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Episode II is just as extraneous to the plot of Star Wars as Episode I. — Page 2


Density said:

CHEWBAKAspelledwrong said:

Density said:

I still think the idea that Anakin turned to the dark side to save his child and then turned back for the same reason was the best idea Lucas had in the prequels and it’s what makes machete order work.

But he didn’t. He did it to “save [his] wife from certain death.”

I guess his unborn child had no bearing on that then? Come on.

She was the one dying in childbirth, I don’t think the kids were in danger or he’d have mentioned it.

As for TPM, I feel like it would work best in this day and age as an Anthology film because it’s basically an exposition film, like Rogue One more or less is. Move it further away from a new Episode I that kicks off the Clone Wars, reshoot Episode II because it’s a total loss, and maybe edit Sith to work.

Keep Circulating the Tapes.


(It hasn’t happened yet)


^ Exactly. Especially since it’s basically an adaptation of the 1974 rough draft.

“That Darth Vader, man. Sure does love eating Jedi.”