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Usenet tutorial? — Page 2

Originally posted by: ReverendBeastly
Looking very very good. It's so immensely helpful to see screenshots to help with the exact motion of things.

Thanks Rev, they say the "a picture is worth a thousands words"
Since I'd sure like to see a bunch of us over at a.b.starwars, I wanted it to be as clear as possible.
No bells-and-whistles, just straight-forward step-by-step instructions on getting on usenet.

The rest of the tutorial should be up as soon as I get a few more hours to work on it.

Wipe them out...all of them.

Really good, really easy to follow. Problem is, my skool is retarded and doesn't have a usenet. They had one a few years ago, but apparently no one used it so they took it down. ROAR. I use the free news.individual.net service to read my normal newsgroups, but they don't offer binary newsgroups, for obvious reasons, I suppose. I'll contact my brother back at home, maybe I can still use our home ISP usenet info for this. Kinda ironic that the person who proposed this to begin with (me) can't really make use of this at the moment, eh?

I used to be very active on this forum. I’m not really anymore. Sometimes, people still want to get in touch with me about something, and that is great! If that describes you, please email me at [my username]ATgmailDOTcom.

Hi everybody. You’re all awesome. Keep up the good work.

Your brother certainly runs an interesting site there Skip...

But does he know you're making a keygen available for download? My suggestion is to remove that part and ask members to PM you if they need help with registering. Don't want to attract unwanted attention.

Otherwise, I think it's good, Usenet is a great resource sadly under-used (as evidenced in Revs post).

you should give


a try
Really? And there was me thinking that was an MP3 group...

Guidelines for post content and general behaviour: read announcement here

Max. allowable image sizes in signatures: reminder here

Originally posted by: Moth3r
But does he know you're making a keygen available for download? My suggestion is to remove that part and ask members to PM you if they need help with registering. Don't want to attract unwanted attention.

Hmmm, I never thought of that. If this blows up in my face it would probably strain our relationship to say the very least I'll come up with something else. Thanks for the tip.

The file is now on a free server. It makes you want a minute before you can download so be patient, but its fast and free. Once again, thanks for the tip Moth3r. It saved me much potential woe.

Wipe them out...all of them.


If your hometown ISP doesn't work out I'll see about coming up with other solutions.

Wipe them out...all of them.

Thanks again for the tip Moth3r...the files are now hosted off-site.

When I ran a search in google for "agent" and "keygen" it came up with so frickin' many Jaurez sites that this simple little site I'm putting up should never hit the radar. And in any case, the filez are now hosted off-site. Let's just say that they were 'found' and I'm merely offering help on how to use them.

Wipe them out...all of them.

Darth Osor, wow great job!

I just went through your tutorial (whats up so far) and its amazing how well you put it together. I actually feel like I sorta understand it! Now I really wish I had highspeed!

Thanks and keep it up!
The original Star Wars trilogy: Our cultural history deserves to be preserved and should be available to the public like all great works of art!
Originally posted by: sweyland
Darth Osor, wow great job!

I just went through your tutorial (whats up so far) and its amazing how well you put it together. I actually feel like I sorta understand it! Now I really wish I had highspeed!

Thanks and keep it up!

Thanks a lot! Reading your post gave me a really good feeling...I think that I'm on the right track...

Now for the bad news, the Wife is all sour at me for being on the computer too much. Tomorrow is her day so I'll be scarce, but the rest of the tutorial will be up soon enough!

May the force be with you.

Wipe them out...all of them.

The only thing I have to add is that this would be specifically for Agent. There's a lot of news clients out there (and Agent is Windows only). Try to write the guide in such a way as to illustrate the process and not just the buttons. Why you're doing what you're doing. Then the knowlege can be carried over into any of a number of other news client apps.

I've been using Hogwasher for OS X since switching a year and a half ago. Any other mac users have any favorite newsgroup apps?
Originally posted by: JB522

And somebody mentioned Grabit. I think I tried it before NewsLeecher, but there was some reason I didn't like it...

Well, it was either another program or an old version of GrabIt. I just installed 1.5.1 Beta, and it looks pretty good. Not quite as polished as NewsLeecher, but it looks pretty solid, and it's free.

Yeah, my hometown ISP won't work here. It must know that I'm trying to login from a different ISP.

I used to be very active on this forum. I’m not really anymore. Sometimes, people still want to get in touch with me about something, and that is great! If that describes you, please email me at [my username]ATgmailDOTcom.

