own legs by bringing them into new and unexpected story lines that will shape the rest of the Saga. We also need answers to at least some of the questions TFA left us with. Why does Rey have such a strong affinity for the Force? Has Kylo fully embraced the Dark Side or is he still feeling a pull to the light? Who is Snoke and what are his aspirations? What has Luke been doing all this time (and “nothing” is not acceptable)? What is the state of the galaxy after the destruction of the Hosnian System?..and most importantly for me who exactly are the Knights of Ren? The apparent darker tone bodes well so long as the film doesn’t get consumed by trying to be dark rather than telling a compelling story.


adywan said:

the Luke/ rey shots seem to have been filmed with digital cameras, so they are more likely nothing more than behind the scenes footage shot while shooting episode 7

Really? I’d say they have quite a filmic look to them (unlike the shots of Johnson). They could be outtakes from TFA, or ep. VIII might start exactly where TFA left off. The compositions also seem pretty weird for BTS footage. At least the one with Rey looks very cinematic.

Star Wars is Surrealism, not Science Fiction (essay)
Original Trilogy Documentaries/Making-Ofs (YouTube, Vimeo, etc. finds)
Beyond the OT Documentaries/Making-Ofs (YouTube, Vimeo, etc. finds)
Amazon link to my novels.


luckydube56 said:

Ep 8 is what will make or break this trilogy. People were very forgiving of Ep 7. It was a tool used to wipe the shitty taste of the Prequels off the pallet of angry SW fans. It accomplished its goal and not much more.

Interesting opinion.


adywan said:

The official announcement that Episode 7 has started filming, including a teaser video and cast list.


And NO Harrison Ford. I don’t know why people still thought he was coming back just because Kennedy said that all the cast would be back when TFA came out. Of course she wasn’t going to say “they’re all coming back except for Harrison”. That would have given the game away about his death.

Two other interesting omissions in the announcement are Peter Mayhew and John Williams


I wonder, If either of the next two episodes were able to convey the look, the feel and flow of the OT moives, would the general SW audience be turned off or care less and welcome it? Ive had young first time viewers of the entire saga ask me why the PT looks modern and the OT looks old and outdated. They liked all of them, but tended to lean a bit towards the more contemporary looking PT films. Granted, we’re talking about a 12 and 10 yr old. So they might change that opinion as they get older.


Tell them the PT looks newer because they happened first, it’s the sort of logic a 10 year old might get behind.


ZkinandBonez said:

I actually preferred the look of the OT as a kid, but then again I had a mother who showed me a lot of old films so there was never a contemporary “norm” for me, just a bunch of movies that looked different.

Exactly my point!! I know all of us would be pleasantly surprised and happy, but I wonder if the very thing we hope for would be received well by the casual fan.


BobaJett said:

ZkinandBonez said:

I actually preferred the look of the OT as a kid, but then again I had a mother who showed me a lot of old films so there was never a contemporary “norm” for me, just a bunch of movies that looked different.

Exactly my point!! I know all of us would be pleasantly surprised and happy, but I wonder if the very thing we hope for would be received well by the casual fan.

I think it will go both ways. Retro is kind of trendy right now, and SW has a lot of nostalgia and retro-ness to take advantage of. However I feel like the upcoming Rogue One will look very modern, and although that probably won’t sit to right with us, I think most people will really like it. I actually don’t think most people really notice these kinds of things, at least not consciously. I’ve always been very conscious of it, but like I said I watched a lot of old films growing up. Most people tend to latch on to whatever’s new and trendy, and luckily for us Star-Wars-retro is trendy right now. But I think people would have had bad reactions if they made the new films were genuinely old-looking, and most people wouldn’t bat an eye if they fully modernized them. Most people didn’t with the PT and they probably won’t with the anthology films either.
This is why I always tell people to show old films to their kids from the beginning.

Star Wars is Surrealism, not Science Fiction (essay)
Original Trilogy Documentaries/Making-Ofs (YouTube, Vimeo, etc. finds)
Beyond the OT Documentaries/Making-Ofs (YouTube, Vimeo, etc. finds)
Amazon link to my novels.


If by replicating the look of the OT you mean continuing in the style of TFA, I haven’t heard any complaints about the look of that movie from anyone in my social circle, which runs the gamut from non-fans to casual fans to lunatics like us. The general consensus even among the folks I know who aren’t OT true believers is that the quaintness of the originals is preferable to the garishness of the prequels. Everyone also seems to be in agreement that TFA struck an ideal balance between the practical and the digital.


I actually do have a small bit of admiration for some of their attempts at creating a new design aesthetic in the Prequels.

