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Clone Wars Movie Series [Episodes I to V released; Episode IX: The Fallen Apprentice now Complete!] — Page 17


I have a record of Smudger’s plans, Haynick. Let me dig it out and I’ll share it with you.

Red is the original episode order.
Orange is the official chronological order.
Yellow groups it into arcs.
‘Bad?’ tracks whether or not I personally think the episode is bad or bad-ish, though this tends to align with consensus.
‘Moviefied?’ tracks whether or not Smudger used all or part of an episode in a movie, and also tracks episodes he’s considered for moviefication, or episodes which are excised since they’re dependent on another episode which is moviefied (for example Zillo Beast Strikes Back is implicitly out since certain scenes from Zillo Beast were used elsewhere).
Green tracks Smudger’s complete and proposed movies, and their ordering.
Blue tracks the current and future hybrid orders, if you wanted to watch everything in chronological order with as many of Smudger’s movies as possible.

Edit: That document no longer exists, as I’ve repurposed it for my own series of edits, which you can see in my thread or PM me for access to the files. But I still maintain Smudger’s episodes if anyone’s interested.

The Clone Wars: Refocused | Andor: Movie Omnibus


Haynick888 said:

Hi Everyone

I am currently toiling with the idea of picking up where Smudger left off.
I’ve previously done a movie edit of Rebels (which I definetly plan to do more of…eventually) so I understand and am experienced with the difficulty that comes with weaving together loosely linked episodes.
But before I make any promises, I wanted to ask all of you what story arcs you all think are essential to the clone wars. So that I can start planning what will and won’t be included.
Basically, I want this movie series to provide a streamlined watching experience replacing the need to watch the clone wars episode to episode.

I would love to see this, Haynick!
I just found out that Smudger had to abandon the project, very sad. 😦


If anyone has links to these edits, I would appreciate it. Especially Episode 1. Thanks!


Would also appreciate links or downloads of these edits. I currently have none. I have seen they’ve all been taken down from vimeo


Sad to see these down. I’ve been meaning to watch TCW, and was looking forward to seeing a fan-filtered (as in, filtering out the bad stuff) version.


If anyone has links for Episodes II, III & IV I would greatly appreciate it!


Hi, i am marclli.
I only have the episode III (Children of The force) and V (Rise of the dark side) from genius Smudger.
Now i am uploading ep III to a mega cloud. When finish, i will notify. Then i share the folder with all the people who want it. Please send me a private.
I would appreciate it if someone else redistributes it. On the other hand, if someone has the rest of the Smudger episodes, I would like to have them. Episode 3 occupies 22GB, while V occupies 8Gb.
Oh yeah! I am from barcelona. If by any chance someone has spanish subtitles for any episode, I will also appreciate it.
To the administrator: if I have done something wrong, please let me know.
Force for everybody.


EddieDean said:

I have them on my local machine, but someone would need to give me the means to host them and instructions.

Hi Eddie.
If you want to share with someone, you must do the following steps:
1- go https://mega.nz and create a free account with 50GB, you only need a mail account and a password
2- create a folder inside mega cloud. The name you want “SW” or whatever you want
3- enter inside folder. now is empty. then you select on top, upload files. Go to your folder on your PC, and select the
file desired. start to upload. When finish 100%---->
4-right button on the folder and select “Get link” —> to send it to the people or
right button on the folder and select “Share” ----> if you want share this folder with someone who gives you an mail
I think I don’t forget anything. Any questions warn.


Parzeus said:

ChainsawAsh said:

I didn’t think the finished ones were a problem, just the ones he was working on. I’m pretty sure they’re all on MySpleen.

I’m really excited to watch the 5 fanedits that Smudger released, but the links on fanedit are all broken. I’m not familiar with MySpleen, and couldn’t find anyway to acess it to search for the links there. Does anyone know any way that i would be able to find it?

