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Your favorite movies — Page 9


Ha, I missed that, I was thinking of Django (and guessing on the time frame).


Someone told me last year that their favorite movie was Sex and the City 2.

The Person in Question


These are the first five non-Star Wars films to pop into my head when confronted with the question, and I don’t feel like agonizing over it so I’ll leave it at this for now. Presented in release order because I don’t believe in ranking the top tier.

Lawrence of Arabia (1962)
Dr. Strangelove, or: How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Bomb (1964)
Jurassic Park (1993)
Rushmore (1998)
There Will Be Blood (2007)


Possessed said:

moviefreakedmind said:

Someone told me last year that their favorite movie was Sex and the City 2.

What kind of gun did you shoot them with?

This was a really, really strange person. You could tell by looking at him that there was something off, so it wasn’t completely shocking that this was his favorite movie.

The Person in Question


I guess I’ll jump on this train.
Here is my list in no particular order:

National Lampoon’s Vacation
The Shining
Secret Window
Good Will Hunting (Which kind of surprised me that I liked it as much as I did, not being a Matt Damon fan.)
The Departed
One Flew Over The Cuckoo’s Nest
V for Vendetta
Stand By Me
Causalities of War
Return of the Living Dead
Carrie (both original and remake)
The Devil’s Rejects
Halloween (both original and remake)
The Last House on the Left
Nightmare on Elm Street (original), 3, 4
Sleepaway Camp 3 (of course)

These are the ones I’ve seen multiple times, I could probably add more if I just thought about it for a while.

I am not lost. I know exactly where I am, I am in some shitty fucking hell, which is exactly what I deserve. But you… YOU are lost. All my life I thought that I needed you, that I couldn’t survive without you, fuck! Fuck! It was the other fucking way around. It was the other way around.


TDK Trilogy
The Mummy (1999)
Spirited Away
All of Tarantino’s early films (Kill Bill volumes I and II included)
Friday The 13th Part 4
Shutter Island
Harold and Kumar Go To White Castle
The Matrix
Spiderman 2
The God Father parts I & II
Pineapple Express
Terminator and T2
Good Fellas
American Psycho


DuracellEnergizer said:

KillerQueen said:

Carrie (both original and remake)

Which remake? There’re two of 'em. 😛

I liked the 2013 remake with Chloe Mortez, the 2002 made for tv one with Angela Bettis wasn’t for my liking. I don’t know why, I just didn’t care for it very much. (However, I thought she was perfect in May.)

I see a lot of people saying Chloe Mortez was too pretty for the role, unbelievable and such, I just happen to disagree. She’s pretty, but I thought she was great acting wise.

I’ve read the book a few times now, all three actresses portraying Carrie White were prettier than she was described in the book. I just thought Angela Bettis gave off that “weird” vibe a little too intensely, that’s why I said she was great in May.

I am not lost. I know exactly where I am, I am in some shitty fucking hell, which is exactly what I deserve. But you… YOU are lost. All my life I thought that I needed you, that I couldn’t survive without you, fuck! Fuck! It was the other fucking way around. It was the other way around.


Lord Haseo said:

The Mummy (1999)
Friday The 13th Part 4
Harold and Kumar Go To White Castle
Spiderman 2

Those are your favorite movies?

By the way, I thought the Carrie remake from 2013 was very well done. Usually horror remakes are overly bloody and crazy, but Carrie kept the integrity of the original story in my opinion.

The Person in Question


moviefreakedmind said:

Lord Haseo said:

The Mummy (1999)
Friday The 13th Part 4
Harold and Kumar Go To White Castle
Spiderman 2

Those are your favorite movies?

The thread is not about what movies you deem the best. A lot of those have sentimental value more than anything.


Wait, aren’t you the guy who pooh-poohed nostalgia?


But I still don’t count some of those movies as being anything more than good. And I definitely won’t put something like The Mummy on the same level as any of TDK films.


moviefreakedmind said:

Lord Haseo said:

The Mummy (1999)
Friday The 13th Part 4
Harold and Kumar Go To White Castle
Spiderman 2

Those are your favorite movies?

By the way, I thought the Carrie remake from 2013 was very well done. Usually horror remakes are overly bloody and crazy, but Carrie kept the integrity of the original story in my opinion.

I can vouch for Spiderman 2. That movie is so great. 8/10.

Not enough people read the EU.


Is a B- “so great”?

By the way, I vividly remember seeing that in theatres and not particularly enjoying. Probably because I took a kid to it, but I think he was well-enough behaved, so I assume it was because the movie wasn’t excellent. I should watch it again before judging it too harshly since all I remember about it is a hospital ER staff getting killed brutally by a robot for no reason.

The Person in Question


I prefer the original Spider-Man – atrocious Green Goblin costume and Kirsten Dunst’s bad dye job notwithstanding. Molina’s Doc Ock just doesn’t work for me.


Lord Haseo said:

moviefreakedmind said:

Lord Haseo said:

The Mummy (1999)
Friday The 13th Part 4
Harold and Kumar Go To White Castle
Spiderman 2

Those are your favorite movies?

The thread is not about what movies you deem the best. A lot of those have sentimental value more than anything.

Films are all subjective, so favourite and (your) best are kinda the same.



I have so many. Star Wars and Empire are favorites, but if I never see either again I’d be okay, since I’ve seen them so much when I was a kid (I’d certainly buy the unaltered originals if they were released).

These are in no particular order, and I’m not gonna bother with adding dates since they’re from all over the years of cinema:

Barbarella - my favorite movie of all time, but I consider:
Blade Runner - to be the best sci-fi film, that is until I watched:
Ex Machina - I just fell in love with it.

Silent Running
Death Race 2000
A Boy and His Dog
Star Crash
The Dark Crystal
The Neverending Story
Destination Moon
The Brood
The Fly
The Thing
Forbidden Planet
The Holy Mountain
El Topo
Santa Sangre
The Ice Pirates
Brainstorm (Highly underrated. Check it out.)
The Secret of NIMH
Return to Oz
The Incredible Shrinking Man
On the Silver Globe
Galaxy of Terror
Forbidden World
The Prestige
Children of Men
Battle Royal
The Fall
Robinson Crusoe on Mars
The Black Hole
Time After Time
Ikarie XB-1
Cosmic Journey
Journey to the Far Side of the Sun
Planet of the Vampires

And there are a lot more, but I don’t have access to my movie collection, so I can’t check. Obviously I like a lot of the standards like Terminator, Inception, Gremlins, The Road Warrior, Brazil etc, but I wouldn’t consider them my favorites. If I listed my honorable mentions (Starman, anyone?) I’d be here all day.


imperialscum said:
Films are all subjective, so favourite and (your) best are kinda the same.

Not really. Like I said before I wouldn’t put any of the films that moviefreakedmind on the level of genuine masterpieces in terms of quality.


DuracellEnergizer said:

I prefer the original Spider-Man – atrocious Green Goblin costume and Kirsten Dunst’s bad dye job notwithstanding. Molina’s Doc Ock just doesn’t work for me.

I believe you are in the minority. Al Molina’s Doc Ock beats all the MCU villains (bar Loki) combined.

Not enough people read the EU.


moviefreakedmind said:

Is a B- “so great”?

By the way, I vividly remember seeing that in theatres and not particularly enjoying. Probably because I took a kid to it, but I think he was well-enough behaved, so I assume it was because the movie wasn’t excellent. I should watch it again before judging it too harshly since all I remember about it is a hospital ER staff getting killed brutally by a robot for no reason.

How is 8/10 B-? B- is like, 6/10.

Not enough people read the EU.