Version 2 is finished at long last. It seems like there was always something else that needed to be done, but I’m finally ready to put this to rest, for now anyway. It is rendering now. I will upload it to Google Drive tomorrow.
I wasn’t able to manufacture dialogue for Leia. She only says “Poe” twice throughout the entire trilogy and I just couldn’t get it to match up to the other dialogue. So it just has Poe’s added dialogue to indicate that they got called back to base.
I had cut the orbaks (space horses) since they pretty much disappear after the first three or so shots of them riding out of the lander, but you still occasionally see one run across in the background of shots I wanted to keep, so I figured it was best to keep them.
I also considered adding in Rey having killed her parents as a child, a la IlFanEditore’s edit, but I didn’t see any way to pull it off like I wanted.
If any important new developments are made by others, I may revisit this for a version 3, like if someone replaces Rey burying Luke’s and Leia’s lightsabers with Rey building her own.