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A Palpatine-less Edit of The Rise of Skywalker (Released) — Page 3


Oh yes, I still need to make modified credits and some sort of fan edit notice for the beginning so it’s clear to anyone watching that this is a fan edit. Don’t want the Mouse coming down on me for presenting something as if it were a genuine Lucasfilm product.


I’d love a link once V2 is complete


Please PM me for links. It will probably be a few weeks. Life has been limiting my editing work lately.


Wait, how did you make that? What was the source? It looks completely unedited to me, which is a good thing. It means it seamless.


Anakin Starkiller said:

Wait, how did you make that? What was the source? It looks completely unedited to me, which is a good thing. It means it seamless.

Are you asking about a particular scene?


Version 2 is finished at long last. It seems like there was always something else that needed to be done, but I’m finally ready to put this to rest, for now anyway. It is rendering now. I will upload it to Google Drive tomorrow.

I wasn’t able to manufacture dialogue for Leia. She only says “Poe” twice throughout the entire trilogy and I just couldn’t get it to match up to the other dialogue. So it just has Poe’s added dialogue to indicate that they got called back to base.

I had cut the orbaks (space horses) since they pretty much disappear after the first three or so shots of them riding out of the lander, but you still occasionally see one run across in the background of shots I wanted to keep, so I figured it was best to keep them.

I also considered adding in Rey having killed her parents as a child, a la IlFanEditore’s edit, but I didn’t see any way to pull it off like I wanted.

If any important new developments are made by others, I may revisit this for a version 3, like if someone replaces Rey burying Luke’s and Leia’s lightsabers with Rey building her own.


Well done on V2 and look forward to watching it soon with my son.


I apparently forgot to set my computer to never go to sleep before I left for work this morning. Have to restart the upload tonight. I should be sending links in about 24 hours. If all goes well…


Links have been sent! Let me know if I missed anyone. For what it’s worth, it’s 1 hour and 46 minutes, 30 seconds longer than V1.


It seems it may have only rendered the surround channels. This is something difficult for me to diagnose as my computer refuses to downmix surround sound to stereo for some reason, i.e. when I watch a Blu-Ray or file with surround sound, I only get the front surround speakers. I always have to select the 2.0 audio option. If I can’t figure this out, I may have to render it in stereo instead of 5.1.


You are right, you only rendered the surround channels. Most of the dialogue is completely inaudible.

My preferred Skywalker Saga experience:


I sent out a new link for a version with stereo audio. I will see if I can figure out the surround sound audio issue before replacing the full Blu-Ray quality version.


Rather than PM everyone with a link they already have, I’m just going to be lazy and post this here in hopes that most people see it.

The updated 20GB full Blu-Ray quality V2 is now up with correct 5.1 surround sound. I replaced the previous version, so the existing link I sent earlier will still direct you to it. It’s uploaded, but Google Drive is still processing it, so you may not be able to view it for a little while yet.


Does anyone who’s a Photoshop expert want to design a Blu-ray cover?


Also interested in a link 😃


Can I have a link as well? 😉

Preferred saga:
EI (DVD version) • EII (Blu-Ray) • CW (DVD) • TCW (smudger9’s fanedit) • ROTS (Octorox’s Extended version) •RO, Solo (originals) • Andor (smudger9’s episode I and EddieDean’s ep. 3-4) • OT (2004’s DVD) • Mando (s01: smudger9’s fanedit, s02: original) • TBOBF (smudger9’s) • TFA, TLJ (originals) • TROS - HAL’s edit


Thanks for sharing your edit, joshuabri.

I really enjoyed watching this. Between this and many other edits, I keep being amazed by how much nonsense you can remove from this movie while still keeping a coherent story. Your edit demonstrated that nicely.

Technically, this was very well done. You cut some parts that I only realized afterwards were removed. There are only a few moments where it’s a bit choppy.

The removal of Palpatine added more agency to the characters and I didn’t miss him at all. Duel of the Fates is a very fitting title for this edit.

What didn’t really work for me was the order of scenes near the end: after the final battle at Exegol, the film is still giving us new information which doesn’t really matter anymore, since the battle is won. I understood the ideas behind it, but it does take away from the finale a bit, in my opinion.


Thanks. I’m glad you enjoyed it. There is a spot or two that I’ve since realized better ways to edit them to be less choppy, but not enough yet to warrant doing another version.

I was very concerned about using “Duel of the Fates” as the title. I really didn’t like taking Trevorrow’s title, but I felt it fit this edit very well. In the end serving this edit seemed most important.

I understand what you mean about the end. I didn’t want to lose the Luke island scene entirely, so I had to stick it in after the climax. I originally considered using a very truncated version of the scene as a Force vision Rey had after stabbing Kylo, but before she tells him she wanted to take Ben’s hand. That didn’t work well, so I just let it play out afterward. I felt the film was better with it at the end rather than not at all. I knew an edit this radical was going to have some compromises. I was expecting to have to make a lot more than I did.