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Episode VII: The Force Awakens - Discussion * SPOILER THREAD * — Page 225


They don’t seem the types to get outta control like that.


MathUser said:

They don’t seem the types to get outta control like that.

Obviously, you’ve never seen “Tatooine Moisture Farmers Gone Wild.”

“It’s a lot of fun… it’s a lot of fun to watch Star Wars.” – Bill Moyers


Damn, John Williams just blew me away, again. Unlike how it was shortened in the film, “The Jedi Steps: Concert Version” actually develops the theme further.

Anyone else hear a “Luke’s been through hell since we last saw him” vibe in this?


He’s come a long way since Daddy-O.

I always love hearing new Star Wars music. I wish it was just a little more prominent in the newer films.

Keep Circulating the Tapes.


(It hasn’t happened yet)


This is as good a time as any to ask. Could someone please tell me where the music that starts at about 0:41 in this tv spot is from?


I’m almost certain it’s not in the movie itself, if it’s even from the TFA score at all. I never bought the album so if it’s on there I wouldn’t know.

Those six seconds or so of music have been driving me crazy ever since I saw this preview during the “Shondathon” on abc that week. This ended up being the very first time we heard any of John Williams’ compositions for the movie.


Geez, palpetine voice cameod in EP 7? Holy S***. Palpetine being related to her? That fan theory really makes sense. I didn’t wanna speculate about 8 either cause it can still change but that really seems like they are going in that direction.


MathUser said:

Geez, palpetine voice cameod in EP 7? Holy S***. Palpetine being related to her? That fan theory really makes sense. I didn’t wanna speculate about 8 either cause it can still change but that really seems like they are going in that direction.

It makes no sense to me. I watched that video that’s been going around and it all seemed like bunk to me.

Keep Circulating the Tapes.


(It hasn’t happened yet)


I can’t believe I’m getting Ep8&9 spoilers in the Ep 7 thread. Can’t you guys put this stuff in the appropriate thread or do I have to avoid the Ep 7 thread now?


KumoNin said:

It’s Yoda’s theme! I’ve always loved what they did with it for the trailers.

https://youtu.be/kheDYt93zvw?t=153 (2:33-3:12 you’ll hear something similar)

At 0:41 I’m hearing something that sounds like a finale to a more epic Han Solo and The Princess (probably part of what we saw in that first trailer when we first see the Falcon again) that then goes into Yoda’s theme.

I was coincidentally listening to the album for the first time just awhile ago and I can confirm that it’s not on there. Must be trailer music?

Keep Circulating the Tapes.


(It hasn’t happened yet)


MathUser said:

I can’t believe I’m getting Ep8&9 spoilers in the Ep 7 thread. Can’t you guys put this stuff in the appropriate thread or do I have to avoid the Ep 7 thread now?

I don’t see how fan theories count as spoilers.
Also this is the TFA “spoiler thread”.

Star Wars is Surrealism, not Science Fiction (essay)
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Beyond the OT Documentaries/Making-Ofs (YouTube, Vimeo, etc. finds)
Amazon link to my novels.


I don’t mind spoilers to TFA, watched it twice and it’s coming on Starz next month. Didn’t expect a spoiler for later films tho. I think I’ll just unsubscribe to this thread.


Spoiler alert: I have a fan theory that says Rey is a Palpatine clone. Sorry to ruin Ep 8 and 9 for you.


Tyrphanax said:

MathUser said:

Geez, palpetine voice cameod in EP 7? Holy S***. Palpetine being related to her? That fan theory really makes sense. I didn’t wanna speculate about 8 either cause it can still change but that really seems like they are going in that direction.

It makes no sense to me. I watched that video that’s been going around and it all seemed like bunk to me.

Palpatine’s death was an inside job.

Oh wait, it was.


O wait, that wouldn’t work either. Ep VI was about 30 years ago and Palpatine died then so he can’t be her father. Unless they are saying the sequels take place 19 years after VI. People age badly in these films. Obi Wan and Vader look pretty bad in IV-VI for only being 20 years after III. Maybe they’re gonna do that again and say Luke is only 19 years older and he looks like hell anyway.


MathUser said:

O wait, that wouldn’t work either. Ep VI was about 30 years ago and Palpatine died then so he can’t be her father. Unless they are saying the sequels take place 19 years after VI. People age badly in these films. Obi Wan and Vader look pretty bad in IV-VI for only being 20 years after III. Maybe they’re gonna do that again and say Luke is only 19 years older and he looks like hell anyway.

It is canon that 30 years pass between ROTJ and TFA.

Star Wars is Surrealism, not Science Fiction (essay)
Original Trilogy Documentaries/Making-Ofs (YouTube, Vimeo, etc. finds)
Beyond the OT Documentaries/Making-Ofs (YouTube, Vimeo, etc. finds)
Amazon link to my novels.


Fang Zei said:

This is as good a time as any to ask. Could someone please tell me where the music that starts at about 0:41 in this tv spot is from?


I’m almost certain it’s not in the movie itself, if it’s even from the TFA score at all. I never bought the album so if it’s on there I wouldn’t know.

Those six seconds or so of music have been driving me crazy ever since I saw this preview during the “Shondathon” on abc that week. This ended up being the very first time we heard any of John Williams’ compositions for the movie.

Almost certainly composed for trailers/spots. You’ll notice it sounds somewhat similar to the music from the second teaser (and has the same Yoda and the Force bit at the end). Well that music was composed specifically for the second teaser by someone other than Williams. Probably the same thing here.


ZkinandBonez said:

MathUser said:

O wait, that wouldn’t work either. Ep VI was about 30 years ago and Palpatine died then so he can’t be her father. Unless they are saying the sequels take place 19 years after VI. People age badly in these films. Obi Wan and Vader look pretty bad in IV-VI for only being 20 years after III. Maybe they’re gonna do that again and say Luke is only 19 years older and he looks like hell anyway.

It is canon that 30 years pass between ROTJ and TFA.

Maybe Rey’s father is a certain three-eyed mutant son of Palpatine’s …


emanswfan said:

Damn, John Williams just blew me away, again. Unlike how it was shortened in the film, “The Jedi Steps: Concert Version” actually develops the theme further.

Anyone else hear a “Luke’s been through hell since we last saw him” vibe in this?

I find this really evocative of some of the unused/alternate stuff from the ANH sessions. Really digging it.


emanswfan said:

Damn, John Williams just blew me away, again. Unlike how it was shortened in the film, “The Jedi Steps: Concert Version” actually develops the theme further.

Anyone else hear a “Luke’s been through hell since we last saw him” vibe in this?

I find this really evocative of some of the unused/alternate stuff from the ANH sessions. Really digging it.

DuracellEnergizer said:

Maybe Rey’s father is a certain three-eyed mutant son of Palpatine’s …

Triclops! or Trioculus! I forget which was which!


That effect while they are going warp speed. With the blue lights down a cylinder tunnel. Do they do that in the OT? I ain’t sat down and watched the OT for a while so I can’t remember. I know they showed the stars becoming lines, but that cylinder path, I dunno.


Warp speed is from Star Trek. And yes, the blue tunnel is in the OT, at least in Star Wars. I think Empire and Jedi don’t have it.

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Star Wars


Lucas avoided showing Hyperspace in the prequels, allegedly to not take away from the impact of the Falcon’s first jump in Star Wars.

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