I’m uploading episode 3 and episode 5 of Smudger to a mega cloud. They’re the only ones I have. Ep. III 22Gb and ep. 5 8GB


Ready. Ep, III Children of the force_smudger’s edition is in my cloud.
I think the best way to share, it would be, i share my folder on Mega. Then if you send me a private with your mail, i’ll do it. I don’t know if it is necessary you have a Mega account, too. We try it. Then if someone wants to create a mega account, i could send a invitation. This increases the capacity of the cloud. We can make a chain, and the next person who needs an account is invited by the previous one. In this way, we will all increase the capacity of the cloud.


Hi all.

Great to see that some of the original files have been shared for others to see, and that there is desire for others to finish the project. The episodes were fun to do, but just so time consuming that I couldn’t see a way for me to get them all finished after losing so much work.

I may well edit together season 7 as it will be very straightforward and I’ve got a first cut of the season 6 episodes to finish at some point in the future.

However, right now I’ve decided to focus on the Mandalorian as something of a change from the Clone Wars.



Current Project:- Star Wars: The Lost Planet (A Skeleton Crew Edit)


Hi everybody!
Both Ep. III and V are already in my mega cloud. When you want…
By the way Smudger, speaking about The Mandalorian. I found a short fanedit version of the first season at 3h 27 '.
Regards Smudger9.


marclli said:

Hi everybody!
Both Ep. III and V are already in my mega cloud. When you want…
By the way Smudger, speaking about The Mandalorian. I found a short fanedit version of the first season at 3h 27 '.
Regards Smudger9.

I wouldn’t call that short! Or even an edit. Sounds like 6 episodes joined end to end! 😉

Current Project:- Star Wars: The Lost Planet (A Skeleton Crew Edit)


smudger9 said:

Pm sent

Would like to watch your work as well… have known about your work since 2015… can you pm me?


Hi Everyone,

Is there anyone that possibly has a lead on the links for these movies smudger9 has done? They sound amazing, but I cannot find links anywhere. Smudger said there was a forum on fanedit.org with the links, but I have searched and searched and come up with nothing. Any help would be greatly appreciated. I would love to see them. 😃


Mod Edit: FanEdit•info may be the place that smudger9 was referring to.

If something is offline or not working on FanEdit•info… you can report it and someone will usually fix it…


For I to V… cough Spleen 😉

“We Are What They Grow Beyond” - Yoda

My Prefered Saga Viewing Preference:
Ep. III - Revenge of the Sith Special Edition (StankPac Edit) * Rogue One - A Star Wars Story (Hal 9000 Edit)
Ep. IV - A New Hope D+77 (OohTeeDee Edit) * Ep. V - Empire Strikes Back D+80 (OohTeeDee Edit)
Ep. VI - Return of The Jedi OTD83 (OohTeeDee Edit) * Ep. VII - The Force Awakens Restructured (Hal 9000 Edit)
Ep. VIII - The Last Jedi Legendary (Hal 9000 Edit) * Ep. IX - The Rise of Skywalker Ascendant (Hal 9000 Edit)

💡 Save confusion & express your comments with Markdown Emojis here 💡


MySpleen. The site no one can access.

“Get over violence, madness and death? What else is there?”

Also known as Mr. Liquid Jungle.


EddieDean said:

I have them on my local machine, but someone would need to give me the means to host them and instructions.

Any luck to upload them for others?


OK, done. I’ve reuploaded smudger’s five movies. PM me for links. I can’t be uploading these forever so please consider hosting these yourself if you do get a hold of them.

They are:

1: Army of the Republic

  • all of the Christophsis and Domino Squad arcs, plus some of Grievous Intrigue and Assassin

2: A New Threat

  • all of the Malevolence, Nute Gunray and the early Boba/R2 arc, plus a scene from the Zillo Beast

3: Children of the Force

  • all of the battle of Ryloth and Children of the Force arcs, plus some scenes from Supply Lines and the Hunt for Ziro arc

4: A Galaxy Divided

  • all of the Geonosis and first Mandalore arc

5: Rise of the Dark Side

  • all of the Nightsisters and Return of Maul Arc

The Clone Wars: Refocused | Andor: Movie Omnibus


PM inbound!

Been waiting for this for quite a while… 😄