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Attack of the Clones 35mm - on eBay, bought - and now project thread (a WIP) — Page 6


There’s no way to tell how the original footage was manipulated to compose the final frames of the film. I’m sure much of it was resized downward for compositing. At that point the difference between a full HD and a 1440x800 probably doesn’t matter.

If I had some gum, I’d chew a hole into the sun…


anakinthechosenone said:

Any update on this project? Super curious!

Seconded. I donated to this one quite a bit and it’s easily the project I’m most eager to see completed due to us not yet having a non-cam version of theatrical Episode II.

Would love to hear how it’s going.


Swordless Link said:

anakinthechosenone said:

Any update on this project? Super curious!

Seconded. I donated to this one quite a bit and it’s easily the project I’m most eager to see completed due to us not yet having a non-cam version of theatrical Episode II.

Would love to hear how it’s going.

Well we kind of do, from everything I’ve been able to gather the digital theatrical version is 100% identical to the DVD/HDTV captures. The problem with that is that it was actually the least common version you’d see in theaters in 2002.

The most common versions were the IMAX cut and the 35mm theatrical cut. The only differences between the digital theatrical version and the 35mm theatrical version is a voice line when Padme falls out of the gunship, some removed speeders in the chase at the beginning, “To be angry is to be human” wasn’t in the 35mm version and Anakin’s robot hand didn’t hold Padme’s hand during their wedding.

With that being said I’d still love to see a proper 35mm scan of this film for those very minor changes alone in a relatively high quality. Unfortunately there isn’t much interest in preserving the worst Star Wars movie right now. I’m sure it’ll happen someday.

Luke astro-projects himself to Salt Lake Planet, gets shot at by gorilla walkers, has a non-lightsaber duel with Darth Millennial, then dies of a broken heart, inspiring broom boys throughout the galaxy to get creative with their sweeping. - DuracellEnergizer


J0E said:

Swordless Link said:

anakinthechosenone said:

Any update on this project? Super curious!

Seconded. I donated to this one quite a bit and it’s easily the project I’m most eager to see completed due to us not yet having a non-cam version of theatrical Episode II.

Would love to hear how it’s going.

Well we kind of do, from everything I’ve been able to gather the digital theatrical version is 100% identical to the DVD/HDTV captures. The problem with that is that it was actually the least common version you’d see in theaters in 2002.

The most common versions were the IMAX cut and the 35mm theatrical cut. The only differences between the digital theatrical version and the 35mm theatrical version is a voice line when Padme falls out of the gunship, some removed speeders in the chase at the beginning, “To be angry is to be human” wasn’t in the 35mm version and Anakin’s robot hand didn’t hold Padme’s hand during their wedding.

With that being said I’d still love to see a proper 35mm scan of this film for those very minor changes alone in a relatively high quality. Unfortunately there isn’t much interest in preserving the worst Star Wars movie right now. I’m sure it’ll happen someday.

I know I’m quoting a post that’s almost two years old now, but there are a couple common misconceptions here.

I’m 99% sure that the “to be angry is to be human” line wasn’t added at all until the dvd. The only difference I remember reading about between the 35mm and digital versions while the film was still playing in theaters that summer twenty years ago (yup) was Padme taking Anakin by his robotic hand at the end. In the 35mm version it just hangs there lifeless.

That was the only noticeable difference, mind you. George probably tweaked dozens of shots in those extra few days he had to work on the digital version before sending it to the hundred or so theaters in the entire world capable of digital projection at the time.

The Imax prints would’ve been even rarer, and weren’t released until within a week or so of the dvd (which always seemed like a weird business strategy to me, but whatever).


Fang Zei said:

J0E said:

Swordless Link said:

anakinthechosenone said:

Any update on this project? Super curious!

Seconded. I donated to this one quite a bit and it’s easily the project I’m most eager to see completed due to us not yet having a non-cam version of theatrical Episode II.

Would love to hear how it’s going.

Well we kind of do, from everything I’ve been able to gather the digital theatrical version is 100% identical to the DVD/HDTV captures. The problem with that is that it was actually the least common version you’d see in theaters in 2002.

The most common versions were the IMAX cut and the 35mm theatrical cut. The only differences between the digital theatrical version and the 35mm theatrical version is a voice line when Padme falls out of the gunship, some removed speeders in the chase at the beginning, “To be angry is to be human” wasn’t in the 35mm version and Anakin’s robot hand didn’t hold Padme’s hand during their wedding.

With that being said I’d still love to see a proper 35mm scan of this film for those very minor changes alone in a relatively high quality. Unfortunately there isn’t much interest in preserving the worst Star Wars movie right now. I’m sure it’ll happen someday.