Hi everybody. You’re all awesome. Keep up the good work.

Originally posted by: Dr_Gonzo
I've been using Hogwasher for OS X since switching a year and a half ago. Any other mac users have any favorite newsgroup apps?

I use Unison from Panic (shareware). Really easy to use, shows you the files available to download on a list separate from the messages, and includes a download manager.

And to perform verification, recovery and automatic unrar of the downloaded files, MacPAR deLuxe do the trick.

Just a quick note...I will be getting back to the tutorial soon. I've just had some other stuff come up...It will be finished. Thanks gang.

Wipe them out...all of them.

When you come to writing the section on posting, I suggest that you mention that yEnc can reduce post sizes by up to 30%, saving server bandwidth and increasing speed for both the poster and downloaders.

snoow, are you reading?

Guidelines for post content and general behaviour: read announcement here

Max. allowable image sizes in signatures: reminder here

Originally posted by: Z6PO

I use Unison from Panic (shareware). Really easy to use, shows you the files available to download on a list separate from the messages, and includes a download manager.

And to perform verification, recovery and automatic unrar of the downloaded files, MacPAR deLuxe do the trick.

Damn - that's a nice looking client, geared towards binaries. Should have known it would be from Panic - Ive used Transmit and it's a pretty decent FTP client (but I end up command-lining it all the time now ... ). And MacParDeluxe - it's for sure my un-par/rar util of choice.
Originally posted by: Dr_Gonzo

I've been using Hogwasher for OS X since switching a year and a half ago. Any other mac users have any favorite newsgroup apps?

Pan is very good cross platform (and most importantly free) newsreader. I only use it under Windows and Linux, but there is also a MacOS X version.


Gotta love X Window and BSD/POSIX cross-compatibility.


"Right now the coffees are doing their final work." (Airi, Masked Rider Den-o episode 1)

Originally posted by: atodorovic
/cry I want a mac

That is wise.

Neil - proud Mac user

Well at least the reversed surround channels have been addressed.

Originally posted by: atodorovic
/cry I want a mac

The Mac's price of admission is now under $500 new. There's never been a better time to buy.

I popped the $ for Panic's Unison reader. It's a nice cocoa app and takes a neat, new spin on the old news reader. One thing I found especially neat is that it offers four different "filtered" views - normal messages, files (of which it combines all the message parts/threads into one "file"), pictures and music. Very helpful for quickly checking for something new on the binaries groups. A very nice piece of software from the makers of Audion. Thanks for the heads-up, Z6PO.
Stuff I'm posting on alt.binaries.starwars

(p.s. I'll work more on the usenet tutorial this week, the real world has kept me busy)


Hey gang,

As promised here comes a whole bunch of Star Wars DVDs.

Here's what's coming (in the order that I'll be posting):

- The Row47 Trilogy
3 DVDR's total
This is the original trilogy (non-special edition). It's the TR47 set
remastered by the orginal creator.

- The Star Wars Holiday Special
The Angrysun "Unauthorized Collection"
This is the version of the Holiday Special that you all heard about.
Highest-quality transfer from 1st generation broadcast tape.
You won't find a better copy anywhere.

- The Forgotten Scenes
Ark Impressions Release/ Angrysun Remix
Fan created Slideshow/Video Clips of cut and unused takes .
Includes the workprint of the alternate "Jedi" ending.
(this is in PAL format)

All posts will include 10% par2 files.
I'll be busy posting this stuff so help each other out with reposts.

None of this is available anywhere else.
These are by fans for fans...NOT FOR PROFIT!
If this stuff shows up on ebay I'll be pissed.


Wipe them out...all of them.

If the promise of those DVD's does not get people scrambling for Usenet access, nothing will.

Those last two sound fantastic. I can't wait to see them..........................

4 - 5 - 3 - 1 - 6 - 2


You'll love the forgotten scenes. It's incredibly interesting.

I'll be working more on the tutorial later tonight.

Wipe them out...all of them.

Here's a much more in-depth tutorial...

Slyck's Guide To The Newsgroups

Geez...this one just blows mine away. It has EVERYTHING that I was going to put into mine and so much more. It even has a better version of the step-by-step how-to for agent along with a buttload of other newsreaders.

Check it out, and let me know if I should even bother to continue on mine.

Wipe them out...all of them.