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General Star Wars Random Thoughts Thread — Page 258


I mean, taken in universe, that might be true, but out of universe, you have to consider it. Don’t make me bring up Song of the South.


What have I wrought? I just found it funny there’s a gift shop in a Disney park named for him, that’s all. It’s Frink’s fault I have a Watto obsession in the first place.

If Disney had any sense of irony, they would name one of those in park child care centers Anakin’s Youngling Care. 😉

Forum Moderator

Where were you in '77?


Re: song of the south. There is a difference between racist filmmakers inserting racist themes into their movies to make racist statements and on the other hand depicting racism, and in this case in a negative light.

EDIT: see later post for clarification.

TV’s Frink said:

I would put this in my sig if I weren’t so lazy.


yhwx said:

I mean, taken in universe, that might be true, but out of universe, you have to consider it. Don’t make me bring up Song of the South.

Don’t bring it up in this thread, period. It’s been discussed elsewhere at length.

JEDIT: Carp!

Forum Moderator

Where were you in '77?


CHEWBAKAspelledwrong said:

yhwx said:

Watto was probably the best character in the movie, if you excuse the racism.

You don’t have to “excuse” the racism for him to be a good character. That’s the point of the character. He’s a bad guy, and that’s one of the bad things about him. Despite this, he is by no metric of the concept a good character.

Wait, one of the things that makes him a bad guy is that he’s a racist caricature?


I’m sorry. I was confused. It’s been so long since I watched these movies, and I just looked up this and now I get it. I thought we were suggesting Watto was racist, as in he acted in a racist manner against the humans he enslaved and abused, not that the depiction was racist. My bad, and goodnight.

TV’s Frink said:

I would put this in my sig if I weren’t so lazy.


TV’s Frink said:

Tyrphanax said:

ATMachine said:

I guess it didn’t bother GL though (cf. the Neimoidians, whose voice actors were deliberately told to mimic line readings by non-English-speaking actors saying the lines phonetically.)

Well I mean, to play Devil’s Advocate here, I would imagine Neimoidians might not speak English as their native tongue and they do have very odd mouths so I would assume they would speak English pretty awkwardly.


In a 1999 article for the Boston Review, Alan Stone corroborates Gottlieb’s take on things. He also identifies one of the reasons why Lucas got himself in trouble: he made the aliens English-speaking. Unlike aliens from the previous Star Wars films (see: Chewbacca, the Ewoks, all the people in the Cantina scene), the aliens in this film spoke our language and had accents and other characteristics reminiscent of the ones found in ethnic stereotypes:

What has made my student and many other cultists of his generation feel betrayed is the new ingredient in Lucas’s recipe: aliens who, unlike any of the previous exotic life forms, suggest racist stereotypes. The evil henchmen in this story seem to be Fu Manchu style Asians, and the primitive Gungan people who live under the sea suggest old Hollywood stereotypes of African-Americans.

Exactly. Hiring non-English-speakers to voice the Neimoidians wouldn’t have been a bad idea per se, but doing that and then having English-speaking actors imitate those voices for the final cut is rather too close to Charlie Chan-style old Hollywood yellowface.

“That Darth Vader, man. Sure does love eating Jedi.”


I wonder if the “could have killed” isn’t a bit sensationalist. It was a line from the prosecution, not the court. But who knows?

TV’s Frink said:

I would put this in my sig if I weren’t so lazy.


Booman said:

Kind of off topic, but I just found 9 minutes worth of unused ROTJ footage! Take a look:


Wow. I’ve seen the clips of the female Rebel pilots before, but I had no idea that Madine was considered as a possible replacement for Ackbar.

PS, this whole deleted sequence/sub-plot focusing on Jerjerrod is also pretty interesting;

Star Wars is Surrealism, not Science Fiction (essay)
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Jerjerrod’s scenes should’ve been retained. An Imperial officer who isn’t strictly evil isn’t something that appeared in the prior two films and would’ve worked in ROTJ’s favour.


I liked Jerjerrod and Piett for those reasons.

To be fair though, I wouldn’t call Ozzel, Piett, or Veers evil in ESB. Just soldiers doing their jobs.

