Well here's some spoilers for the finale gathered from what is gathered from on set reports. Highlight to read:
Episode titles:
# 1. Partners in Crime
# 2. The Fires of Pompeii
# 3. Planet of the Ood
# 4. The Sontaran Stratagem
# 5. The Poison Sky
# 6. The Doctors Daughter
# 7. The Unicorn & The Wasp
# 8. Silence in the Library
# 9. The Forest of the Dead
# 10. Midnight
# 11. Turn Left
# 12. Unconfirmed (The BBC are holding the title of this one back because it is supposed to give too much away but it is rumoured to be War on Skaro, which has come from a reliable source, or The Time War)
# 13. Journey's End
The finale is a 3 part story arc. The Daleks are back and have invaded Earth. Davros is rumoured to be appearing. Cast members confirmed for the finale are: Martha, Rose, Capt Jack, Mickey, Jackie & Sarah Jane Smith. There is a regeneration in the series although it may not be the Doctor. The doctor is badly injured and the companions have to come together to save him. On set photos and video show the doctor getting hit (most likely by a dalek laser) and falling to the ground & billy leaning over his lifeless body then capt Jack shouting " we have to get him back to the TARDIS". The Doctor has a daughter (played by the real life daughter of Ex-Doctor Peter Davidson) There will be a shock revelation about Donna & the Doctor (or someone else)will have to erase her memories. Clues will be in almost every episode about the finale. Clues in episode 1 seem to be the sticker on the Taxis that read "ATMOS" and about the bees disappearing.
This looks to be a good season. I love the new theme music and Catherine Tate looks to become a great companion (even though at the end she started going into Nan).