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TFA: A Gentle Restructure (Released) — Page 40


Remind me again, why doesn’t the scene continue as “normal” at that point? Was that part of V1 too?

Otherwise, it’s really good (except for the missing “Looks like our friends got in” 😉 )


It was part of V1. The attack on the Oscillator in V1 occurs where it did in the original movie - in the middle of the lightsaber battle. It probably needs to stay there because of the environmental destruction that happens as a result.

This scene juggling really highlights how there are tradeoffs and islands of stability in fanediting. There simply is no one best place to put this ‘damaged but still functional’ scene, since you’re breaking up the musical continuity of the film one way or another.

You probably don’t recognize me because of the red arm.
Episode 9 Rewrite, The Starlight Project (Released!) and ANH Technicolor Project (Released!)


Hal 9000 said:

Here’s a candidate for that scene:
Password: bull craft

Sorry but I think that “all craft” sounds terrible… but the rest is very good (is “all craft” necessary ?). Maybe without the “radio effect” (or lessen down) it could work better ?


I think that some introductory dialogue from Ackbar is necessary here, since otherwise there is only a radio effect to imply that he’s speaking to the fighters. There are some other options for introductory dialogue such as ‘all groups’, or you could combine ‘all’ with ‘ships’ which he says during the TFA briefing.

You probably don’t recognize me because of the red arm.
Episode 9 Rewrite, The Starlight Project (Released!) and ANH Technicolor Project (Released!)


So I tried the ‘all groups’ approach:
Password: groups

Center Channel audio:
Final audio:

It is more understandable, but there’s a lot of engine noise in the background that I wasn’t able to filter out completely.

The combination of ‘all’ and ‘fighters’ doesn’t work at all.

You probably don’t recognize me because of the red arm.
Episode 9 Rewrite, The Starlight Project (Released!) and ANH Technicolor Project (Released!)


Is there anyway to soften Akbar’s “all craft” line. His voice is too strong in contrast with his next lines. Also, the music, as Never pointed out, is off. I’m not sure you can make the music work here. The chord structures are very different as are the tempos and mood. Perhaps you could extend the sounds from the original next scene that followed Akbar and slowly fade them out into the scene you have now?

Request edits at https://digmodification.wordpress.com/contact


The trouble with the line is that it is shouted in an echo-y room.

With regards to the music, if changing it around like has been suggested doesn’t work, we could put the Ackbar line back in its original location. Then cut immediately to the fighter battle as usual. The only issue would be the ‘revenge’ angle but it’s minor enough that it may be worth it.

You probably don’t recognize me because of the red arm.
Episode 9 Rewrite, The Starlight Project (Released!) and ANH Technicolor Project (Released!)


I would be in favor of not “echo-ing it/radio-ing it” (don’t know how to say it 😃), since it’s a complete sentence and for sound continuity it would be less jarring to avoid toying with sound filters.

What’s the current state of this edit by the way ? I was under the impression it was near the finish line. In order to follow its progress more easily it would be cool to have a “first post update” with the current status of all the ideas implemented or in progress to be implemented.


MalàStrana said:

I would be in favor of not “echo-ing it/radio-ing it” (don’t know how to say it 😃), since it’s a complete sentence and for sound continuity it would be less jarring to avoid toying with sound filters.

What’s the current state of this edit by the way ? I was under the impression it was near the finish line. In order to follow its progress more easily it would be cool to have a “first post update” with the current status of all the ideas implemented or in progress to be implemented.

The feeling is that it’s near completion, but the Leia and Sella scene needs to be integrated into the edit, and for this to work it will require pushing the music of the scene back into the D’Qar establishing shot, and this will probably require reconstructing the audio effects for several shots in the sequence. So there’s still some work to be done, as well as figuring out exactly what to do with the trench run. If everything else is done and the edit is just waiting for the Ackbar line, I wouldn’t mind just cutting it and returning to the edit later for V3. I expect the release of TJL may change some of the interpretation of this film as well as providing more material for better edits.