Keep Circulating the Tapes.


(It hasn’t happened yet)


^ Having competent, non-genocidal Imperial officers in the service of crazy lunatic masters is obviously inspired by WWII – think of von Manstein or Rundstedt or Guderian vs. Hitler and Goebbels.

It’s a good plot device for SW and I too am rather fond of the Jerjerrod scenes.

“That Darth Vader, man. Sure does love eating Jedi.”


I would think of Rommel, who many Allied soldiers respected long after the war despite hating Germans.

Keep Circulating the Tapes.


(It hasn’t happened yet)


Good point! Though Rommel committed suicide on Hitler’s orders (to spare his family) after meeting with the conspirators of the July Plot.

Whereas Jerjerrod gets killed by the Rebels when the Death Star blows up. And though he’s clearly appalled by the order to blow up Endor, he nonetheless obeys it, since he’s still working under the the Nazi mentality that “orders are orders.”

“That Darth Vader, man. Sure does love eating Jedi.”


So I discovered (or rather re-discovered) this little oddity when I was rummaging through some old boxes full of old stuff that I had as a kid.

I find this thing fascinating. I’m pretty sure it’s not officially licensed by whoever owns all this music (There’s no Lucasfilm or 20th Century Fox logo on it, etc.).
It’s so bizarrely random. It’s called “Star Wars”, but has the wrong font, the choice of music is completely random, and I can’t wrap my head around that cover art.

I mean it’s clearly a ROTJ speeder-bike with a bunch of randomly kit-bashed parts added to it. And the main body in the back looks like the Voyager (Star Trek) only up-side-down. But why though?
Seriously, what is this supposed to be? It’s in space, yet it has handlebars.

Has anyone else seen this?
(Judging by the inclusion of TPM music, but nothing from ATOC, as well as including some music from a film called “Ice Planet” made in 2001, not to mention that I had this as a kid in the very early 2000’s, I’d say this must have been made in either 2001 or 2002.)

EDIT: Here’s the music list on the back; https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/20535561/SW weird music collection (music list).jpg

Star Wars is Surrealism, not Science Fiction (essay)
Original Trilogy Documentaries/Making-Ofs (YouTube, Vimeo, etc. finds)
Beyond the OT Documentaries/Making-Ofs (YouTube, Vimeo, etc. finds)
Amazon link to my novels.


I own something similar. It’s all Star Wars music, but they’re strange, simplified arrangements that sound almost like midi files. It’s a 3 disc set with five pieces each. I saw it for 99 cents at the charity shop and immediately bought it because Lapti Nek and Ewok Celebration were on the track listing.



Booman said:

Here’s some more info:


Also, if anyone wants to get one of these, they’re actually pretty cheap!

I clicked on the link to the company who made this, “Goldies”, and it seems like all they do is release famous music. Everything from Elvis, to Bob Marley. I even recognize the box art from their Tommy Dorsey and Louis Armstrong collections from my mothers music collection so CD’s from this company must have been been readily available in Norway (which is where I live) back in the early 2000’s.

suspiciouscoffee said:

I own something similar. It’s all Star Wars music, but they’re strange, simplified arrangements that sound almost like midi files. It’s a 3 disc set with five pieces each. I saw it for 99 cents at the charity shop and immediately bought it because Lapti Nek and Ewok Celebration were on the track listing.

Mine also has some really bizarre arrangements. F.ex. amidst all the classical sci-fi movie themes (e.g. music from E.T., Blade Runner, Back to the Future, Star Trek, etc.) is the main theme from a 2001 Canadian-German film called “Ice Planet”. Not only is this film rated 3.9 on iMDb, but it is listed before Back to the Future.
It also list “Venus - The Bringer of Peace” which I googled and and far as I can tell this was never even used in any sci-fi films. So apart from the space-related name I can’t really tell why it’s there.
I also find the SW one’s to be somewhat weird. It keeps mentions a “The Empire Strikes Back - Main Theme” and a “Return of the Jedi - Main Theme”. Would that just be the regular SW theme?

