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The Rise of Skywalker: Ascendant (Released) — Page 93


I think it fits well, the camera movement is soo JJ.

Peace is a lie
There is only passion…


I’m liking it, though I think that the biggest problem I can see is the green still in the trees. That should be a relatively simple colour balancing fix.



Chase Adams said:

Now that we have learned that snooker is no longer able to assist with Hal, or anybody else’s edits, I thought it might be a good idea to clarify what exactly it is that Hal still needs doing in terms of VFX and audio. I’ve had trouble figuring out exactly what it is since his checklist doesn’t seem to be caught up on recent updates.

1. Mustafar establishing shot. - Looks like we already have quite a few options.
2. The falcon exiting hyperspace at the giant iceberg. - Done by Poppasketti.
3. Doesn’t look like Naboo is happening in this film so probably wouldn’t look any further into the Gungan statues.
4. Establishing shot of Coruscant from space during the conference room scene.
5. Possibly the squeaky wheel scene.
6. Use Jonh’s VFX to give Luke a haircut.
7. Possibly some line from 3PO when his mind is restored to hint at his prequel memories.
8. Possibly replace Kylo Ren’s TIE. (I really want a TIE Adavanced!)
9. Civilian fleet lines from all of you guys. - KEEP SENDING THEM!
10. Star Destroyer crashing over Coruscant to replace the Ewok shot.
11. Finalised form of the chess scene. - I’ll be sending this soon!
12. Ben Solo’s force ghost. - In progress by Jonh.
13. Falcon leaving Tatooine. - In progress by Poppasketti.


This isn’t on Hal’s list, but I strongly recommend using Bobson Dugnutt’s version of force ghost Luke on Ach’To when it is finished as it drastically reduces the level of blueness and makes it more in line with the OT ghosts.

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Kewlfish, I personally think that video you posted with the repurposed battlefront cinematics doesn’t seem too jarring too me. It’s such a brief snippet that I don’t think your average viewer would even notice it’s rendered from a video game. I mean it certainly is up to par with the CGI clones of the prequel films.


Darth Sadifous said:

Kewlfish, I personally think that video you posted with the repurposed battlefront cinematics doesn’t seem too jarring too me. It’s such a brief snippet that I don’t think your average viewer would even notice it’s rendered from a video game. I mean it certainly is up to par with the CGI clones of the prequel films.

I was thinking the exact same thing when I was watching the render lol!

Before I have to go to work, here is a real quick Coruscant that I did… basically just removed Dooku’s ship at the end of Episode II… The only thing I’m a little iffy on is the amount of traffic that is still in the atmosphere. Based on what the First Order does to Kijimi and the village on Jakku, I’m not sure how keen they would be on letting the citizens of Coruscant go about their daily business.

pw - Ascendant

Clips - for Editors folder -https://drive.google.com/open?id=1mfEISVdMldOKuSNjcjYO2QSggvqI_7-Y


jonh said:

(Post this on redux, in case someone hasn’t seen it, to download)

a little change / improvement in the force ghost part1 😃 (it is not noticeable, but I have been more satisfied with the small change)


Man this is incredible… no matter how many times I watch these, I still get goosebumps… especially on your full clip when they raise their hands… So good!

Clips - for Editors folder -https://drive.google.com/open?id=1mfEISVdMldOKuSNjcjYO2QSggvqI_7-Y


I agree. Just cut “Mustafar,” as trying to make it work just gets out-of-hand.

Making Ajan Kloss Naboo is much easier and doesn’t need the same amount of choppiness/multiple sources to work.


BedeHistory731 said:

Making Ajan Kloss Naboo is much easier

Is it though? It seems like it would be even harder to make convincing. You can’t just namedrop Naboo in the opening crawl and expect it to be seamless.

I’m personally not a big fan of the idea anyway. Isn’t the Rebel base supposed to be hidden?

My preferred Skywalker Saga experience:


StarkillerAG said:

BedeHistory731 said:

Making Ajan Kloss Naboo is much easier

Is it though? It seems like it would be even harder to make convincing. You can’t just namedrop Naboo in the opening crawl and expect it to be seamless.

I’m personally not a big fan of the idea anyway. Isn’t the Rebel base supposed to be hidden?

Yeah, putting it on Naboo seems like it would endanger the people of Naboo.


Yeah, I don’t like the idea of making Ajan Kloss Naboo either. The Rebellion/Resistance has never had a base on a highly populated planet. After they realize the emperor has returned, it should give them some pause that they’re literally hiding out on his homeworld.


