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Episode VII: The Force Awakens - Discussion * SPOILER THREAD * — Page 163


SilverWook said:

Nice that they are planning ahead, if that's the case.

Lucas did shoot the end of ROTS while filming in Tunisia for AOTC. He chucked that footage, and shot the actors again on ROTS with bluescreen though.

George wanted to have all the Dagobah scenes for ROTJ shot during production on ESB, (to avoid having to rebuild the massive set again) but they just ran out of time.

Here's the latest report.  It makes sense they would return to that location in Episode VIII if TFA ends there with Rey and Luke.


adywan said:

UK release date brought forward to the 17th December


"In France, Italy and several other European countries, the movie will debut on Dec. 16. However, a Middle Eastern market has won the earliest opening for the film: The United Arab Emirates will screen it as early as Dec. 15."



George chucked it because he decided baby Luke should be handed to Beru, with Owen keeping his distance. He originally shot Kenobi handing to Owen.

He used the plate shots of the homestead taken during to EP2, and put in the actors via bluescreen.


Maybe he should have shot it both ways while they were in Tunisia then? Still a shame the original footage hasn't been included as an extra.

Where were you in '77?


Sevb32 said:

George chucked it because he decided baby Luke should be handed to Beru, with Owen keeping his distance. He originally shot Kenobi handing to Owen.

He used the plate shots of the homestead taken during to EP2, and put in the actors via bluescreen.

 Is the original shot available anywhere? Does Obi-wan have his AoTC haircut?


Three quarters through Moving Target (the Leia YA book). It's a better story than the Luke one was, but I can't begin to figure out how any of this relates to TFA. I guess some of these new characters might turn up, but none of them have names we already recognize like Sarco Plank in the other book so it's hard to tell who's important. Going back to the creature shop stuff in the SDCC reel, the only way I can think of that this book ties into anything we already know about the movie is that it establishes that Leia and Nien Nunb are good friends. So maybe Nien Nunb has a substantial role in TFA? Meh. Maybe something happens in the last section that'll make the connection obvious.


towne32 said:

Sevb32 said:

George chucked it because he decided baby Luke should be handed to Beru, with Owen keeping his distance. He originally shot Kenobi handing to Owen.

He used the plate shots of the homestead taken during to EP2, and put in the actors via bluescreen.

 Is the original shot available anywhere? Does Obi-wan have his AoTC haircut?


(Scroll to the bottom.) AFAIK, these are the only stills of the shoot.

Obi Wan wisely has his hood up, concealing his hairdo. ;)

Where were you in '77?


I'm not even sure Ewan was on the Tatooine shoot in Tunisia for EP2 at all, so it could have just been anyone near his build and height from side view in the Jedi robe with hood up. The could put the in studio close ups with Ewan later had they used it.


Done with Moving Target. Again, if anything related to TFA happened in the actual story it sailed right over my head, but the epilogue seemed to take place ten minutes before or even during the movie. Right after Leia finishes telling the story to PZ-4CO another Resistance officer named Ematt (who actually appeared briefly in the story, so if he's in the movie I guess he's our connection) walks in and they chat about Poe Dameron for a bit before Ematt tells Leia that there's news from Jakku and they both leave for the command center.


Mrebo said:

I was flipping through Aftermath in Barnes and Noble. The author is fond of colons (the punctuation mark) and sentence fragments.

 Exactly how my English teacher writes.



SilverWook said:

George wanted to have all the Dagobah scenes for ROTJ shot during production on ESB, (to avoid having to rebuild the massive set again) but they just ran out of time.

Suddenly that story about Marquand convincing George to return to Dagobah in ROTJ makes a lot more sense.


unamochilla2 said:

adywan said:

UK release date brought forward to the 17th December


"In France, Italy and several other European countries, the movie will debut on Dec. 16. However, a Middle Eastern market has won the earliest opening for the film: The United Arab Emirates will screen it as early as Dec. 15."


I was in Paris visiting my sister the week JJ's Star Trek opened in France (and also Belgium IIRC) a couple days before anywhere else in the world. So we got to see it a little early with very small and non-distracting french subtitles.


SilverWook said:

Looks like they aren't quite done shooting yet?


EntertainmentWeekly has learned that the filming on Skellig Michael will not be about Episode VIII, but a reshoot for The Force Awakens:

Lucasfilm did not immediately return calls for comment, but it’s not unusual for big budget films to reshoot some scenes in the midst of editing, although this one is cutting it close with release just over three months from now. Sources tell EW that smaller scale reshoots have been happening off and on for several weeks, including during the time some of the cast was gathered in Southern California for Disney’s D23 fan expo last month.

 Could they be extending Luke's scenes?

Edit and Update: Lucasfilm has reported that this shoot is for Episode VIII, not The Force Awakens.  Sorry for the mess.

CORRECTION: Lucasfilm says reports that Star Wars: The Force Awakens would be regrouping for reshoots in Ireland this month are erroneous and that the actual plan is to begin shooting sequences from director Rian Johnson’s 2017 sequel Episode VIII.


Picked up Shattered Empire #1 today. almost half the issue is just recap of the Battle of Endor. They really wasted more pages on that than they needed to. Once it actually got going though it became clear that the protagonists are probably Poe Dameron's parents, so that could get interesting.


It's funny that other sites reported it being Rian and VIII a day or two ago. EW comes along and blunders it up, getting the message late with someone probably misreading their roman numerals. Everyone assumes it's new information rather than misreported old information.


joefavs said:

Picked up Shattered Empire #1 today. almost half the issue is just recap of the Battle of Endor. They really wasted more pages on that than they needed to.

Filler in a modern Marvel comic book?! Say it ain't so!


If they're going to rehash ROTJ, at least show us something that happened offscreen, like Ewoks killing Stormtroopers. ;)

Where were you in '77?


I'm not sure if this has already been mentioned, but the second wave of Black Series toys have revealed a few new design details; the most interesting (to me at least) is the reveal of the red guys we saw running down the hallway in the Comic-Con BTS reel. They're apparently called: Guavian enforcers.


Star Wars is Surrealism, not Science Fiction (essay)
Original Trilogy Documentaries/Making-Ofs (YouTube, Vimeo, etc. finds)
Beyond the OT Documentaries/Making-Ofs (YouTube, Vimeo, etc. finds)
Amazon link to my novels.


Done with Smuggler's Run. Probably my favorite of the three, exactly what it says on the tin ("A Han Solo & Chewbacca Adventure"). That Ematt guy from the Leia book played a major role in this one too, so I'm thinking he's definitely in TFA. Perhaps the middle-aged military type from the casting notice way back when? He's 20ish around the Battle of Yavin, which would put him in his mid-50s in TFA.

Lost Stars is a lot longer than I realized, so I'm going to take a break from this stuff and read something else.


I heard that the end of the film is Rey bringing Luke his lightsaber on this island in Ireland where he is in exile/hiding/meditating/whatever.