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Collaborative Fanediting: An ROTJ Proposition (BACK ON TRACK WITH EMANSWFAN AT THE HELM--SEE POST 1488 OR OP FOR A LINK!) — Page 57


The voting results are in!!!

The ‘Y/N’ and ‘select one answer’ questions were easy to interpret, as it was only necessary to pick the most popular item. But the multiple selection questions were trickier, particularly since they weren’t even all the same in nature. For instance, most people might want some sort of change, but the biggest single item was a vote for no such change. And every single item might end up with less than half the voters voting for it. How do we determine what is used? As a general rule, this was my strategy: a vote for no change at all must have at least half the voters select it (12 out of 23). If the no change vote doesn’t make it, then I look at the most popular items and include the top items until we get over the magic number of 12. For instance, if 5 people voted for one change in a category, 5 in another, 3 in another, and 1 in another, I would include the two 5 votes and the 3 vote, but exclude the 1 vote. All items of 12 or more are automatic winners.

1. - Jaitea
2. - Aalenfae
3. - Mrebo
4. - jonathan7
5. - GoodMusician
6. - Ronster
7. - timdiggerm
8. - MrInsaneA
9. - ShepardCommander
10. - DominicCobb
11. - Johannus
12. - Angel
13. - fishmanlee
14. - JLB_Tosche
15. - Captain Antilles
16. - emanswfan
17. - SS4DarthPayne
18. - Wexter
19. - xhonzi
20. - Vladius
21. - Bingowings
22. - daneditor
23. - darth_ender

1. All voters are listed above (in reverse order of when they voted)
2. Select one answer. There was a tie between Return of the Jedi: The Collaborative Edit and choosing a name at a later point. For now we will keep it as Return of the Jedi: The Collaborative Edit unless something better comes up.
3. Y/N. Most people did want to make further alterations to the script, but I’m not sure if the question was clear given the nature of the following votes.
4. Y/N.   Most did not want the TIE bombers to bomb the Ewoks and start a forest fire.
5. Multiple selection. First example of the difficulty of interpreting multiple selections. 9 people wanted no Eclipse, and that was the single most popularly-voted item. But that means that 14 people did want to see the Eclipse, but didn’t agree on the best way to show it. Therefore I don’t feel justified in not showing it. With 7 votes, we will show the Eclipse escorted by Imperial Star Destroyers which remain while the Eclipse leaves. Next most popular was having the Eclipse leave Coruscant, so we will be showing both. Since that was 6 votes, the total is now 13, and the rest I don’t feel were popular enough to keep (or conflicted, i.e. showing the Eclipse arriving alone at the Death Star).
6. Multiple selection. This was tricky because people voted to use Ronster’s sandstorm, but I’m not sure if everyone understood that it was Ronster’s sandstorm scenario; I think most figured we were referring to the ordinary deleted sandstorm scene, which is already included.  I’m not sure how to handle this one due to the confusion, but since all items were at least fairly popular, I will see if there is some way I can include something while maintaining the pace of the movie as we’ve already had it go. 
7. Multiple selection. Tied with 13 votes, both minimizing Salacious Crumb’s behavior and replacing Lapti Nek with a grungier song one the vote. Others came close and may get incorporated (specifically making Jabba’s palace darker), but they did not truly win, so I’m not guaranteeing anything. 
8. Multiple selection. This one was easy as 17 people voted for no removal of siblings and no Han death. 
9. Multiple selection. A large majority voted for no probe droid or showing of Imperial forces turning on each other. 
10. Multiple selection. The only winner in the Sarlacc execution scene is having 3PO and R2 fall directly onto the skiff. 
11. Select one. Sad but true, 13 people voted for no reference to Bothans. I take this to mean removing all references made by Mon Mothma (might be a little tricky), or also just leaving it as vague references (which I should have made as a separate voting item, but whatever). So we will not be filming any Bothan material. 
12. Select one. 15 people voted for no other type of alternate opening either. Thus, the opening as in the most recent script is what we will keep, with no additional scenes. 
13. Y/N. People voted for no Duel of the Fates. I voted yes on this, so I’m a bit sad, but that’s what we’ll do. 
14. Select one. Again, people were all over the place with what to do with Boba Fett. But the winner (and with only 6 votes) is making the slight change to have Han deliberately hit Fett’s jetpack. Unless I can figure out some cool way to incorporate Fett on Endor in a showdown with Han (also popular with 4 votes, even with no suggested means on how to accomplish this), I guess we’ll just keep it simple. I forgot to include an option of removing him altogether, but in the past we voted to keep him anyway. 
15. Select one. I should have set this one up differently to make it clearer what people wanted as well. It should have been a multiple selection and/or possibly split into two questions to determine the actor and whether Anakin’s ghost should be at the fire or the threesome. But again in a close vote people voted for Anakin to be present at the funeral pyre, and for Sebastian Shaw to be the actor. 
16. Select one. Barely winning is the vote to keep it as in the current script, just coming out above Johannus’s extended opening. If folks think of a really viable way to extend the Dagobah material, I may include it in the script, but I don’t see it as that feasible anyway with existing material and looks too much like ESB (even if it comes from a deleted scene). 
17. Select one. This one is tricky because the black shuttle and the shuttle with the Imperial logo both won, garnering 8 votes. I guess I’ll just have to decide which I personally prefer when I update the script, but I’m not even sure which one I like best. It was a tough item for me to vote on :) 
18. Multiple selection. Barely beating the none vote, people voted for fishmanlee’s altered sunset. We also have another sunset at our disposal from Angel, but folks clearly want a prettier sky, so we’ll include one or the other. 
19. Y/N. A very big winner was the inclusion of more aliens in the background when possible, both at the Rebel briefing, and if possible, also on Endor.
20. Multiple selection. The winner here (and barely) was having the Emperor’s shuttle take off from Coruscant and dock with his star destroyer.


