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Darth Vader's suit — Page 5


I sort of get the impression that the Emperor lost faith in guys like Tarkin after the first Death Star fiasco, and gave Vader more autonomy.

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Where were you in '77?


SilverWook said:

I sort of get the impression that the Emperor lost faith in guys like Tarkin after the first Death Star fiasco, and gave Vader more autonomy.

I agree.

One of the things I liked a lot about the new Marvel comics run is that Vader was on the Emperor’s bad side for surviving the Death Star’s destruction, and so the Emperor put him under the command of Commander Tagge (who you’ll remember as the “Until this battlestation is fully operational, we are vulnerable” guy from the Death Star conference room), who left the Death Star “to be with his precious fleet” before it was destroyed. There’s an interesting dynamic there that I enjoy, where Tagge is very tactical and takes the Rebellion seriously and is a bit arrogant having been proven right about the Rebels and the Death Star, and I like the idea of Vader having to re-earn his way back into the Emperor’s good graces, plus a lot of those characters have been criminally underused and ignored through the years.

Keep Circulating the Tapes.


(It hasn’t happened yet)


My impression was they took the Rebels more seriously. So sent the Emperor’s blood hound after them with a small fleet and a fancy command ship. Palpatine is playing with fire knowing that if Vader finds his child there will be sparks. But he also knows it will be a beacon to finding the rest of the Rebels that fled Yavin.


Tyrphanax said:

SilverWook said:

I sort of get the impression that the Emperor lost faith in guys like Tarkin after the first Death Star fiasco, and gave Vader more autonomy.

I agree.

One of the things I liked a lot about the new Marvel comics run is that Vader was on the Emperor’s bad side for surviving the Death Star’s destruction, and so the Emperor put him under the command of Commander Tagge (who you’ll remember as the “Until this battlestation is fully operational, we are vulnerable” guy from the Death Star conference room), who left the Death Star “to be with his precious fleet” before it was destroyed. There’s an interesting dynamic there that I enjoy, where Tagge is very tactical and takes the Rebellion seriously and is a bit arrogant having been proven right about the Rebels and the Death Star, and I like the idea of Vader having to re-earn his way back into the Emperor’s good graces, plus a lot of those characters have been criminally underused and ignored through the years.

That’s interesting, because Luke crossed paths, (and swords) with two other members of the Tagge family in the original Marvel run.

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Where were you in '77?


SilverWook said:

Tyrphanax said:

SilverWook said:

I sort of get the impression that the Emperor lost faith in guys like Tarkin after the first Death Star fiasco, and gave Vader more autonomy.

I agree.

One of the things I liked a lot about the new Marvel comics run is that Vader was on the Emperor’s bad side for surviving the Death Star’s destruction, and so the Emperor put him under the command of Commander Tagge (who you’ll remember as the “Until this battlestation is fully operational, we are vulnerable” guy from the Death Star conference room), who left the Death Star “to be with his precious fleet” before it was destroyed. There’s an interesting dynamic there that I enjoy, where Tagge is very tactical and takes the Rebellion seriously and is a bit arrogant having been proven right about the Rebels and the Death Star, and I like the idea of Vader having to re-earn his way back into the Emperor’s good graces, plus a lot of those characters have been criminally underused and ignored through the years.

That’s interesting, because Luke crossed paths, (and swords) with two other members of the Tagge family in the original Marvel run.

Didn’t the Tagge seen in ANH blow up with the DS?
Also I find it interesting that Marvel is utilising the Tagges again.

PS. You could argue that Luke “crossed paths” with four Tagged, although he didn’t meet either Ulric or Silas Tagge face to face.

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Beyond the OT Documentaries/Making-Ofs (YouTube, Vimeo, etc. finds)
Amazon link to my novel; Dawn of the Karabu.


Oh right, I forgot about the other Tagges!

But yeah, in the new canon, the original Commander Tagge left the Death Star before it was destroyed and so survived the attack.

Keep Circulating the Tapes.