I know I’m quoting a post that’s almost two years old now, but there are a couple common misconceptions here.

I’m 99% sure that the “to be angry is to be human line” wasn’t added at all until the dvd. The only difference I remember reading about between the 35mm and digital versions while the film was still playing in theaters that summer twenty years ago (yup) was Padme taking Anakin by his robotic hand at the end. In the 35mm version it just hangs there lifeless.

That was the only noticeable difference, mind you. George probably tweaked dozens of shots in those extra few days he had to work on the digital version before sending it to the hundred or so theaters in the entire world capable of digital projection at the time.

The Imax prints would’ve been even rarer, and weren’t released until within a week or so of the dvd (which always seemed like a weird business strategy to me, but whatever).

I didn’t know that. Honestly I don’t even remember making this post lol. Again, still holding out hope someone takes this on someday.

Luke astro-projects himself to Salt Lake Planet, gets shot at by gorilla walkers, has a non-lightsaber duel with Darth Millennial, then dies of a broken heart, inspiring broom boys throughout the galaxy to get creative with their sweeping. - DuracellEnergizer


Hal 9000 said:

I remember hearing that that line was new for the DVD back in the day.

And the cinema DTS tracks I have agree.

Well I’m pretty sure that Schorman’s cinema DTS is from the 35mm version. There were definitely some audio changes in the digital theatrical version, such as Padme’s “Yes!” being changed to “Uh-huh…” when she’s rescued by the Clone Troppers.


J0E said:
Again, still holding out hope someone takes this on someday.

AOTC 35mm project has started now


The new 4K02 35mm preservation project is started now (in the other forums) with print in hand and all stuff set to go when ready. So far it has a bit under 50% funding covered to get the scan and storage.


MonkeyLizard10 said:

The new 4K02 35mm preservation project is started now (in the other forums) with print in hand and all stuff set to go when ready. So far it has a bit under 50% funding covered to get the scan and storage.

I can confirm over at the other forums. Donations is needed. The Scanning has been covered but they still needs funding for Hard drive storage and Gas to get it to the scanner.

One day we will have properly restored versions of the Original Unaltered Trilogy (OUT); or 1977, 1980, 1983 Theatrical released versions (Like 4K77,4K80 and 4K83); including Prequels. So that future generations can enjoy these historic films that changed cinema forever.

Yoda: Try not, do or do not, there is no try.


Oh shit that’s a welcome surprise. Just got my hands on one of the regraded scans of TPM. Was gonna burn it and Schorman’s ROTS to MDISC. I’ll have to go over there and check it out. Thanks @Fang Zei and @YakfaceForSenate for bumping thread.

Luke astro-projects himself to Salt Lake Planet, gets shot at by gorilla walkers, has a non-lightsaber duel with Darth Millennial, then dies of a broken heart, inspiring broom boys throughout the galaxy to get creative with their sweeping. - DuracellEnergizer


Shame that there’s no official comment on what happened to this print after this;

schorman13 said:

The film was shipped to a gentleman in LA with connections to Poita. I have not heard from Poita himself for quite a while (I hope all is well). At this point, I wish I could offer more information, but that’s all I can say at the moment.

I kicked in some cash for this back in the day and I know a lot of other people did. Would be nice to get some closure.


Bobson Dugnutt said:

Shame that there’s no official comment on what happened to this print after this;

schorman13 said:

The film was shipped to a gentleman in LA with connections to Poita. I have not heard from Poita himself for quite a while (I hope all is well). At this point, I wish I could offer more information, but that’s all I can say at the moment.

I kicked in some cash for this back in the day and I know a lot of other people did. Would be nice to get some closure.

I had completely forgotten about this, but I too donated back in 2018.

I haven’t seen schorman in a while either, hope he’s ok.

Save London’s Curzon Soho Cinema


DVD-BOY said:

I had completely forgotten about this, but I too donated back in 2018.

I haven’t seen schorman in a while either, hope he’s ok.

He’s more active over on TSWT Forums these days anyway.

I hope poita is alright too, hasn’t posted in 5 years.


Bobson Dugnutt said:

DVD-BOY said:

I had completely forgotten about this, but I too donated back in 2018.

I haven’t seen schorman in a while either, hope he’s ok.

He’s more active over on TSWT Forums these days anyway.

I hope poita is alright too, hasn’t posted in 5 years.

Good Point!

I hope Poita is OK as well, He’s mentioned some health scares a few times.

Save London’s Curzon Soho Cinema