I can break it all down if you want...actually it may be easier to just save screenshots of the results, but I can't do that right now.  It was actually quite popular, but I don't think it fully passed based on my criteria.  Truthfully, I think the survey was much easier, but next time I need to break each question down further.  This style seemed to skew votes quite a bit.  I need to find a free service that doesn't limit me to 20 questions.  But you know what, in the end the votes are guides and are not binding.  We may go ahead and include some drumming in there anyway.  That will ultimately be GoodMusician's call, but we can encourage him :)


I don't want to come across as confrontational here but now I think about it that vote is a bit flawed.

I'm not bitter about my idea about boba fetts demise not winning as I'm pleased with myself for coming up with the stuff i did anyway and enjoyed it, but somthing has been voted in (win) that nobody has any idea how to do so it's bulls**it really.

Theres not a single idea of how to execute some of the ideas and they have been presented as if it's been thought through and work has been put into how to do it when it's just some pie in the sky with no foundations at all. Like for instance grungier music in jabbas palce that is just so broad to win and music is so personal how do you hope to gain anything from that?

don't get me wrong I'm all for seeing what people want to see  and hope for things to be pleasers for the majority...Perhaps I am jumping the gun as the vote will bring about some actual production anyway I look forward to the mock-ups of Han deliiberatly hitting the jet-pack and so fourth whenever they materialize along with the grungier music etc.... To see how it all plays out until then good luck I look forward to see the mock-up clips of it all / rough cut whatever you end up producing from from this as I have been longing to see an alternative anyway.


Wow, chill Ron.  I admit the vote was flawed, but that doesn't make it binding either.  I've tried to follow the general will of the people in the script, but at the same time, we can't make everything work.

For Han to deliberately hit the rocket pack, it may take little more than some line changing.  It need not be anything drastic.

And ultimately, none of this has ever been binding.  I've been the script writer who tries to follow the will of the people.  And the editors have to actually implement the ideas, with us trusting their discretion.  Many things may not work out as well as we'd hoped, and things will likely change before the movie is completed.  This is all just a guide for a first attempt at this, and hopefully many other opportunities to do this will come.


darth_ender said:

Wow, chill Ron.  I admit the vote was flawed, but that doesn't make it binding either.  I've tried to follow the general will of the people in the script, but at the same time, we can't make everything work.

For Han to deliberately hit the rocket pack, it may take little more than some line changing.  It need not be anything drastic.

And ultimately, none of this has ever been binding.  I've been the script writer who tries to follow the will of the people.  And the editors have to actually implement the ideas, with us trusting their discretion.  Many things may not work out as well as we'd hoped, and things will likely change before the movie is completed.  This is all just a guide for a first attempt at this, and hopefully many other opportunities to do this will come.

I am chilled ok let me put it another way... For instance say an idea got voted in that luke decided to commit suicide and impale himself on his own lightsabre and won.... Then everyone walks away and scratches there head about how they would actually go about implementing it. Or simply give up and lets try somthing else.