(It hasn’t happened yet)


I don’t think there was ever any onscreen evidence he hung around the DS later in the movie anyway?

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Where were you in '77?


SilverWook said:

I don’t think there was ever any onscreen evidence he hung around the DS later in the movie anyway?

Nope. There’s not really any evidence that any of them do, to be honest. Aside from Tarkin and Bast, and I think maybe we see Yularen near the elevators when Han and Luke are beginning the prison break.

But there’s still plenty of time for everyone to escape, even Bast.

Keep Circulating the Tapes.


(It hasn’t happened yet)


SilverWook said:

I don’t think there was ever any onscreen evidence he hung around the DS later in the movie anyway?

No, there isn’t, I just have a hard time adapting to the differences in the canons when it’s so blatantly related to movie characters, I keep forgetting that it’s technically an EU detail regardless.

It’s just kind of hardwired into my brain that he died on the DS.

EDIT: Does anyone know if it was Lucas canon that Cassio Tagge died on the DS before Disney took over, or was it just an EU explanation

Star Wars is Surrealism, not Science Fiction (essay)
Original Trilogy Documentaries/Making-Ofs (YouTube, Vimeo, etc. finds)
Beyond the OT Documentaries/Making-Ofs (YouTube, Vimeo, etc. finds)
Amazon link to my novel; Dawn of the Karabu.


Yeah, it’s weird because the correct view looks pretty normal and straight (possibly because we’ve just been desensitized to it over the years?). But the mirror image looks like he took a wicked hook to the jaw that left him permanently lopsided. And then once you see the mirror image the proper view never quite looks right again… Sorry! 😄


I actually would’ve liked to have seem that symmetrical version of the helmet in ROTS over the biomechanical hydrocephalic abomination they actually went with.


Bingowings said:

My impression was they took the Rebels more seriously. So sent the Emperor’s blood hound after them with a small fleet and a fancy command ship. Palpatine is playing with fire knowing that if Vader finds his child there will be sparks. But he also knows it will be a beacon to finding the rest of the Rebels that fled Yavin.

SilverWook said:

I sort of get the impression that the Emperor lost faith in guys like Tarkin after the first Death Star fiasco, and gave Vader more autonomy.

I attribute it to the character and film being a global cultural phenomenon lasting years, so Lucas decided to change his significance and history to increase profits. No story beyond '77 suddenly became hire someone to write some sequels, this thing is huge.

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Anchorhead said:

Bingowings said:

My impression was they took the Rebels more seriously. So sent the Emperor’s blood hound after them with a small fleet and a fancy command ship. Palpatine is playing with fire knowing that if Vader finds his child there will be sparks. But he also knows it will be a beacon to finding the rest of the Rebels that fled Yavin.

SilverWook said:

I sort of get the impression that the Emperor lost faith in guys like Tarkin after the first Death Star fiasco, and gave Vader more autonomy.

I attribute it to the character and film being a global cultural phenomenon lasting years, so Lucas decided to change his significance and history to increase profits. No story beyond '77 suddenly became hire someone to write some sequels, this thing is huge.

I think Lucas exaggerated how much of the early story he shaved off to make the first film. It is the first third, tightened up, with a bit of the middle and a scaled back space battle. Hoth in TESB and Tatooine in ROTJ had to be added. The imperial prison planet became Bespin, the Luke Vader duel was split, and Ben training Luke became Yoda training Luke. A hell of a lot of story got added with considerable duplication. That continued with the PT reusing names and more from early drafts.

From what I read, Vader fell victim to his own popularity and the ANH costumes weren’t up to a sequel. And while Vader is in charge in TESB, he isn’t in ROTJ. Vader is Tarkin’s lackey in the first one and the Emperor’s in the other two. He really isn’t portrayed as the badass he is in popular culture. We are always reminded he has a boss he has to answer to. Just in TESB it is subtle.


He still doesn’t have anyone in ESB telling him not to throttle Admirals and Captains left and right. 😉

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Where were you in '77?


I figure the Emperor mostly gave him a fleet and told him to have fun.