You probably don’t recognize me because of the red arm.
Episode 9 Rewrite, The Starlight Project (Released!) and ANH Technicolor Project (Released!)


I’m working on the Leia effects (time code and braid removal) as well as the Maz sequence. The Maz sequence is mostly done, I just need to complete the sound mix. The Leia scene is more time consuming, so if that one is skipped for now V2 could probably be released earlier. I don’t mind finishing it though.


Thanks for the update guys ! I agree with NeverarGreat about a v3 that could be finished for after the release of VIII (or even IX ?) if new material can make some changes better aligned (and technically less jarring) wwith the rest of the ST, but there is no hurry. We all know the theatrical cut too well to be aware of a few things that we might be overthinking. Anyway, I’ll stay tuned for the next updates 😉


I agree. Thanks for stepping in to answer Mala. I’d like for V2 to be theoretically “final,” unless something new emerges later, be it in the form of additional fan work or something from Ep8. In other words, not leaving something unfinished that could be finished at this time.

You covered what’s in the works, but here’s my list of what I’m waiting on:

Sir Ridley’s TFA:R crawl

Sir Ridley’s Maz’s Castle sequence (Star Destroyer)

Kylo Ren’s mask during second Snoke scene, and Snoke inexplicably standing (wish list; not going to hold anything up)

‘Leia and the Resistance’ deleted scene

NeverarGreat’s Snoke scene idea (and reinstating Hux’s “prepare to fire” line; may not be possible until a V3 after Ep8 comes out)

My stance on revising fan edits.


The Snoke scene and the Ackbar line are both hobbled by a lack of usable dialogue for repurposing. Since both Ackbar (probably) and Snoke (definitely) will appear in TLJ, it doesn’t really make sense to spend a ton of time trying to force a less than optimal solution. I’d say to just go with the V1 sequence of events for now.

You probably don’t recognize me because of the red arm.
Episode 9 Rewrite, The Starlight Project (Released!) and ANH Technicolor Project (Released!)


Hal 9000 said:

I agree. Thanks for stepping in to answer Mala.

No worries, I wasn’t thinking about the Leia sequence (which is indeed mandatory to “sell” the restructured version and make it feel natural) but I was referring to the attempts at Ackbar’s “all craft/ships” lines that aren’t really working for now (as Never explains it in its last comment).


Any news on this, it’s been quiet for quite some time now

“You can’t polish a turd. But you can shape it to look like candy.”


I can only speak for myself, but I’ve been busy with other things lately so I haven’t finished my contributions yet. Hopefully I will find the time for it in the coming month.


Can’t wait to watch it Hal, I’ve even pre-nominated it as a possible replacement for the theatrical release in my SW movie ranking post 😄

Valheru_84 said:

My ranking:

  1. SW, TESB & ROTJ (original theatricals and DSEs)
  2. TFA (theatrical, though Hal’s fanedit sounds great)
  3. R1 (theatrical)
  4. ROTS (Kerr Fanedit “Dark Force Rising”)
  5. TPM (Anti-cheese Fanedit)
  6. AOTC (Anti-cheese Fanedit)



I went ahead and rendered a full quality mockup of the Leia deleted scene:


There are 28 frames added to the runtime, but the music still seems to work so I’m not sweating it.

I’m unsure what to do with the introduction of the base, and settled on another angled wipe with the same duration as the first.

There needs to be new SFX work done for the shot of Finn exiting the Falcon, but other than that the sound would be unchanged.

Finally, there’s no color correction so that Sir-ridley can just drop the completed footage in where necessary. Leia’s mouth movements in the first shot of the new scene have been altered to fit the time-shifted line, as well as a few frames of Kor Sella’s face at the end of her brief reaction shot.

JEDIT: Updated link.

You probably don’t recognize me because of the red arm.
Episode 9 Rewrite, The Starlight Project (Released!) and ANH Technicolor Project (Released!)


Nice! I’m not home for a few days so I can’t have a look until Monday, but this sounds promising.