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All Things Star Trek — Page 77


SilverWook said:

ATMachine said:

I hope that's true. I myself recall hearing that Digital Domain (the studio that did CGI for DS9, Voyager, and Insurrection) trashed all its old rendering files when the studio went through bankruptcy.

I'd much rather prefer that you be right and I wrong on this.

 The version I've heard is an employee kept backups of the files. Where the truth lies is anyone's guess.

 Robert Bonchune from Foundation Imaging said in an interview he has ALL the digital files from DS9 and MOST of the digital files from Voyager, but he has no idea what happened to the stuff done by Digital Muse / Eden FX.


I wonder if he knows what happened to the TMP files?

I used to chat on IRC with a Foundation employee many years ago. (I can't recall their "real" name now.) They did share personal photos of when the TMP Enterprise miniature was uncrated for the animators to study. The poor gal was not only dirty and dusty, there were bug droppings!

I blame the Klingons. ;)

Forum Moderator

Where were you in '77?


doubleofive said:

Robert Myer Burnett has pretty much said that CBS isn't very willing to do it because not enough people bought TNG-R. They also didn't do anything to promote it recently and priced the sets way out of most people's price range.

But horrendously overpriced Star Trek DVD and Blu-Ray sets are standard Paramount policy! Why change now?!

“That Darth Vader, man. Sure does love eating Jedi.”


SilverWook said:

I wonder if he knows what happened to the TMP files?

I used to chat on IRC with a Foundation employee many years ago. (I can't recall their "real" name now.) They did share personal photos of when the TMP Enterprise miniature was uncrated for the animators to study. The poor gal was not only dirty and dusty, there were bug droppings!

I blame the Klingons. ;)

 Isn't Darth Mojo still posting here ? He should know what happened to the TMP files


SilverWook said:

I wonder if he knows what happened to the TMP files?

I used to chat on IRC with a Foundation employee many years ago. (I can't recall their "real" name now.) They did share personal photos of when the TMP Enterprise miniature was uncrated for the animators to study. The poor gal was not only dirty and dusty, there were bug droppings!

I blame the Klingons. ;)
Daren Dochterman says he has all of the TMPDE files, it's just a matter of finishing HD models and releasing. And permission. And money, of course.

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Alot of Voyager's CGI is terribly dated by now.  All the models of species 8472 are incredibly CGI looking for one.  If it were a completely animated show they would look great, but blending with real life shots it looks horrid. In the first couple of seasons even the exterior shots looked like they were from a video game, but they started improving those at least later on.


So with Orci's script being thrown out how many unmade star trek feature scripts does that make?

It would be interesting someday to be able to read them all from Planet of the Titans right up to the present.

“Always loved Vader’s wordless self sacrifice. Another shitty, clueless, revision like Greedo and young Anakin’s ghost. What a fucking shame.” -Simon Pegg.


Possessed said:

Alot of Voyager's CGI is terribly dated by now.  All the models of species 8472 are incredibly CGI looking for one.  If it were a completely animated show they would look great, but blending with real life shots it looks horrid. In the first couple of seasons even the exterior shots looked like they were from a video game, but they started improving those at least later on.

 They did build a physical model of Voyager. I didn't think it was augmented by the CG version until later in the series?

Forum Moderator

Where were you in '77?


Speaking of which, I wonder if the time-traveling "save the whales" story was always what they had in mind for Star Trek IV. I've never heard anything otherwise, of course. All I can remember from the making-of retrospective on the dvd was that Nimoy wanted it to be about time traveling back to "now" and Harve Bennett came up with the plot device macguffin of the humpback whales.

Nimoy also mentions at the beginning of the commentary that there was a feeling of wanting to get away from the grimness of the previous two movies.

Growing up watching these movies on vhs I didn't really think about these things, but watching them again on dvd gave me a new perspective.

I can't help but wonder if it was always going to be a time-travel story or if there were other possibilities being considered in the days following Search for Spock's theatrical release in the summer of '84.


It's possible they had the bare bones of a time travel story, and just lacked a good reason for them to go back to 1986. Or at least a reason not done before on the series.

There also might have been budgetary reasons to do a movie mostly set in the present.

I wonder if a Gary Seven cameo was ever thought about?