Keep Circulating the Tapes.


(It hasn’t happened yet)


SilverWook said:

Anchorhead said:

For any newer members who may not be familiar with me, I haven’t seen the last two prequel films. With that in mind, this may have been addressed in-universe or on this board somewhere. In the few screen-grabs and pics I’ve seen from the prequels, it looks like his helmet is a significant redesign from the original films. To echo a few others on here, I never noticed the differences from film to film on the OT. However, even for someone like me who isn’t terribly interested in the character, I immediately noticed a difference in the prequel version.

In Star Wars his helmet seemed to have more mass. It had much more visual weight. It was the helmet of a military general and had a used universe look consistent with the film. That seemed a little less so in Empire and Return, but the helmet still had weight.

In the pictures from the prequels, it looks to have less substance and appears more polished. I don’t mean polished as in shiny (it’s that as well), but polished as in being more of a stylized take on Vader as opposed to the actual mask. Maybe it works in motion or on film, but it just looks off to me.

And again, maybe this has been addressed and I’m just missing it. If he does make an appearance in Rogue One, I hope he looks period-correct.

What is looking “off” is it’s perfect symmetry. That photo looks like someone did a mirror job in photoshop, and that’s what the creator of the ROTS helmet essentially did in three dimensions.

I saw on the TFA Blu Ray extras the care and time that was put in to get Chewie looking right, so I think Vader is in good hands for any possible appearance.

Well…there are times in the film Chewie looks right, and times he looks not right at all.

Top center is what I mean, it’s a bit too groomed and polished. Miles better than ROTS, though.

Seeking only the most natural looking colors for Star Wars '77


That’s from a photoshoot though. The only thing recognizably different about new Chewie is that his hair his lighter and you can see his fingers.


Yeah, I’ve always seen Vader as the Emperor’s enforcer who has no real authority in the imperial military except that given To him by the emperor on a case by case basis depending on his particular mission at the time.

In Star Wars it’s, “hey, go find those plans. Here’s a star destroyer to get the job done with.” And once he had Leia, but no plans, it was, “Oh, go visit Tarkin and see what he can do to help pry the info out of her. Show her we mean business. Blow up her home planet or something.” But Tarkin was still the military leader in command.

By ESB it was, “hey, an unkown force user just blew up our flipping Death Star! FIND HIM!! Take whatever the heck you want. Do whatever you have to. GET him.”

But then by ROTJ he was being reigned back in a bit. Perhaps because of just how far he went in ESB…

I’ve also been rather enjoying how the new marvel comics are reinforcing this concept. The writing and stories have been uneven but the over all impression of Vader’s place in the empire is very much what I just described. But he’s also shown to be a very cunning and powerful Sith who is always walking the tightrope of obeying his master vs pursuing his own agenda, which also fits right in with the Vader we see in the films (i.e. Hunting down Luke like he was told only to invite him to join Vader in overthrowing his old master).

I know some might say that aspect isn’t part of his character in the original film. But I’d argue just because the film’s story doesn’t require Vader to be more than a lackey doesn’t mean he wasn’t also everything else we see later. And I’m talking just in terms of the character in the fictional universe. Not Lucas’ plans or “original vision” or any of that nonsense.


You could see Chewie’s fingers in ESB.

Chewie looked like he was using a new shampoo in ROTJ. 😉

It’s weird the other Wookiees in ROTS turned out great, yet Chewie looked so “off”.

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Where were you in '77?


Chewie looked off in ROTS for the same reason Yoda was a creepy puppet in TPM. They tried to de-age and way over did it (both, considering their ages, should’ve looked more or less the same).


It does kind of baffle me that they did not just try to match the ESB puppet, and instead made him twice as big and goofy looking, with a voice direction that completely matched Grover (whereas at least Frank is going for something more wise and stoic sounding after Phantom, even if it sounds nothing like it should. He gets it much better in those short little Rebels cameos). He’s a completely different character, between the OT and TPM and then TPM and the remaining two films.

Seeking only the most natural looking colors for Star Wars '77