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Star Wars Custom Blu Ray Saga Set (a WIP) — Page 9


Darth Lucas said:

Alrighty guys, here are a few select shots from the Mos Eisley entrance sequence. I tried to choose the shots that are the most difficult shots and that show the color grading best.


Not to be too harsh, but some of the shots look unsaturated and devoid of color. I think some of the shots need more emphasis on the blues.



Pretty good. I’m especially impressed with number 3, it’s not an easy shot to color correct. How does it look for the first half before the grey guy wipe begins (i.e., the 35mm footage). I could never match both before the grey guy and after the way I wanted at the same time. Ideally, I’d have to make a matte trace behind him.

I think #5 needs a little work. I think you’ve made good friends with the desaturation tool, but it might go too far in that case.


In case you want to look at them, here are my own hand adjusted shots for the version I’m working on (well, done with essentially):


Many other shots were upgraded by Harmy himself for his 1997 release. As you know, he did not change his goal in replicating the IB Tech print for both 2.5 and 97SE. However, he did refine his technique and the levels are often better. Some of these will be extremely modest changes, others are larger:



I did have to bring down the saturation of the yellows in certain shots to get it looking more even with the color but since there was so much yellow it makes the whole shot look a bit desaturated. On my final pass of the film’s color correction I’ll boost the saturation a bit to match the surrounding footage a bit better.

Typically, I like to stay away from using the saturation controls for this very reason, but in this sequence, in order to get the colors anywhere resembling even and natural, it was a necessary evil.


Here’s a quick little experiment, based on a frame Mike Verta posted on his site.


Darth Lucas:



That looks awesome DrDre! The only issue I see is the black levels are a little off and have gone into a slightly too bright blue. That’s not according to any reference though, just my own eyes. The landspeeder in particular looks fantastic though. Your tool continues to amaze me.


Darth Lucas said:

That looks awesome DrDre! The only issue I see is the black levels are a little off and have gone into a slightly too bright blue. That’s not according to any reference though, just my own eyes. The landspeeder in particular looks fantastic though. Your tool continues to amaze me.

Thanks! It is based on this frame, posted by Mike Verta:


I’m wondering how the special features will be handled for this set. I’m mainly interested in getting all of the features and docs put together in 1 or 2 discs. I suppose I would even be ok with them being separated per movie if need be. All of this work sounds great though!


Here’s an improved attempt at regrading the frame, based on the Mike Verta reference:


I spent probably a full day trying to correct this shot for my project, but the blu-ray’s gradients are too degraded for anything more than an approximation regarding color. In particular, the yellow droid’s gradients are crushed in the source to those of C-3PO and the surrounding buildings.

You probably don’t recognize me because of the red arm.
Episode 9 Rewrite, The Starlight Project (Released!) and ANH Technicolor Project (Released!)


NeverarGreat said:

I spent probably a full day trying to correct this shot for my project, but the blu-ray’s gradients are too degraded for anything more than an approximation regarding color. In particular, the yellow droid’s gradients are crushed in the source to those of C-3PO and the surrounding buildings.

Here’s the above grading (with a slight adjustment) applied to the bluray, using the color correction tool.


Bluray regraded:

Here is the screenshot comparison:



Not bad, Dre.

One tricky part about this shot, if coloring Harmy’s version, the source (and to some degree the color) switches halfway through the shot. I imagine this will complicate the use of your tool?


towne32 said:

Not bad, Dre.

One tricky part about this shot, if coloring Harmy’s version, the source (and to some degree the color) switches halfway through the shot. I imagine this will complicate the use of your tool?

Then you have no other choice then to use multiple frames for reference in a shot.


DrDre said:

towne32 said:

Not bad, Dre.

One tricky part about this shot, if coloring Harmy’s version, the source (and to some degree the color) switches halfway through the shot. I imagine this will complicate the use of your tool?

Then you have no other choice then to use multiple frames for reference in a shot.

Well, his switches with a wipe following the grey guy. So, the ideal correction would be two corrections that follows his matte/wipe. Or, a more sane approach would be to just find some settings that look reasonable enough on both ends. 😃


Mjvmovieman said:

I’m wondering how the special features will be handled for this set. I’m mainly interested in getting all of the features and docs put together in 1 or 2 discs. I suppose I would even be ok with them being separated per movie if need be. All of this work sounds great though!

The special features will be separated per movie. I am hoping to get them all on one disc, but if there ends up being too much to fit then I’ll split it across two discs.


I have adjusted the color of my shot using DrDre’s frame as reference.



But of course now I personally feel it’s back to being too yellow, so I’ll probably dial that back a bit for the final.


Darth Lucas said:

But of course now I personally feel it’s back to being too yellow, so I’ll probably dial that back a bit for the final.

I don’t think that’s necessary. That one looks great.

Can you show how the start of the shot looks with that setting?


This is obviously still a work-in-progress and there are some little issues I’m still needing to fix, but it’s far enough along now that I feel comfortable sharing some screenshots. Of course huge thanks goes to Harmy for supplying me with the crawl portion of this.



Looks good! Although the starfield is bleeding out a bit at the top of the screen.

Ol’ George has the GOUT, I see.


Yeah I know I threw some black bars for framing on just for the sake of showing you guys and misaligned it a little bit.