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Episode VII: The Force Awakens - Discussion * SPOILER THREAD * — Page 14


Or the script being compromised due to Harrison's injury and his time out.  His rumored co-lead role may be downgraded to supporting.


I'll consider it news when the news comes from somewhere besides "The Sun". 

But it won't be surprising. 4-6 months is not unexpected for a broken leg. Hopefully they'll just push back the release date to May.


Has Disney/Lucasfilm made an official statement on the matter?  Has any of the cast or crew even tweeted wishing Harrison a speedy recovery?


unamochilla2 said:

Or the script being compromised due to Harrison's injury and his time out.  His rumored co-lead role may be downgraded to supporting.

This could possibly cause certain changes to the script.

In ESB, with Hamill's injury to the face from a car accident, they implemented that injury into the movie by having the Wampa swipe at his face. That actually worked out very well and added realism.

I'd be curious how they might implement Ford's injury into the story (IF they go that route).

Or... if Disney is has obtained a complete technical readout of Harrison's broken leg (and are concerned about the quality of the film) it is possible, however unlikely, that they will find another release date, and push it back.

Wishlist Of Ideas/Suggestions For Improving ROTJ


.Mac. said:

In ESB, with Hamill's injury to the face from a car accident, they implemented that injury into the movie by having the Wampa swipe at his face. That actually worked out very well and added realism.

The wampa attack doesn't actually explain Luke's different nose between the first two movies. You look closely enough, and it's easy to see that Luke has Hamill's post-accident nose even before the wampa slaps him across the face.


Man, that's sad. I hope he's okay. At that age, those kinds of things can really screw you over mobility-wise. Our heroes are getting old. =(

Keep Circulating the Tapes.


(It hasn’t happened yet)


DuracellEnergizer said:

.Mac. said:

In ESB, with Hamill's injury to the face from a car accident, they implemented that injury into the movie by having the Wampa swipe at his face. That actually worked out very well and added realism.

The wampa attack doesn't actually explain Luke's different nose between the first two movies. You look closely enough, and it's easy to see that Luke has Hamill's post-accident nose even before the wampa slaps him across the face.

Well you can't expect a movie to get every detail accurate ;)

Anyway, the point is, real-life injuries (whether on or off set) can have an influence to the script's details.

Let's hope that in a few weeks, despite Harrison's serious injury, they can accomplish some of the "easier and relaxed" scenes that involve him (might have to use some camera trickery) so at least that much can be finished and out of the way. Save the harder scenes for last when he's had more time to recover.

Wishlist Of Ideas/Suggestions For Improving ROTJ


I'd rather Harrison not be in it than they build his performance using CGI with the full Dooku greenscreen, head swaps and body doubles.

VIZ TOP TIPS! - PARENTS. Impress your children by showing them a floppy disk and telling them it’s a 3D model of a save icon.


They can probably easily shoot most of the cockpit scenes. Heck, they could even ship the cockpit set over to the states if they needed to.

Body doubles are used more than people realize, (eons before CGI existed) even when an actor hasn't been injured. Long shots, inserts, etc. They don't pay an actor to stand around for shots where their face isn't visible.

I'd be willing to bet a rig could be built to shoot Harrison from the waist up which could give the illusion he's walking. Necessity is the mother of invention. ;)

Forum Moderator

Where were you in '77?


You do know they can just use a stunt-double and CGI on Harrison's head, right? There's no reason why they'd have to change anything...

[ Scanning stuff since 2015 ]


The man is 71. Just how much running around is his character meant to be doing? Isn't this just a glorified cameo to get asses on seats again after the PT?


Ford is a fitness freak like Chuck Norris, he'd be up to the challenge (if he had both his legs) -as for Hamill and Fisher though that's another story - I do hope Hamill took some acting lessons this time round...

Mark Hamill Stubs Toe, Delays Star Wars Filming ... well he's no Harrison!

[ Scanning stuff since 2015 ]


RU.08 said:

Ford is a fitness freak like Chuck Norris, he'd be up to the challenge (if he had both his legs) -as for Hamill and Fisher though that's another story - I do hope Hamill took some acting lessons this time round...

Mark Hamill Stubs Toe, Delays Star Wars Filming ... well he's no Harrison!

 Excuse me?

Hamill's acting skills have been good enough to play Amadeus on Broadway, among other things.

Forum Moderator

Where were you in '77?


You gotta wonder just how something like the Falcon's door closing broke his leg. His ankle would've at least made sense, they could've just had bad timing closing the door and it landed on his foot or something. But his leg? How does that happen?


Fang Zei said:

You gotta wonder just how something like the Falcon's door closing broke his leg. His ankle would've at least made sense, they could've just had bad timing closing the door and it landed on his foot or something. But his leg? How does that happen?

 With the veil of secrecy on this film, we're obviously not getting the complete picture of what actually happened.

Forum Moderator

Where were you in '77?


Did anybody spot a bearded man around the set, dark glasses, a chequered shirt and a crowbar in his hands?


No, but I did see him lurking around behind my house. I gave his ass a load of buckshot to remember me by.


A little rumor roundup:

John Boyega will play a character much like Luke in the OT. He will not be a Jedi, but will be introduced to the greater Star Wars universe. The main plot of the ST will revolve around his character much the same as Luke in the OT.

We have the persistent rumors of Jedi Hunters. The most likely scenario is that Luke Skywalker has at least started to rebuild the Jedi Order. The Jedi Hunters have started hunting down and killing those new Jedi.

Another persistent roumor is the Jedi Hunters are most likely Dark Jedi being led by a single individual bent on destroying the Jedi and building a new Sith Empire.

Most recently the Mandalorians will factor heavily into the ST.

Oh yeah and Tom Cruise will play an Ewok!

The movie theater is my church and my holy trinity is a Trilogy.


RU.08 said:

I do hope Hamill gave some acting lessons this time round

 ^ Fixed

VIZ TOP TIPS! - PARENTS. Impress your children by showing them a floppy disk and telling them it’s a 3D model of a save icon.


Fang Zei said:

You gotta wonder just how something like the Falcon's door closing broke his leg. His ankle would've at least made sense, they could've just had bad timing closing the door and it landed on his foot or something. But his leg? How does that happen?

 The Falcon is a piece of junk after all! ;)


darklighter said:

A little rumor roundup:

John Boyega will play a character much like Luke in the OT. He will not be a Jedi, but will be introduced to the greater Star Wars universe. The main plot of the ST will revolve around his character much the same as Luke in the OT.

We have the persistent rumors of Jedi Hunters. The most likely scenario is that Luke Skywalker has at least started to rebuild the Jedi Order. The Jedi Hunters have started hunting down and killing those new Jedi.

Another persistent roumor is the Jedi Hunters are most likely Dark Jedi being led by a single individual bent on destroying the Jedi and building a new Sith Empire.

Most recently the Mandalorians will factor heavily into the ST.

Oh yeah and Tom Cruise will play an Ewok!

Cruise really should play a Sith lord. He wouldn't even have to get into character for the part, either -- he'd just play himself. 


DuracellEnergizer said:

Cruise really should play a Sith lord. He wouldn't even have to get into character for the part, either -- he'd just play himself. 


Forum Moderator

Well DONE, Tobar, Dark Lord of the Gif.