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Episode II: Attack of the Ridiculousness ***NEW 14 MONTH ANNIVERSARY DVD NOW AVAILABLE*** — Page 15


That was hilarious!

<span style=“font-weight: bold;”>The Most Handsomest Guy on OT.com</span>


Been meaning to say I really enjoyed the hell out of the 1st 17 min rough cut.

Keep up the killer work frink.


I loved the 20 minute rough cut! 

By the way, I think the factory scene is in a desperate need of "The Robots" by Kraftwerk!


Had another idea for the speeder chase. As Zam's speeder just bursts into flame on it's own, maybe an insert shot of a dashboard "check engine" light or some other indicator of trouble?

THX 1138 actually has a shot you could use for this.

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=24R8wzYqjb0&feature=related (at 1:41 and 2:22)

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Where were you in '77?


doubleofive said:

I love how much shorter the movie is going to be if you keep glossing over the boring scenes!

I thought of doing it for three or four consecutive scenes, but then I realized the "Liar!" joke would be funny, then I wanted more Krusty, and so on...


SilverWook said:

Had another idea for the speeder chase. As Zam's speeder just bursts into flame on it's own, maybe an insert shot of a dashboard "check engine" light or some other indicator of trouble?

THX 1138 actually has a shot you could use for this.

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=24R8wzYqjb0&feature=related (at 1:41 and 2:22)

Neat idea.  I don't own THX (nor do I want to, I saw it once and that was enough) but maybe there's another movie I could use that I already own.  Or maybe something with audio instead?  Too bad the Garmin lady doesn't talk about engines...

Speaking of which, I'm debating if I want to use the Garmin joke again during the speeder chase.  It would be kind of a repeat from TRM, but it's so funny (IMO) that it might be worth it.  I might dig though the Garmin audio files I still have and see what else I can make her say :)


Oh snap...there might be a funny dashboard shot in Airplane! I could use.


TV's Frink said:


Funny clip.

Now, this video gave me and idea for a suggestion. You can take it or leave it, but I think it would be hilarious if the coversation with the librarian went like this:

Librarian: Did you call for assistance?

Obi-Wan: No

*End of scene*


Great clip Frink :)  That was an excellent choice for the conversation... you really synched it up well.

And I second DominicCobb's suggestion.

“It’s a lot of fun… it’s a lot of fun to watch Star Wars.” – Bill Moyers


That deleted scene with Obi Wan and the analysis droids might have potential, if you could find silly things for the droids to say.

Forum Moderator

Where were you in '77?


SilverWook said:

That deleted scene with Obi Wan and the analysis droids might have potential, if you could find silly things for the droids to say.



Yeah, I thought of that and tried it too. I think the first way is funnier.


I was just thinking when the clone troopers make their grand entrance to save the day it would be awesome if this famous theme could somehow be worked into the scene.............




In fact if you wanted to maybe the whole clone battle can be shortened to a montage with this song as the centerpiece and some text crediting random clones as characters....in the C-Team!


Davnes007 said:

Maybe have Typho say "I'd be more concerned about her doing him" ?

Oh man, I'm torn on this.

On the one hand, I have tried to keep these edits at least somewhat family-friendly.  And that might be pushing it a bit.

On the other hand, you have different fingers.

On the other other hand, I've already traveled down a more mature path with some of the work on this edit, including Padme's last line in that clip.  And furthermore, it's a really funny idea, and the scene is missing a good ending line.


DF Shadow said:

I was just thinking when the clone troopers make their grand entrance to save the day it would be awesome if this famous theme could somehow be worked into the scene.............




In fact if you wanted to maybe the whole clone battle can be shortened to a montage with this song as the centerpiece and some text crediting random clones as characters.

Nah, not really an A-Team fan.