Octorox said:

Yeah, I don’t like the idea of making Ajan Kloss Naboo either. The Rebellion/Resistance has never had a base on a highly populated planet. After they realize the emperor has returned, it should give them some pause that they’re literally hiding out on his homeworld.

Not to mention Leia has already seen her peaceful homeworld destroyed. I doubt she would want to endanger her mother’s as well.


Hmm, completely cutting Mustafar seems… like a radical change. I’d almost rather just have a single establishing shot, like poppasketti’s Tie Fighters than not having Mustafar at all. That was one of Kylo’s most badass scenes and it’s where we are introduced to the Wayfinder.

Clips - for Editors folder -https://drive.google.com/open?id=1mfEISVdMldOKuSNjcjYO2QSggvqI_7-Y


Chase Adams said:

This isn’t on Hal’s list, but I strongly recommend using Bobson Dugnutt’s version of force ghost Luke on Ach’To when it is finished as it drastically reduces the level of blueness and makes it more in line with the OT ghosts.

I’d definitely like Luke’s ghostly effect to look less… awful, but I’d also throw Jonh’s work at fixing Luke’s hair into the ring, because for me that wig is even worse than the blue effect.


kewlfish said:

Hmm, completely cutting Mustafar seems… like a radical change. I’d almost rather just have a single establishing shot, like poppasketti’s Tie Fighters than not having Mustafar at all. That was one of Kylo’s most badass scenes and it’s where we are introduced to the Wayfinder.

I must’ve reworked that scene aboyt 50 times and I can’t seem to fit the castle in anywhere that transitions well. I’ve worked everything else in though. Troopers were the cherry.

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Movies Remastered said:

kewlfish said:

Hmm, completely cutting Mustafar seems… like a radical change. I’d almost rather just have a single establishing shot, like poppasketti’s Tie Fighters than not having Mustafar at all. That was one of Kylo’s most badass scenes and it’s where we are introduced to the Wayfinder.

I must’ve reworked that scene aboyt 50 times and I can’t seem to fit the castle in anywhere that transitions well. I’ve worked everything else in though. Troopers were the cherry.

Yeah, I think Vader’s Castle may be a bust… Mustafar is just too different in Rogue One and TROS and color-grading doesn’t really sell it.

Clips - for Editors folder -https://drive.google.com/open?id=1mfEISVdMldOKuSNjcjYO2QSggvqI_7-Y


jonh said:

I personally still think that the movie should start with this clip. And completely erase mustafar. (Which doesn’t seem to mustafar)

That’s an awesome suggestion jonh!
Hadn’t seen that clip before, it’d be a great cold opener.
The actual beginning was needlessly confusing but there’s some outstanding salvaging work going on here by you all!

Cheers, Paul


just adding in the opening, something that kylo has found the wayfinder …


jonh said:

just adding in the opening, something that kylo has found the wayfinder …

And “boom!” 😃)


jonh said:

just adding in the opening, something that kylo has found the wayfinder …

Don’t even do that. Just keep the crawl ideas already going around about him searching for power or whatever. All we know initially is why he goes to Exogol, not how.

On Ajan Kloss, Rey learns that a wayfinder is needed to get there, beginning the search.

On Pasaana, Lando says that two were made, and he and Luke were just tracking one of them.

On the Death Star II, Kylo destroys Rey’s wayfinder and says “The only way you’re reaching Exogol is with me.”

Finally, on Ach-to, Luke tells Rey she already has what she needs, and Rey digs Kylo’s wayfinder out of his ship, repeating “two were made.”

I never got why that last part seemed so odd in the theater, but I’m just now realizing it’s because the audience knew from the beginning that Kylo had a wayfinder, and Rey never knew until Luke suggested it to her. I didn’t realize while watching that Rey didn’t know, and so my reaction was “how did Rey not think of this earlier?”

By removing Mustafar and Kylo’s nebula navigation, however, now the audience learns Kylo had one at the same time that Rey does, making it a twist reveal, although not too cheap of one since there are hints for the audience to guess scattered in the dialog throughout the movie.

How exactly Kylo got the wayfinder may seem confusing to people, but it’s a Sith artifact and we know Palpatine’s been talking to Kylo in his head, so it’s not hard to use your imagination. And really, the original movie never explains how he learned:

  • the wayfinder’s location
  • what a wayfinder even is
  • why exactly he even needed it

so we’re really just moving the goalposts and sparing the audience some extra headache.