In particular, I’ve always liked the look of this:

It kind of reminds me of a “1950s futurism”.

It looks as if someone from the 1950s envisioned what space ships would look like. Well they’d look like the era’s cutting edge design concepts of course!!!

The thing is, it’s still not Star Wars. It’s a different Galaxy. Ironically (or maybe not), Lucas finally made his Flash Gordon films and tried to cram Star Wars characters and lore into them.


I disagree about the Naboo fighters not being Star Wars. Almost everything in TPM rang true for me in terms of design, the only real exception being all of the Gungan technology. Hell, I still consider this to be one of the most authentically Star Wars-y designs in the entire franchise:

It’s not until you get to stuff like the Geonosian ripple-gun things and the Coruscant night life scenes and everything on Kamino that the design started to feel off for me. Really, though, my problem with the look of the prequels has more to do with the maximalist ethic than the design itself. The sheer amount of stuff that Lucas insisted on cramming into every frame undercuts the kind of elegance that the earlier films achieved so wonderfully.

I think Abrams did an admirable job of emulating the starkness that made the OT so visually striking (rathars notwithstanding). Even in a scene like the Starkiller Base battle where you’ve got lots and lots of fighters whizzing around, they’re almost always shot to appear very small against a big empty vista. He sort of starts to lose it when it gets a little busy towards the end with the trench run, but it doesn’t even approach the sensory overload of, say, the opening of ROTS.


You know, the design concepts of the original trilogy had been co-opted and plundered so much by other film franchises that the designs like the one you posted above look like just another in a long line of knock off spaceships.

It’s gotten to the point that, for me at least, to look like it belongs in the SW universe, it can barely stray at all from its original trilogy genes.

The Tie Fighters of TFA look like they belong because, they’re Tie Fighters. The folding wing shuttle in TFA has a strong Star Wars aesthetic.

And while this looks like Star Wars

This absolutely does not


Platitude said:

adywan said:

The official announcement that Episode 7 has started filming, including a teaser video and cast list.


And NO Harrison Ford. I don’t know why people still thought he was coming back just because Kennedy said that all the cast would be back when TFA came out. Of course she wasn’t going to say “they’re all coming back except for Harrison”. That would have given the game away about his death.

Two other interesting omissions in the announcement are Peter Mayhew and John Williams

(Also Mayhew is apparently tweeting pictures of his original ANH script from 1976.)

Star Wars is Surrealism, not Science Fiction (essay)
Original Trilogy Documentaries/Making-Ofs (YouTube, Vimeo, etc. finds)
Beyond the OT Documentaries/Making-Ofs (YouTube, Vimeo, etc. finds)
Amazon link to my novels.


Here be proof that Episode VIII will take place directly where Episode VII left off


Enough things could be happening elsewhere with the Republic in ruins to pad out the opening crawl.

Forum Moderator

Where were you in '77?


Lord Haseo said:

Here be proof that Episode VIII will take place directly where Episode VII left off

Urgh. His comment isn’t really helpful. What he says is obvious (and in fairness it was the tweeter’s fault for asking the wrong question). Of course that footage is from the Skellig Michael shoot with Rian Johnson.

The question is, is that actually footage from Episode VIII?

There’s a small possibility they recreated the scene for the sake of the teaser.


DominicCobb said:
There’s a small possibility they recreated the scene for the sake of the teaser.

I think it’s more likely that that’ll be an actual scene to appease the fans who were pissed at Luke not saying anything.

SilverWook said:
Enough things could be happening elsewhere with the Republic in ruins to pad out the opening crawl.

That’s true but if there’s a time jump I’m not entirely sure how the crawl will fit in.


DominicCobb said:

I guess this is a good thing because they’re spending more time on it but… I was really excited that we only had to wait a year and four months for the next chapter. Now it’s almost a full two years! Whatever will I do??

Ded ye breng the caerds?!


Who knows? Maybe they always planned to open Ep8 in the very same point that TFA left off.

“That Darth Vader, man. Sure does love eating Jedi.”


Francis Begbie said:

DominicCobb said:

I guess this is a good thing because they’re spending more time on it but… I was really excited that we only had to wait a year and four months for the next chapter. Now it’s almost a full two years! Whatever will I do??

Ded ye breng the caerds?!

Strangest first post (non-bot category) ever?


It seems like they’re building a set right in the middle of a shopping street in Dubrovnik.




Star Wars is Surrealism, not Science Fiction (essay)
Original Trilogy Documentaries/Making-Ofs (YouTube, Vimeo, etc. finds)
Beyond the OT Documentaries/Making-Ofs (YouTube, Vimeo, etc. finds)
Amazon link to my novels.