It's been so long, that I don't know if talk of Kirk and company becoming an intergalactic version of The A Team, was a real thing, or just a joke that was going around. Ditto the Eddie Murphy rumor.

Forum Moderator

Where were you in '77?


SilverWook said:

It's possible they had the bare bones of a time travel story, and just lacked a good reason for them to go back to 1986. Or at least a reason not done before on the series.

There also might have been budgetary reasons to do a movie mostly set in the present.

I wonder if a Gary Seven cameo was ever thought about?

It's been so long, that I don't know if talk of Kirk and company becoming an intergalactic version of The A Team, was a real thing, or just a joke that was going around. Ditto the Eddie Murphy rumor.

The Eddie Murphy rumor was real. He's a huge fan in real life. Koenig and Takei mentioned it during one of the commercial bumpers when Sci-Fi channel aired the movies back in the 90's. Eddie Murphy made The Golden Child instead and then wished he hadn't after it flopped. The role he would've played, a UFO nut who spots the Bird-of-Prey, became the whale biologist character in the finished draft of the script.

Never heard this A Team rumor before, but that sounds awesome!

Basically, what I'm wondering is if there were other story ideas considered aside from time travel, if that was always the basic plan or if the success of Back to the Future only a year later had anything to do with it.

I looked up Voyage Home on the Trek wiki and the only interesting thing I could find to this effect was that the comic books immediately following Search for Spock had the crew leave Vulcan in the Bird-of-Prey, only to be caught by the Excelsior. When the writers heard that the next film would find our heroes still on Vulcan, they had Spock come down with a virus so the crew could commandeer the bird-of-prey from the Excelsior's (apparently quite large) hangar bay and fly back to Vulcan for the cure. Thus the comics and movies could stay within the same continuity.


SilverWook said:

It's possible they had the bare bones of a time travel story, and just lacked a good reason for them to go back to 1986. Or at least a reason not done before on the series.

There also might have been budgetary reasons to do a movie mostly set in the present.

I wonder if a Gary Seven cameo was ever thought about?

It's been so long, that I don't know if talk of Kirk and company becoming an intergalactic version of The A Team, was a real thing, or just a joke that was going around. Ditto the Eddie Murphy rumor.

 I was working as a helper at a Star Trek /Comic convention in early 1984 when Star Trek III was still in post-production. At the convention was Mark Lenard and Gene Roddenberry, and a production person from the film that I can't remember their name. They had with them a sneak peek reel of a scene from Star Trek III. Well anyways, a group of us working there got to sit with them after hours on the first evening. Gene was drinking, and kind of spilling the beans on the new film. He was not all too happy with how it was going, and the production guy seemed very very uncomfortable. During this talk Gene mentioned that a time travel story hook was planed to be used in an already expected (but not yet approved by the studio) Star Trek IV. But, he said that due to a budget limitation with Search for Spock, that idea was most likely being completely abandoned.  Because this Star Trek III segment was being cut, Gene seemed to be comfortable talking openly about it with us.  The way he told it was that there was a deleted segment (he loved) for Star Trek III where there was to be an involved cat and mouse foot / cable car chase between Star Fleet Security and Kirk's Crew right after Dr. McCoy's break out, and before they arrive at the transporter station. The chase was through San Francisco "Old City". Part of the city is keep as a living museum in a late 20th century style. This was because, A huge disaster had destroyed most of the rest of the area in the early 21st century, and "Old City" was being preserved for historic reasons. Well, the chase involved a number of interactions and situations that would have been mirrored in the upcoming Star Trek IV, but in the late 20th century via time travel. The characters would be chased through the same district of San Francisco in Star trek IV but this time by US government security. Because they also had a similar chase in Star trek III, Kirk and Crew would have had an advantage in knowing the city layout. Gene was upset because he felt that there would have been great opportunity for quite a few clever tie-in gags. Well anyway, the scene was cut from ST-III, but they did go on to use the time travel story, and a bit of the chase in San Francisco in ST-IV.  So, the time travel idea was out there in late 1983 / early 1984.

This is why I think Gene loved that idea so much...