I am talking about proving some of these "ideas" before they are up for vote as ultimatley it's perhaps easy to have the idea and impossible to implement or atleast it has not been proved yet or thought about properly and you are leaving yourself open to pitfalls with your edit.

I am trying to be helpfull and not slag off the vote only to try and make you be perhaps a bit more strict with the ideas themselves from now on rather than just accept things on face value without them being "proved" or alot more specific atleast

hope you understand me a bit better now :)

I'm not saying this stuff cannot be done but atleast all my ideas were proved either well or not so well... I just know that scene with Han and Boba  is a nightmare to do anything with because I already been there and got rid of it to solve my problems in this scenario you opened the can I already threw away.

I hit many problems while doing my cut that I found ways to overcome stuff or workaround that you may not realise I already been there as I wanted to move han over to the right or remove him and could not do that so how you plan ti show him deliberatly hit his pack is beyond me thats all I'm saying


So while I'm a fan of Lapti Nek, what sort of music do people have in mind?

Something like this?

Or stay closer to the 70s feel, but a tad grungier?

The blue elephant in the room.


I'd be more up for just scrapping the main musical number totally, and just have them playing in the background... Maybe some sort of Jazz number, I actually forget but what was originally there?

"Love is the only reality and it is not a mere sentiment. It is the ultimate truth that lies at the heart of creation." - Rabindranath Tagore

"Many a doctrine is like a window pane. We see truth through it but it divides us from truth." - Kahlil Gibran


Ronster and Darth-Ender: I think both of you are right: you need a guide, a list of what you want to do or not. So the vote seems like a good start. But you know some of this changes will face the truth of what can be done or not in the end (and how many time people want to spend working on them. Because some things are doable, but would require more time).

The only thing you have to keep in mind is: if some ideas finaly can't be done, does this affect the other ideas or not? If most ideas can be abandoned without creating plot holes or that sort of things, then it's okay. People can give it a try. If it's a succes, it's great. If not, so be it.

What you don't want to happen is having a problem in the making of a new scene that you MUST do for your edit to have a sens. A list of those type of scenes could be done to check them prior to the others. To see how they can be done.


We need a system where the collaborators sit down and discuss the problems, agree what's in the best interests of the edit, and then do it.


Hi, darth_ender. I'm happy to see the wote results. I want to suggest something, to keep in mind, is a script dramatic structure. There are rules to make a film, this includes the OT films, but changing it would be difficult. I have to write a quote here:

"A story is not a machine that does what you tell it. A story is a beast with a life of it's own. You can create it, shape it, but as the story grows , it's starts wanting things of its own. Change one thing, and you set off a chain reaction of events that spreads through the whole thing. The characters have to be true themselves. The events need to follow a logic that fits the story. A single flaw, and the magic is gone.

- Alan Wake"

This is for my bad english. :P This is a link for screenwriting, if you have this knowlege, then I apoligy for that: http://www.screenwriting-resources.com/screenplay-structure.php

I'm Commander Shepard, and this is my favourite thread in this forum.


Ronster, I will say it again: THE VOTE IS NON-BINDING.  It is a means of suggesting a consensus to the editors.  Perhaps GoodMusician wants to compose his own piece.  Perhaps we'll end up keeping Lapti Nek.  Perhaps we'll find some obscure but fitting piece.  It's okay.

As for the everyone else, I hope we can do what was joked about, that is get the actual editors to hammer out specifics.  I'm going to try to coordinate a sort of process where they determine who will do what and what can actually be done.

TMBTM, the plot has been kept largely intact in part for that reason; some things might be too difficult to drastically alter.  Believe it or not, in spite of my lack of editing skills, I've put a great deal of thought into what material we have available and what means could potentially be used to implement the script.

Shepard, I try very hard to bear pacing of the script in mind.  We are largely sticking to the original plot with only relatively minor alterations, and hopefully that keeps much of the pacing similar.  If we are making more drastic alterations (i.e. Dagobah and the funeral pyre), I consider very thoroughly how to do that without jarring the feel of the whole movie.

Wish I could write more, but I have to run.


fishmanlee said:

Vladius said:

By who, who's going to make them?

Someone wise.



Sounds an awful lot like a dictatorship to me...


Hauh hauhh hauhh no noo, I'd be much too frightened to tease a rescorer.