Music list;
https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/20535561/SW weird music collection (music list).jpg

Star Wars is Surrealism, not Science Fiction (essay)
Original Trilogy Documentaries/Making-Ofs (YouTube, Vimeo, etc. finds)
Beyond the OT Documentaries/Making-Ofs (YouTube, Vimeo, etc. finds)
Amazon link to my novels.


ZkinandBonez said:

Booman said:

Here’s some more info:


Also, if anyone wants to get one of these, they’re actually pretty cheap!

I clicked on the link to the company who made this, “Goldies”, and it seems like all they do is release famous music. Everything from Elvis, to Bob Marley. I even recognize the box art from their Tommy Dorsey and Louis Armstrong collections from my mothers music collection so CD’s from this company must have been been readily available in Norway (which is where I live) back in the early 2000’s.

suspiciouscoffee said:

I own something similar. It’s all Star Wars music, but they’re strange, simplified arrangements that sound almost like midi files. It’s a 3 disc set with five pieces each. I saw it for 99 cents at the charity shop and immediately bought it because Lapti Nek and Ewok Celebration were on the track listing.

Mine also has some really bizarre arrangements. F.ex. amidst all the classical sci-fi movie themes (e.g. music from E.T., Blade Runner, Back to the Future, Star Trek, etc.) is the main theme from a 2001 Canadian-German film called “Ice Planet”. Not only is this film rated 3.9 on iMDb, but it is listed before Back to the Future.
It also list “Venus - The Bringer of Peace” which I googled and and far as I can tell this was never even used in any sci-fi films. So apart from the space-related name I can’t really tell why it’s there.
I also find the SW one’s to be somewhat weird. It keeps mentions a “The Empire Strikes Back - Main Theme” and a “Return of the Jedi - Main Theme”. Would that just be the regular SW theme?

Music list;
https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/20535561/SW weird music collection (music list).jpg

Venus is from Gustav Holst’s Planets suite, which IIRC influenced Williams work on SW (whether or not the makers of these discs actually knew that or that was a coincidence may never be known, but my money’s on the latter).


CD track list said: Yoda’s Theme from “Star Wars”
*lists other SW music from specific movies, so it just got this one wrong?*




ZkinandBonez said:

So I discovered (or rather re-discovered) this little oddity when I was rummaging through some old boxes full of old stuff that I had as a kid.

I find this thing fascinating. I’m pretty sure it’s not officially licensed by whoever owns all this music (There’s no Lucasfilm or 20th Century Fox logo on it, etc.).
It’s so bizarrely random. It’s called “Star Wars”, but has the wrong font, the choice of music is completely random, and I can’t wrap my head around that cover art.

I mean it’s clearly a ROTJ speeder-bike with a bunch of randomly kit-bashed parts added to it. And the main body in the back looks like the Voyager (Star Trek) only up-side-down. But why though?
Seriously, what is this supposed to be? It’s in space, yet it has handlebars.

Has anyone else seen this?
(Judging by the inclusion of TPM music, but nothing from ATOC, as well as including some music from a film called “Ice Planet” made in 2001, not to mention that I had this as a kid in the very early 2000’s, I’d say this must have been made in either 2001 or 2002.)

EDIT: Here’s the music list on the back; https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/20535561/SW weird music collection (music list).jpg

That’s some pretty ugly kitbashing on the cover. Possibly the worst I’ve ever seen. Slam the secondary hull of Voyager and a Kazon ship onto a Speeder Bike, and call it a day! 😉

Forum Moderator

Where were you in '77?


SilverWook said:

That’s some pretty ugly kitbashing on the cover. Possibly the worst I’ve ever seen. Slam the secondary hull of Voyager and a Kazon ship onto a Speeder Bike, and call it a day! 😉

Ah, so that’s what it was. I couldn’t figure out what the top part was from, and it was really bothering me. Thanks.

Star Wars is Surrealism, not Science Fiction (essay)
Original Trilogy Documentaries/Making-Ofs (YouTube, Vimeo, etc. finds)
Beyond the OT Documentaries/Making-Ofs (YouTube, Vimeo, etc. finds)
Amazon link to my novels.