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Catferoze's Star Wars Edits (Prequels and Sequels)(Released)


A couple months ago, a fanedit.org user named “catferoze” uploaded their own personal edits of the Star Wars prequel and sequel trilogies. They haven’t received much attention yet, but I think they deserve to be more visible, so I decided to create a thread for them here.

Catferoze’s take on Star Wars is much less radical than most of the edits I’ve seen. Only the absolute worst aspects of the films have been removed, while several deleted scenes have been inserted to flesh out the universe more. It’s not the most pristine, perfectionist cut of the movies, but for those who want an experience that doesn’t stray too far from the original intent, it’s a lifesaver.

If you want the links to any of these edits, please PM me.

Info on the individual edits is below (copy-pasted from IFDB):


Star Wars: Episode I - The Phantom Menace (by catferoze)

A lighter edit of The Phantom Menace than most, removing only the worst of Jar Jar’s antics and Ani’s acting and trimming the podrace a bit.

Cuts and Additions:

-Neimoidian:“Are you brain dead?”
-Jar Jar:“oh muy muy I love you”,“my forgotten, da bosses…goin back dare”,mute jar jar dive yell,“yousa follow me now okeyday?”
-trim Otah Gunga (“big doodoo…how wude”,“count me outta dis…wutta mesa sayin?”)
-trim planet core (“dis is nutsin” replaced with later shot “the force will guide us”)
-second planet core sequence
-trim Qui-Gon with the battle droid (“where are you taking them? to coruscant”)
-Jar Jar with droids (“how wude”)
-queen thanking R2-D2 by name (“what is it’s number…your highness”)
-Jar Jar stepping in poop (“disen berry bad…icky goo”)
-trim Jar Jar in Watto’s shop (tongue at Qui-Gon, messing with droids…Ani:“hit the nose”,juggling junk)
-trim Jar Jar/Sebulba confrontation (Ani:“your buddy…orange goo”,“mesa haten crunchen…last ting mesa want”)
-trim dinner scene (start scene at padme:“i can’t believe there’s still slavery”)
-Ani’s friends gather round podracer…“gonna be bug squash”
-jar jar’s numb tongue (“if your hand gets caught…I’m stuck”,“my mouth…tongue is fat”,“thank you…go”)
-trim race intro (sebulba blowing kisses…ody mandrell)
-animal farting in Jar Jar’s face & Shmi “be safe” scene
-trim podrace starup sequence (most of the secondary podracer shots)
-“mesa no watchin”,“come on Ani”
-kid yelling “yay yipee”
-vendor in crowd
-Ani’s pods coming uncoupled,annoucer:“spinning outta control”,keep jar jar gasp reaction and crowd cheer,skip to sebulba pod coming up the gorge
-announcer:“I don’t care…that’s gotta hurt”
-“amazing! a quick control…did he crashid?”
-announcer:“crowd going nuts” & little dance
-trim Ani reaction to being free “you mean I get to come with…”
-mute Ani:“yipee”
-after Qui-Gon:“situation much more complicated” wipe to arial shot of taxi arrival
-Jar Jar antics during battle (sling attempt, droid stuck to foot, “dis is nutsin”,“uh oh big boomers”)
-Ani:“it’s on autopilot”,“try to override it”, mute:“that’s where auto pilot taking us”,“R2 get us off autopilot…let’s go left”,“oops”


Star Wars: Episode II - Attack of the Clones (by catferoze)

Main changes include the addition of several deleted scenes to expand Padme’s presence, the silly antics of R2 & 3PO are removed from the factory and arena battle, and a few of Ani’s whiniest/creepiest moments are removed (but kept in all the cringe romance).

Cuts and Additions:

-Captain Typho before ship explodes “we made it”,“guess i was wrong…after all”
-Add Padme addresses the Senate deleted scene*
-Trim Obi and Ani arguing (“we will not go through this…our mandate”,“you will learn your place”)
-creepy Ani:“I’ve thought about her…parted”, “I don’t think she liked me watching her”)
-muffled the lines “what is she thinking?..is an intruder” and placed over shot of sleeping padme
-Aliens yell at Obi “Jedi poodoo”
-Flying through power couplings (cut from just before fire plumes to bounty hunter entering tunnel)
-Obi “This weapon is your life.”
-Ani whining to Padme (moved “I’m ready for the trials” to after “but he feels i’m too…move on”,cut “That must be frustrating…not fair!”)
-Ani being creepy again (“Anakin, don’t try to grow up…Sorry M’lady.”)
-Trim beginning of Dex’s Diner scene (cut from exterior shot to sitting down at booth)
-Use extended arrival on Naboo*
-Add deleted Obi/Mace hangar scene after Ani:“i’m glad you chose to serve”*
-Add first deleted scene of Padme with her family after palace meeting*
-techno union and banking clan aliens at Dooku meeting
-trim psycho killer Ani:“and not just the men…children too”
-3PO and R2 leaving ship (“for a mechanic…know where you’re going”, appearance in hallway bug attack)
-Trim factory level (all R2/3PO shots, Ani fighting mechanical arms, insert Padme bowl falling after Ani force push shot, join first Ani arm trapped segment with last cutting everything in between)
-Add Padme/Dooku deleted scene after factory capture/establishing shot transition*
-trim battle to remove R2/3PO (“my legs aren’t…maintenance”,“what’s all this…destruction”,battle droid head shot off 3PO body,“die jedi…i say?”,“oh dear…can’t get up”,“R2 what are…drag”,“quite beside myself”,“R2 please…head on straight”,“i’ve had…dream”)
-yoda rescue line (“around the survivors…create”)
*deleted scene upscales c/o Hal9000


Star Wars: Episode III - Revenge of the Sith (by catferoze)

Added several deleted scenes (upscaled thanks to Hal9000), removed some R2 slapstick and the Vader “Noooo!” scene.

Cuts and Additions:

-mute droid dialogue on elevator
-mute droids “those are jedi fighters”
-elevator stuck & R2 v droids (Obi:“did you press stop”…R2 lighting droids on fire)
-“my powers have doubled…twice the fall”
-droid:“don’t move” and kicking R2
-droid:“excuse me”,“you’re welcome”
-alien and jar jar “watch it”,“scuse me”
-Add deleted scene “plot to destroy the jedi” after Obi to Ani:“making me uneasy”*
-Add deleted scene in Bail Organa’s apartment after Ani appointed to council/not master*
-mute droid “charge”
-wookie tarzan yell
-Add deleted scene in Padme’s apartment after Wookiee v droids*
-Add deleted scene in palp’s office after Ani/Padme nightmare convo*
-mute droid “uh oh”
-redundant war room dialogue (Mace:“plot to destroy jedi…surround chancellor”, Yoda:“to a dark…we must take”)
-vader/palp dialogue after his operation (Palpy:“Lord Vader, can you hear”… Vader:“noooooo!”)
-Add deleted scene Yoda on Dagobah after death star scene*
*deleted scene upscales c/o Hal9000


Star Wars: Episode VII - The Force Awakens (by catferoze)

A lighter edit of the film primarily removing a large portion of the rathtar sequence with a few trims to “humorous” lines and one vfx replacement shot.

Cuts and Additions:

-Finn overly surprised at Rey fighting
-Finn:“cute boyfriend”
-Rey & Finn encounter rathtars
-trim Maz on table “Solo what…not good”
-replace exploding Hosnian system in sky with star destroyers (vfx SirRidley & NeverarGreat c/o Hal9000)


Star Wars: Episode VIII - The Last Jedi (by catferoze)

A light edit of The Last Jedi removing a few quips, adding a couple deleted scenes, and shortening Finn & Rose’s codebreaker mission.

Cuts and Additions:

-trim ‘prank call’ to tone it down a bit
-add Luke has moment deleted scene
-add Poe’s jacket deleted scene
-trim Canto Bight (belch on bb8, shorter fathier chase)
-ironing clothes
-Finn vs Phasma duel
-Finn:“they hate that ship”
-Rose:“dummy…saving what we love”


Star Wars: Episode IX - The Rise of Skywalker (by catferoze)

A lighter edit of The Rise of Skywalker removing a few quips, poorly thought out narrative elements (lightspeed skipping, knife compass), while adding a few extended shots to slow the frenetic pacing of the film a bit.

Cuts and Additions:

-add Mustafar establishing shots
-lightspeed skipping
-add emperor speech to intel meeting, cut 16h deadline
-“they fly now”
-add extended Rey v Kylo tie in desert
-add extended squeaky wheel
-“southern shore” from sith blade
-sith blade compass
-Finn:“REY!” (just 1 of them)
-add extended Kylo & Han establishing shot
-“every cannon…world saved” replaced with extended ships shot
-use alternative “Rey Skywalker” line
*special thanks to Hal9000 for a variety of resources from Rise of Skywalker Ascendant project

My preferred Skywalker Saga experience:


These sound really awesome. There are a few things I would have preferred kept in, but very few and they are very minor. Definitely pm’ing you.


i would love a link to all of these if possible. ive been searching for a good phantom menace edit for a while.


Hello, would love a link to Phantom Menace 35mm.

Thank you!