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The Clone Wars messes up continuity or how Lucas is still destroying star wars.


In Season 2 via the bonus material Filoni explains that Boba Fett and Jango fett are just random bounty hunters and not Mandalorians anymore.

George Lucas decision

Karen Traviss was right they completely destroyed the mythology built up carefully over thirty years plus in the EU.

“Always loved Vader’s wordless self sacrifice. Another shitty, clueless, revision like Greedo and young Anakin’s ghost. What a fucking shame.” -Simon Pegg.


That could just be Filoni brushing some embarrassing dust under the carpet.

A bit like saying Bin Laden isn't a real Muslim, he's just a warlord using religion as pretext for conquest.

As that's exactly the sort of thing a politician would say I have no problem with it.

Besides it doesn't destroy anything.

Does the ESB destroy three years of believing the prologue of Alan Dean Foster's novelisation of Star Wars?

Palpatine doesn't look like a weak isolated puppet monarch to me.

You can retroactively read those lines as if a political historian had done a bit of revisionism or you can enjoy that book as a separate but related text.


skyjedi2005 said:

In Season 2 via the bonus material Filoni explains that Boba Fett and Jango fett are just random bounty hunters and not Mandalorians anymore.

George Lucas decision

Yes, they were never born Mandalorian.

skyjedi2005 said:

Karen Traviss was right they completely destroyed the mythology built up carefully over thirty years plus in the EU.

Karen Traviss was wrong. She was the one who destroyed their mythology by "turning them into a bunch of Boba Fett's" as Filoni puts it. Which is true.

And the whambulance is getting tiresome.


BREAKING NEWS: Lucas is still destroying Star Wars.

More on this developing story from skyjedi on the late local news.

Alexrd said:

And the whambulance is getting tiresome.




It always was very clear to me that the EU, even when approved by Lucas, could be thrown away at any moment Lucas wants to make something "SW canon", like new movies and TV series.

In other words I never took the EU as SW canon. I'm surprised you did Skyjedi ;)


TMBTM said:

It always was very clear to me that the EU, even when approved by Lucas, could be thrown away at any moment Lucas wants to make something "SW canon", like new movies and TV series.

In other words I never took the EU as SW canon. I'm surprised you did Skyjedi ;)


There are some things that would be worthwhile taking as canon, that is, if most of it wasn't a huge clusterf*ck. I like the early chapters of the Tales of the Jedi comic series. Although the Exar Kun saga has some pretty lame moments, the Great Hyperspace War volumes are awesome. And of course, we will always have Jedi Knight II, probably the best Star Wars video game ever made, if we exclude the space combat simulators.

Ignorant of many things, but still a real bro.


skyjedi2005 said:

they completely destroyed the mythology built up carefully over thirty years plus in the EU.

 Have you been seeing the same EU I've been seeing? Nothing is carefully built up and most of it doesn't make sense and the rest of it exists to try and make the parts that don't make sense fit together.

And now we're getting huffy over things said in DVD Bonus Features? Ideas don't even need to be in stories anymore to piss us off.


Brahmmuel L Jackson said:

TMBTM said:

It always was very clear to me that the EU, even when approved by Lucas, could be thrown away at any moment Lucas wants to make something "SW canon", like new movies and TV series.

In other words I never took the EU as SW canon. I'm surprised you did Skyjedi ;)


There are some things that would be worthwhile taking as canon, that is, if most of it wasn't a huge clusterf*ck. I like the early chapters of the Tales of the Jedi comic series. Although the Exar Kun saga has some pretty lame moments, the Great Hyperspace War volumes are awesome. And of course, we will always have Jedi Knight II, probably the best Star Wars video game ever made, if we exclude the space combat simulators.

Yep, but how good or bad the EU is have nothing to do with the fact that Lucas was always clear that he can trash any of those stories if he wants to go elsewhere. As good as I think the TZ's trilogy is, Lucas have the right to make a new sequel trilogy telling something completely different. And I would not mind, since it was in "the deal" from the begining.



TheBoost said:

skyjedi2005 said:

they completely destroyed the mythology built up carefully over thirty years plus in the EU.

 Have you been seeing the same EU I've been seeing?

Of course not. He seems to be the kind of people that would create a thread to say "Lucas crossed the road! Oh no, he just destroyed Star Wars by doing that".


Alexrd said:

And the whambulance is getting tiresome.

Not to be a pain in the ass, but allow me to point out that it's one thing when a fresh, interesting thread gets derailed and descends into a flurry of off-topic nonsense and repetitive whining. Such an occurrence is extremely irritating and warrants complaint.

But this is quite another matter entirely. Although in spirit I sympathize and agree with most of what SkyJedi writes, nevertheless everyone on this forum knows that every thread he starts is basically identical to any/all of his other threads, both in tone and oftentimes also in substance. So for you to read one such thread knowing full well that it's going to be, in your view, a "whambulance," only to respond with a complaint that such threads are getting tiring, is a little silly. I have a simple solution to offer: Don't like SkyJedi's threads? Find them "tiresome?" Then don't read them.

Not trying to pick a fight; just stating the obvious.

