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Tusken Raiders on mars

Have you guys seen the talk about there being people on Mars?...

The offical pictures posted by NASA, taken by a rover, seems to show what looks like a person, in heavy garb, walking on Mars.

I honeslty think they look like Tusken Raiders lol...


But don't worry... they'll be back... and with greater numbers...

Is it not sad that in this time, we are more surprised by acts of love than acts of hate?

I don't want to jump to any conclusions though.

If you look at the shadows, you can tell that the sun must be almost straight up... or slightly further away from the camera...

If you look at the shadows on the "person," they exactly match how, a person at that time of day, would have shadows. One in the armpit. One along the leg, showing that the "gloved hand" is actually above it, and one under the butt, showing that it's blocking out sun.

So even if it is a rock, it is in the shape we are seeing.

the only strange thing seems to be the scale... but you'd have to see the full scale image to see how miniscule it is. It's almost behind the rover really... but if you follow the ridge in the main picture, you can see that if these were people, they would be at the bottom of a steep ridge which then slopes up slightly into the rocky out cropping they seem to be hiding behind.

I say they because if you look in the pic I posted, there looks to be 3.

One poking its head up between rocks like a Jawa on the left, the one walking in the middle, and one that's leaning over an outcroping just right of it... in a stance that almost is similar to someone with a gun... with something protruding back over the ledge... which is casting a shadow correctly btw... and seems to be the same color as the "glove" of the one walking...


I need to stop analyzing this and go to bed lol

Is it not sad that in this time, we are more surprised by acts of love than acts of hate?

It's a rock.

The human brain is programmed to recognize patterns and shapes that are familiar from everyday experience.

For example:


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I still say it's Tusken Raiders...

and whats that tree suppose to look like? I'm gay so I'm not very familiar with things of that shape... lol

Is it not sad that in this time, we are more surprised by acts of love than acts of hate?

Originally posted by: GoodMusician
I still say it's Tusken Raiders...

and whats that tree suppose to look like? I'm gay so I'm not very familiar with things of that shape... lol

That was funny man....funny!!

Doesn't a man's bum hole look like that when bent over????

Apparently you can tell the time of day by it...or is that a cats arse?!?!?!


Its just a rock.

In other news the face of jesus has been spotted in a dorito.
Originally posted by: Moth3r


Reminded me of this old joke:

An old indian was feeling out of sorts one day so he went to the medicine man to get some help. After a short discussion it was determined that the man's problem was that he had never had sex. So he goes to the local cathouse steps up to the madam and says "Have wampum, want woman!" The madam soon finds out he's never had a woman and tells him he must get some experience first and then come back. So the old indian goes back to the medicine man for advice. and is told to go into the forest and find a tree with a knothole and practice on it. A few days later the man goes back to the cathouse and says "Got wampum want woman!" This time he tells the madam that he has experience. He goes up to the room, and a short while later an attractive girl comes into the the room and lies down. He says "Get up!" She does. He reaches under the bed and pulls out one of the wood slats from under the frame, and hits her hard across the ass with it. She screems, "What the hell are you doing you pervert!!" He replies, "Checkum for bees!!".
I am fluent in over six million forms of procrastination.
That is one obscene tree. Well, I am not any more convinced about life on mars, but now I am fairly certian about the existence of Ents. Could somebody call up Treebeard and tell him we have found the entwives and they are ready for action!!

"Every time Warb sighs, an angel falls into a vat of mapel syrup." - Gaffer Tape

Originally posted by: HotRod
Doesn't a man's bum hole look like that when bent over????

lol... Not any that I've been... ... nm...

I don't know if its a rock. Probably is lol... but you gotta admit... they kinda look like Tusken Raiders...

Makes me wonder where the Bantha is...

Is it not sad that in this time, we are more surprised by acts of love than acts of hate?

Originally posted by: Moth3r


Someone tell Treebeard, I think you found one of the missing Entwives!


“First feel fear, then get angry. Then go with your life into the fight.” - Bill Mollison