"In the far distance, the distinctively pointed shape of the old TRANSAMERICA BUILDING. Everywhere else, the San Francisco urban sprawl is totally gone, replaced by lovely groves of large trees, green meadows, streams, lakes, and crystal clear air. (There still exists a small San Francisco "Living Museum" city but it is far enough away to be hidden by trees and will not appear in this story.) Here, as in much of the world, people live mostly in the climate-controlled, colorful and efficient "subterra cities." All industry and transport is now underground. Clearly Earth has become the home of a people who love and protect their living planet." - Star Trek: The Motion Picture Draft Screenplay by Gene Roddenberry (1978).

“First feel fear, then get angry. Then go with your life into the fight.” - Bill Mollison



Forum Moderator

Where were you in '77?


So... the films would have rhymed?

“That Darth Vader, man. Sure does love eating Jedi.”


ATMachine said:

So... the films would have rhymed?

 That was what I gathered. Thinking back on it, there was a Nicolas Meyer connection with that time travel story line. This is foggy, but if memory serves the time travel idea was from Nicolas Meyer before Leonard Nimoy became the director. Harve Bennett asked Meyer for potential ideas for III as II was wrapping...

This may be why he was asked back to write the 20th Century Segments on IV. It was when Nimoy became director that lots of scrip and story changes took place on III. Other cuts involved The original Romulan Commander's back story, that was briefly changed to scenes of The Klingon Commander's Back story about how he and Valkris commandeered the BoP from The Romulans and how they first learned about Genesis.  Gene absolutely hatted that they blew up the Enterprise! I do remember that most clearly. 

“First feel fear, then get angry. Then go with your life into the fight.” - Bill Mollison


FanFiltration said:

Gene absolutely hatted that they blew up the Enterprise!



DuracellEnergizer said:

skyjedi2005 said:

Does anyone else feel that the next Star Trek will be the last with the current cast. 

I get a sense some of the actors may want to move on.

*crosses finger that this'll happen and lead to a reboot, a reboot that won't be Trek in name only this time around*

 But the cast is good.


TV's Frink said:

DuracellEnergizer said:

skyjedi2005 said:

Does anyone else feel that the next Star Trek will be the last with the current cast. 

I get a sense some of the actors may want to move on.

*crosses finger that this'll happen and lead to a reboot, a reboot that won't be Trek in name only this time around*

 But the cast is good.

 Really? I like Karl Urban (or what's his name) as McCoy, and Simon Pegg as Scotty, but the rest are IMHO horribly, HORRIBLY misscast.


pittrek said:

I like Karl Urban (or what's his name) as McCoy.

No, no, no, no, no! It's not Karl Urban, it's Urbane Carl.

Get the name right next time. Sheesh!


pittrek said:

TV's Frink said:

DuracellEnergizer said:

skyjedi2005 said:

Does anyone else feel that the next Star Trek will be the last with the current cast. 

I get a sense some of the actors may want to move on.

*crosses finger that this'll happen and lead to a reboot, a reboot that won't be Trek in name only this time around*

 But the cast is good.

 Really? I like Karl Urban (or what's his name) as McCoy, and Simon Pegg as Scotty, but the rest are IMHO horribly, HORRIBLY misscast.



TV's Frink said:

pittrek said:

TV's Frink said:

DuracellEnergizer said:

skyjedi2005 said:

Does anyone else feel that the next Star Trek will be the last with the current cast. 

I get a sense some of the actors may want to move on.

*crosses finger that this'll happen and lead to a reboot, a reboot that won't be Trek in name only this time around*

 But the cast is good.

 Really? I like Karl Urban (or what's his name) as McCoy, and Simon Pegg as Scotty, but the rest are IMHO horribly, HORRIBLY misscast.



pittrek said:

ray_afraid said:

Anybody know of any good side-by-side comparisons of the original effects and the 'remastered' shots of TOS?
I've read that the new shots are very faithful to the originals, and I've seen comparisons where that seems to be the case. But I also have seen shots from the originals* that are styled very differently to anything I'm seeing in 'remastered'. Stars streaking by the Enterprise, colorful space backgrounds and things like that are never seen in the new version. The shots are usually static and boring.
Also, I've only watched through the first season... Maybe a bit of the second. Maybe the shots I'm talking about come later?

*at least I'm guessing that's what they're from.. I'm not familiar with Star Trek at all.

 This is my channel : https://www.youtube.com/user/TrekkieChannel - I am adding a new comparison video each weekend

 Cool! Thanks for sharing!
Just watched the "ultimate computer" comparisons.
I prefer the original look.

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