Every 27th customer will get a ball-peen hammer, free!


TMBTM said:

Yep, but how good or bad the EU is have nothing to do with the fact that Lucas was always clear that he can trash any of those stories if he wants to go elsewhere. As good as I think the TZ's trilogy is, Lucas have the right to make a new sequel trilogy telling something completely different. And I would not mind, since it was in "the deal" from the begining.

On the other hand, plenty of EU stories already contradict themselves. It would be pretty much impossible to develop a story inbetween two timeline events if you bothered to check every reference on every single piece of EU media. And since most of 'em are crap you might aswell ignore it altogether.

And I for one hold Timothy Zahn responsible for preliminary ruining the SW prequels. It was he who introduced clones and all that crap. The man can write a good plot, but he filled it with too much nonsense and pseudo force-science.

Ignorant of many things, but still a real bro.


Brahmmuel L Jackson said:

TMBTM said:

Yep, but how good or bad the EU is have nothing to do with the fact that Lucas was always clear that he can trash any of those stories if he wants to go elsewhere. As good as I think the TZ's trilogy is, Lucas have the right to make a new sequel trilogy telling something completely different. And I would not mind, since it was in "the deal" from the begining.

On the other hand plenty, of EU stories already contradict themselves. It would be pretty much impossible to develop a story inbetween two timeline events if you bothered to check every reference on every single piece of EU media. And since most of 'em are crap you might aswell ignore it altogether.

And I for one hold Timothy Zahn responsible for preliminary ruining the SW prequels. It was he who introduced clones and all the crap. The man can write a good plot, but he filled it with too much nonsense and pseudo force-science.

Luke Skywalker said : You fought in the Clone Wars?


Yeah I heard that one. But "Clone Wars" is just a name. Could mean a hell lot of things. Still, cloning soldiers is one thing, and partially acceptable. Making a clone of Luke Skywalker is something completely different. Making a clone of Luke Skywalker that also has force powers is essentially treading the ground for midichlorians and the rest of the force-science junk.

But I digress, and it would definitely be a good time for me to shut up now before I attract a whole legion of flamers.

Ignorant of many things, but still a real bro.


Lucas opened that door himself by making Force powers hereditary in ROTJ.

Up until then I got the impression that anyone could be a Jedi if they felt a vocation for it.

If the Force ran strong in certain families you'd think the Jedi would be encouraging them to marry other Jedi and breed like rabbits, not all the forbidden love stuff from the PT.


Brahmmuel L Jackson said:

Still, cloning soldiers is one thing, and partially acceptable. Making a clone of Luke Skywalker is something completely different. Making a clone of Luke Skywalker that also has force powers is essentially treading the ground for midichlorians and the rest of the force-science junk.

But I digress, and it would definitely be a good time for me to shut up now before I attract a whole legion of flamers.

 Yeah. For some reason 'midichlorians' are the worst thing ever, but "LuUke" and "JorUus" the wacky clone Jedi are genius, as are the Force-eating lizards. Lotta Zahn love out there.


Bingowings said:

Lucas opened that door himself by making Force powers hereditary in ROTJ.

Up until then I got the impression that anyone could be a Jedi if they felt a vocation for it.

If the Force ran strong in certain families you'd think the Jedi would be encouraging them to marry other Jedi and breed like rabbits, not all the forbidden love stuff from the PT.


I used to interpret that "force runs strong in my family" line more like a hereditary fate or some kind of family curse that goes on from one generation to another, as it frequently happens in fairy tales, which all in all is what Star Wars is all about: a fairy tale in space.

Ignorant of many things, but still a real bro.


Akwat Kbrana said:

nevertheless everyone on this forum knows that every thread he starts is basically identical to any/all of his other threads, both in tone and oftentimes also in substance. So for you to read one such thread knowing full well that it's going to be, in your view, a "whambulance," only to respond with a complaint that such threads are getting tiring, is a little silly.

But I didn't respond only with a complaint, and this seems to be the right place to state how I feel about his threads. They lack substance and it's just to bash for no good reason. There is a name for that, but it seems doing that here is okay, so...


I suppose by bashing sky for making the same threads over and over, you are guilty of doing the same thing he is - telling us nothing we don't already know.

But don't feel bad, I find it hard to resist doing it myself.


The Sky Guy is our desert prophet.

I love his hopping on a rock and speaking his brains threads.

Sure it's the same credo everytime but desert prophets are meant to be consistent.


TV's Frink said:

I suppose by bashing sky for making the same threads over and over, you are guilty of doing the same thing he is - telling us nothing we don't already know.

But that was something I've never heard.


Referring to the actual OP, it's kinda funny how the situation turned around.

  1. What's a Mandalorian? It's what Boba Fett is.
  2. Mandalorians and Fett both become supremely badass and complicated in the EU.
  3. What's Boba Fett? I don't know, but with all this backstory, he sure can't be a Mandalorian.

He can and can not be a Mandalorian, or a Shock Trooper or a guy who got hold of a Shock Trooper's costume and wore it after being kicked out of Storm Trooper school or a clone of Jengo Fett depending on which book you pick up.

If you check your canon hat at the door before reading.